"This middle-aged couple is an important guest. You can show me which room they live in. Remember to treat me well and don't have the problem of neglecting others!"

Wang Wei continued to command on the phone: "I can warn you, if they are not served so that they are dissatisfied or have any comments, I will not let you go."

"Okay, Mr. Wang, I know. Don't worry about that. Since it's an important guest, I will definitely treat it with my heart, and there must be no trouble." The hotel manager agreed with a tap of his chest.

He feels nothing to worry about for this person, because he has been working in the hotel for a long time, and his philosophy has always been to serve the distinguished guests, so Mr. Sun just now is a VIP guest, and the manager does not mention him with respect. You can even make a room for him.

But when I thought that Wang Wei had called in person, it was something he had never done before, indicating that the guests must be important, so the manager didn't dare to underestimate him, so he hurried to the front desk to check the housing records.

"Please check for me, which room has a registered host whose name is Liu Fang. It should be a middle-aged person in his forties or fifty." The manager said to the front desk.

The front desk did some operations on the computer, but checked today’s check-in record, but didn’t have a clue. So he said, "Manager, are you sure that the name is correct? Among the guests staying today, there is no call Liu Fang’s."

"No? Impossible..."

The manager is a little bit painful. What Wang Wei said to him just now, he heard clearly, and even deliberately asked how the word "Liu Fang" was written, and he would definitely not be wrong.

At this time, the front desk seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and suddenly said, "Manager, I remember, the woman who was kicked out by us just now seems to be called Liu Fang!"


As soon as the manager heard this, the expression on the whole person's face was stunned. For a moment, he was full of stunned expressions, but after thinking about it, the two people just now seemed to meet the standards mentioned by Wang Wei.

The name is Liu Fang, and then they are the middle-aged couple. Is it possible...


As soon as I thought of this manager, sweat began to swell behind his entire body, but then he immediately denied it in his heart. Those two were obviously from the countryside. How could they know a big man like their boss Wang Wei?

With a feeling of disbelief, the manager said, "Hurry up and check the credentials of the two people just now. Are you named Liu Fang?"

Just now Liu Fang and Xia Qingchan’s father registered here. Although they have already checked out, they are all recorded in the computer. Needless to say, the front desk has already started inquiring.

"Manager, that middle-aged woman is called Liu Fang!" The front desk said to the manager with certainty at this time.

The manager finally looked a little panicked. He stared at the computer screen and found that the name displayed on it was consistent with the photo. Then the manager's face suddenly turned pale.

Only then did he realize that he seemed to have committed a serious matter. If the middle-aged couple just now were really Wang Wei’s friends, and he just drove out the boss’s friend by very violent means, this...

When I thought of this, the manager felt a little soft in his legs.

"It's over, it's over——————"

The manager kept muttering to himself, and then finally reacted, and quickly ordered: "Go, hurry up and send the security guard to find me the couple just now, hurry up!"

Now there is still a chance to make up for the prison. If this matter is really brought to Wang Wei, then he, the manager, will not say it at the end, it is probably in bad luck!

All of a sudden, the manager personally dispatched, led the security guards in the hotel, rushed out, and hurried to find Liu Fang and Xia Qingchan's father.

However, Xia Qingchan's father happened to take Liu Fang to a 24-hour fast food restaurant to sit. Two people can't always stand outside the hotel, so they want to find someone, the probability is very low.

"My wife, are you okay with your lap? I said, let's go to the hospital and have a look, don't have any trouble." Xia Qingchan's father said with some worry.

Liu Fang said, "It just scratched the skin. How can it be so delicate. It won't be fine for a while. Give me the phone quickly. I have to call Su Ming. The group just dared to beat me! "

"I guess Su Ming and Qingchan are asleep at this time, so why are they calling to trouble them?" Xia Qingchan's father said.

Who knew, but Liu Fang glared his eyes. Liu Fang said, "Do you think I don’t know the trouble? But if we don’t call, can we sit here all night, and those people are so arrogant. The bad breath must come out."

Liu Fang's character is the kind of character that cannot be bullied~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Not only was he kicked out, but also beaten. It would be strange if Liu Fang could swallow this breath.

Directly connected to Su Ming's phone, Liu Fang said, "Su Ming, have you slept yet? Auntie told you something, you just walked away for a while!"

"What? You and your uncle were driven out of the hotel?" Su Ming was very puzzled when he heard these words. Even the first reaction was not to believe it. Can a five-star hotel do such a thing?

Liu Fang continued: "Yes, the manager's attitude is bad. He said that this room was booked before, so he asked the security to force us out."

"Your uncle and I don't know the way, nor where to go!" Liu Fang said.

"Auntie, wait a while with uncle, I'll be here right away, don't run around for now!" Su Ming's heart was filled with an unknown fire at this time.

Su Ming just finished the bath at this time, immediately changed his clothes and went out again, but before going out, Su Ming called Wang Wei back.

"Didn't I just called you? But the people in your hotel drove my uncle and aunt out just now, what's the matter?" Su Ming asked.


When Wang Wei heard this, he was stunned, and said, "Shao Shao, what's going on, I don't know."

"Then you go and ask the people in your own hotel." After speaking, Su Ming hung up the phone because he was about to drive.

Wang Wei was stunned. At this time, he was a little scared, because he heard some dissatisfaction in Su Ming's tone, and it seemed that Su Ming was a little angry.

The thought of someone in his hotel dared to die, Wang Wei was furious. If Su Ming was really offended, Wang Wei would have to kill the person who caused the trouble.

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