League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 842: Are you sure you are kidding me

Su Ming directly revealed that he was the owner of the restaurant in the "farmhouse", not specifically to pretend to be an uncle. At this time, it was no fun to pretend to be an uncle.

It’s just that Su Ming realized that it was possible that the uncle’s funds were indeed trapped by his factory, and it was estimated that tens of thousands of dollars at a time felt very distressed, so Su Ming took the initiative to carry the bill, for Su Ming No matter what it is, it doesn't matter if you don't give money.

On the contrary, it frightened Su Ming's uncle Su Qihai. This is currently the top restaurant in Ningcheng City. Su Qihai has only visited once before. Who knows that this is Su Ming's restaurant.

Su Ming didn't deny it either, and said directly: "Yes, but it's not mine. It's a partnership with a friend. You don't have to pay for this meal."

"How can it be done? I've agreed that I invited you to dinner. No, I'll pay for it." The uncle felt a little bit on the face for a while. After all, he said he was going to treat him, so he directly took his bank card. I took it out and asked the waiter to take the POS machine and swipe the card.

Su Ming pushed Su Qihai's card back, and then said, "Uncle, don't be so polite. When the matter in your factory is resolved, you can invite me to dinner later."

Su Qihai didn't insist anymore, but how could he fail to see that Su Ming was deliberately considering this for him. Su Qihai couldn't help but thank Su Ming even more in his heart.


Early the next morning, Su Ming didn’t go to school, so he directly asked Xia Qingchan for a leave, and then went to the uncle’s factory in the development zone. Su Qihai knew that Su Ming was coming over today and was already waiting at the entrance of the development zone. Su Ming.

"Uncle, why is there no one in your factory?"

Under the leadership of Su Qihai, Su Ming came to the outside of his factory. This is an electronic product processing factory. The scale is quite large. It specializes in contracting some electronic product processing business. If it is really big, the profit will be very substantial. Yes, and the market prospects are also very broad.

It's a pity that Su Qi's shipping is relatively unreliable. It is clear that a factory that can make money no matter how you look at it, but in his hands, he has suffered two or three days of accidents. Since opening, he has almost lost millions.

Su Qihai said: "Recently, things have been going on in the factory, and rumors have flew, making everyone panic. I simply stopped work for a few days."

Su Ming nodded. Stopping work is a good way. Instead of losing money, it's better to stop temporarily. This is also conducive to Su Ming's observation.

"Su Ming, I'll take you in and take a look." Su Qihai said. He thought Su Ming was really here to inspect his factory, so he could talk to Li Ziyao later.

But Su Ming said, "Uncle, don't worry, I'll take a look outside!"

In fact, Su Ming just wanted to observe the Feng Shui situation of this factory to see if it was really a problem with Feng Shui. At this time, Su Ming had already started the big trick of upgraded cards.

"Why is the wind so strong here?" Su Ming asked in confusion.

Before he stood for a while, Su Ming felt the whistling wind, and now it was almost winter, the whistling wind blew on his face like a knife.

Su Qihai was obviously not surprised by this phenomenon, and said directly: "Have you not seen a mountain not far away? It is probably because it is a little closer to the air outlet of the mountain that it looks like this."

Su Ming stopped talking at this time. If you observe carefully, you can notice that Su Ming's expression is a bit solemn at this time, because Su Ming suddenly noticed that this wind is not simple.

The wind is too strong and the topography of this industrial area is somewhat inconsistent. Su Qihai said that the wind was blowing from the mountain side. In fact, this statement is not accurate.

Su Ming just picked up a withered yellow leaf not far away and dropped it from the palm of his hand. This is the easiest way to measure the direction of the wind, but the leaf’s reaction is very strange. It stayed in the air for a while. As if not knowing which way to fall.

"This...what's going on?"

It was the first time that Su Qihai saw this scene, and for a while, he was a little surprised, his eyes widened and he spoke in disbelief.

Su Ming said directly: "Do you know why this is? It's very simple. In fact, this wind is not blowing from the mountain pass as you think, but from all directions."


Su Qihai was stunned for a while, feeling like he was listening to a fantasy story. The wind only blows in one direction, and there is wind blowing in all directions? It seems that there is no such phenomenon in nature.


Su Ming sighed involuntarily~www.wuxiaspot.com~ started the upgraded card trick. Su Ming has already seen what happened. Uncle’s factory has a big problem with the terrain, so use Feng Shui. As far as the industry is concerned, this is a "dramatic situation".

This thing can be considered to be formed naturally. Obviously, the development zone has only been developed here, and this kind of "wind evil situation" has been formed unconsciously.

In the "Sound of Wind", there is wind in all directions, and the suffocating energy brought by this wind will gather in the middle position, which happens to be the location of Uncle Su Ming's factory.

In Su Ming's eyes, he could see that the surrounding area of ​​the uncle’s factory was actually enveloped in a layer of black gas.

This is an evil thing. If ordinary people get a little bit of it, unlucky things will happen. This factory has already gathered a lot, and the loss is a trivial matter. If this goes on, it will be fatal sooner or later. thing.

Fortunately, Su Qihai called Su Ming over in time, and the consequences would be disastrous if he held on again.

Su Qihai didn't understand what was going on, and was shocked by Su Ming's abrupt performance, so he said uncertainly: "Su Ming, what are you sighing?"

The current Su Qihai was nervous because of the factory's affairs. Su Ming sighed, and Su Qihai's heart immediately tightened, thinking that something big had happened.

Su Ming said directly: "Uncle, let me tell you the truth, the reason why your factory has been having troubles and losing money is actually a problem with Feng Shui."

"What, there is a problem with Feng Shui?"

Su Qihai stared at Su Ming again with wide eyes. It was obvious that Su Qihai didn't believe it at all.

Looking at the look in Su Qihai's eyes, he seemed to say to Su Ming: Are you sure you are not kidding me?

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