League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 844: You have a **** disaster

Shi Dakai was also in a bad mood because of the things in this factory. No one made investment for a return. As a result, after the factory opened, Shi Dakai lost money all day, embarrassing Shi Dakai was very depressed.

If he can't find a good solution, he will probably divest and ignore the factory. Instead of sinking deeper and deeper like a quagmire, he should stop the loss quickly.

Su Qihai naturally knows Shi Dakai’s intentions. This is not the first time he has asked like this during this period of time. So Su Qihai hurriedly said: "President Shi, I am already asking someone to solve it. It should be fine in a few days. ."

In fact, Su Qihai had no certainty about what Su Ming and others wanted to do in his heart, but Su Qihai could only say that.

Just when Shi Da opened his hand to ask Su Qihai how to solve it, Su Qihai's subordinate came over. It was the person who had just gone out to buy things. He was very fast, and he came over with a small black plastic bag and said: "President Su, I bought everything for you."

"Su Ming, take a look..."

Su Qihai motioned to his subordinates to pass this thing to Su Ming, and Su Ming took it over and took a look. It was basically complete.

Su Ming slowly took out the contents of the black plastic bag. In fact, there was nothing in it. Except for an iron wind chime, there were also a pile of yellow talisman paper, wolf pen and red cinnabar.

Basically, people with a little bit of common sense can react immediately after seeing this thing. This is for the preparation of a symbol, which is performed in those zombie movies.

"Uncle, find a table for me!"

As soon as Su Ming finished speaking, Su Qihai immediately found someone to handle it. In less than a minute, he took a small portable table out of the factory office.

Immediately, Su Ming did not hesitate, and quickly opened the cinnabar, and at the same time spread the talisman paper, ready to start drawing the talisman.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Su Ming who was drawing a symbol, Shi Dakai, who didn't understand the situation, was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to say angrily: "What kind of mess is this."

Shi Dakai is a big man. Su Qihai didn't dare to offend him, so he immediately explained: "This is Mr. Shi. I have found someone to see it. In fact, our factory has a problem with Feng Shui, so I deliberately asked someone to solve it. "

"Feng Shui went wrong? Humph!"

Shi Dakai gave a cold snort, and then said coldly: "It's ridiculous, who told you that there was a problem with Feng Shui, do you believe this kind of deceit?"

Hong Kong Island is closer to Southeast Asia. In fact, Feng Shui is still more popular on Hong Kong Island. Many rich people believe that this thing is more popular than on the mainland.

However, Shi Dakai is a strange work. Unlike other rich men, he just doesn’t believe in Feng Shui. He feels that these things are all imaginary. If Feng Shui is really so magical, wouldn't those Feng Shui masters have to be awesome? Still use it to show others Feng Shui to make money?

So when Shi Dakai heard that Su Qihai had invited people to come to see Feng Shui, it meant that he hadn’t seriously thought about where the factory’s problems were. So Shi Dakai was a little angry and immediately said: “Hurry up and let him give me Fuck off!"


The thing about drawing amulet is still a matter of concentration. This is a very energy-consuming thing. As a result, Shi Dakai has been noisy next to Su Ming. Su Ming can't calm his mind. In an irritable state of mind, Su Ming, the first time drawing amulet, naturally It failed.

So Su Ming directly twisted the piece of yellow talisman paper into a ball, threw it on the ground, and said coldly: "What's the matter, when I finish drawing the talisman, come over and tell me, now you have to shut me up first ."

"If you dare to make noise here, I don't care if you are a rich Hong Kong islander or not, I don't know the mother who beat you directly." Su Ming, who was a little annoyed, cursed directly.

As a result, these words matched Su Ming’s cold eyes, and Shi Da was stunned for a while, and he even had a cold feeling in his heart. There was no doubt that Su Ming would beat him directly. .

So Shi Dakai was frightened by Su Ming, and he really didn't dare to speak for a while, and stood there for a while not knowing what to do.

And Su Ming can finally gather attention now, the second talisman did not fail, and this immediately succeeded.

Su Qihai took a look at this time and found that the yellow talisman paper was crooked and crooked with several red characters. After all, he couldn't understand what was painted on it, otherwise there would be no such thing as a "ghost picture symbol".

This crooked character looked like a word written by a doctor on a medical record, and it would be abnormal if it could be recognized.


After Su Ming put down the wolf pen in his hand ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he involuntarily took a deep breath. Just a talisman made Su Ming tired. This thing consumes too much mental power.

At this time, Su Ming's hand movement still didn't stop, and he directly stuck the yellow talisman paper on the silver wind chime, which is also magical. The yellow talisman paper obviously did not use glue, but it was stuck directly. Above, it seems very solid.

Su Ming hung this string of wind chimes directly at the door of the factory. After the wind chimes were blown by the wind, they immediately made a clear and sweet sound, like a symphony.

"Uncle, let this wind chime hang on it all the time, it will be fine." Su Ming said a little tiredly.

Su Qihai was stunned again, and then said, "It's just... that simple?"


Su Ming nodded. That talisman contained a powerful aura. Through the sound of wind chimes, it would unconsciously dissipate the evil spirit in the wind, thus changing the Feng Shui pattern of this place.

But ordinary people simply couldn't understand these things, and Su Ming didn't explain it to Su Qihai. He just had to wait a few days to see the effect.

Shi Dakai, who was on the side, had already recovered from the state of being frightened by Su Ming just now, and suddenly felt a bit embarrassing. How could he be frightened by this kid.

Shi Dakai's face was full of sarcasm, and he opened his mouth and said, "You are ashamed to pretend to be a Feng Shui master and come out to lie?"

"I'm telling you, on Hong Kong Island, the Feng Shui master I've seen doesn't know how much better than you, it's really a pediatrician!" Shi Dakai continued.

Su Ming was not angry either. After seeing Shi Da opened his eyes, Su Ming looked a little serious, and then said to him: "I remind you, be careful recently, you have a **** disaster."

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