League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 826: Show me your company

In the next morning, according to the original plan, Su Ming went to the "Jingyue Holiday Hotel" early in the morning to pick up Liu Fang from Xia's father, and then continued to play in Ningcheng.

Ningcheng is already one of the top cities in China. There are too many things to play here, far from being able to play all in one day.

But when eating at noon, Liu Fang said, "By the way, Qingchan, your uncle and aunt have also arrived in Ningcheng, so let's just invite them to dinner."

"Why are they both coming to Ningcheng?"

Xia Qingchan couldn't help but get a headache after hearing this. He didn't understand why two more people ran over. It wasn't that Xia Qingchan was unkind to her relatives. Mainly her parents were already a headache here. Come on.

Liu Fang suddenly said: "You **** girl, what kind of expression is this? Your uncle and the others happened to come to Ningcheng to buy things today. I heard that they are here, so just invite them to have a meal. I can see your uncle once during the Chinese New Year."

"If this is the case, then invite them to have a meal, Qingchan, look at where we eat at noon, I will wait for them to pick them up." Su Ming said from the side, and Xia Qingchan didn't say anything.

However, Xia Qingchan didn't have any joyful expression on his face, because Su Ming always felt that his mother and the elder aunt were together, and it seemed that nothing good would happen.

Before 12 o’clock at noon, Su Ming took Xia Qingchan’s uncle and aunt to Xia Qingchan’s pre-booked hotel. This hotel is a cheap hotel in the city center. It costs a few hundred yuan for a meal. , Suitable for ordinary people to come to consume.

After sitting down at a table, Xia Qingchan's elder uncle and elder aunt were first curious about the origin of Huahua, and after understanding it, almost all their eyes were focused on Su Ming.

After all, when Su Ming went to pick them up, he drove a luxury car. Although they came from the countryside, the luxury car can still be recognized. I heard that Qingchan had found a rich man before. I saw it today. It's true.

Young and handsome, the key is to have money. Now such a boyfriend is too hard to find, almost impossible to find with a lantern.

I only heard Xia Qingchan’s uncle Liu Mingshan say: "Liu Fang, this person your Qingchan is looking for is really good, handsome and rich, in TV terms, this is a golden turtle."

Although this adjective was not very appropriate, it was obvious that the uncle was not deliberately mocking Su Ming, so everyone laughed.

And Xia Qingchan's big aunt, looking at Su Ming's eyes, there was a little jealousy. Of course, she was not jealous of Xia Qingchan, mainly because Liu Fang could find such a good son-in-law.

Women in the countryside actually have a very strong feature, that is, their minds of contrast are too strong, even if they are relatives, although this aunt and Liu Fang usually seem to be very friendly.

But when I see something good in the other party's family, I will inevitably feel a little sour.

So the eldest aunt said: "Liu Fang, you are really fine with this. Su Ming is afraid that he is a rich second-generation son-in-law. If you find a rich second-generation son-in-law, you will no longer have to worry for the rest of your life."

Although this sentence sounds like a compliment, Liu Fang feels uncomfortable in his ears. The reason is simple. The term "rich second generation" does not seem to be a compliment when it comes to rural people.

"Qingchan's eldest aunt, you are wrong about that."

Just listen to Liu Fang smiled at this time, and then said: "Our Su Ming is not a rich second-generation family. He started his own business. Now that he has his own company in Ningcheng, it can be considered a career."

"Oh, I started my own company at a young age. That's really amazing." When Liu Mingshan heard this, he immediately gave Su Ming a thumbs up. After all, Su Ming can start a profitable company at his age. It's a very powerful thing.

However, the eldest aunt didn't quite believe it. Although she didn't say it, she could tell from her eyes how difficult it is to start a business this year. It is well known, but it was not the era when she had the courage to start from scratch a few decades ago.

It is an incredible thing for an ordinary young man to succeed in his own business at this age, and he naturally doesn't believe it.

"Really, Su Ming, what company do you open and how big is it?" Xia Qingchan's aunt asked with interest.

Su Ming also didn’t want to pretend to be too forceful. He said that he was all relatives, so he must be low-key. To pretend to force others to have a bad impression of you would definitely be bad. So Su Ming said: “It’s not a big scale, in fact it’s just a small company~www .wuxiaspot.com~It's a small mess, barely making some money."

"Su Ming, you should be modest. Hearing what Chan's mother said, you are still pretty good, and the company should not be small!" The aunt continued.

Liu Fang was unhappy when he heard this, and said with a smile: "How can a company that can be opened in Ningcheng be small? Don't make it like this. If you don't believe it, it will take a while. Su Ming will take you to see."

When Xia Qingchan heard this, he was anxious, saying that Su Ming had deceived Liu Fang when he started a company. Su Ming is still a senior high school student in Ningcheng Middle School. Where does the company come from?

So Xia Qingchan was very worried that Liu Fang would have to look at the company, and Su Ming would be exposed at that time, so Xia Qingchan quickly said: "Mom, Su Ming won't go to the company this weekend. Why are you tossing him."

"Yeah, isn't it enough for you to toss Su Ming in the past two days? You have to go to see some company after eating. I think you are free to do it." Father Xia also said unwillingly. Said Liu Fang.

Who knows the reaction of the two people, seeing it in the eyes of the big aunt, suddenly became interesting, and I thought that seeing Xia Qingchan in such anxiousness, could it be possible that all this was a lie?

The more I think about it, the more I think it’s possible. If that’s the case, it would be very interesting to expose Su Ming all at once. So my aunt said: "To be honest, I still want to see Su Ming's company. When I return to our village, I can brag about it."

"Su Ming, can you take your big aunt to see what your company is like?" The big aunt looked at Su Ming and said.

Xia Qingchan's aunt, like most rural women, is a bit clever. Saying this to Su Ming deliberately is equivalent to throwing the problem to Su Ming directly. I believe Su Ming must be embarrassed to refuse directly.

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