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Su Qihai originally thought that Shi Dakai was coming over again and put pressure on it, and even proposed to withdraw its capital. Who knew Shi Dakai's intention was completely different from what Su Qihai thought.

After a short period of surprise, Su Qihai immediately reacted and asked: "President Shi, you... why are you looking for my nephew?"

I can hear that Su Qihai is full of some precautions in his speech, because Su Qihai's first instinct feels that this guy is a bad person. Last time, he dismissed Su Ming so much. This time maybe he came to Su Ming for trouble. .

The current Su Qihai's attitude towards Su Ming is completely different. It is impossible to sell Su Ming on his own initiative.

"Brother Qihai, don't think too much about it. This time, the nephew I was looking for is really something."

Shi Dakai said directly: "I have been unlucky recently, and I was really hit by your nephew, so I want to ask him personally what went wrong."

If you listen carefully, you can tell. When Shi Dakai called Su Qihai this time, he didn't call him "Boss Su" anymore, but directly called him "Brother Qihai".

This title is undoubtedly more polite, and it is obvious that it is close to Su Qihai!

Su Qihai didn't notice this detail at all. On the contrary, after listening to Shi Dakai's words, he felt very surprised and almost subconsciously said: "Ms. Shi, don't you never believe in these things?"

Last time at the factory, Shi Dakai said something to Su Ming. Su Qihai remembered it clearly, and even asked Su Qihai to rush Su Ming away.

As a result, he actually came to see Su Ming on his own initiative because of Feng Shui. This sounds a bit unscientific.

Speaking of the expression on Shi Dakai’s face, he was immediately embarrassed. He took the initiative to see Su Ming today. It was indeed a slapstick thing, but at this time there is no way. It can be said that Su Ming is Shi Dakai Hope to solve the problem.

As Shi Dakai, how could Su Qihai refuse him, so Su Qihai said: "Okay, then Mr. Shi, wait a while, I'll call to help you ask when he is free."

"Hey, Su Ming, I'm the uncle, are you free today?"

"What's wrong, uncle."

Su Ming on the other end of the phone was a little surprised, and then he said, "Is there something wrong with the factory? Shouldn't it..."

"It's not the factory's problem, it's the Hong Kong Island rich man last time. He came to me and said he wanted to see you in person and ask when you have time to come over." Su Qihai said.

"Oh? That guy."

It's only a few days. Su Ming can't forget Shi Dakai's. At this time, Su Ming's mouth has a smile unconsciously. Although he hasn't asked yet, he has already guessed why Shi Dakai took the initiative. I was looking for him, and he must have been hit by him that day.

Seeing that Su Ming said one sentence, there was nothing to follow. Su Qihai deliberately lowered his voice, and said to Su Ming in a negotiated tone: "Su Ming, if you have time, you'd better give your uncle a face. You know me. Now it depends on his face, if you don’t come, it’s a bit difficult on my side."

Su Qing didn't really want to take care of that Shi Dakai. He had already given him a chance last time, but the guy looked really awesome and didn't believe it at all. Su Ming didn't want to be a bird of this kind of person.

However, Su Ming also considered his uncle's situation in this matter. It is generally the most difficult to be a man in the middle, and Su Ming did not intend to embarrass his uncle.

So Su Ming said: "If you want to see me, let him lower his posture. Let him wait for me at the school gate after school today. It's out of date!"

Su Ming had already made concessions in this matter and planned to give him another chance. However, Su Ming was not that cheap. He was scolded last time. This time he ran over as soon as he shouted.

Su Qihai also knew Su Ming’s temper. As soon as he heard this, he knew that Su Ming could not be forced, so he hung up the phone, and Su Qihai said to Shi Dakai: "President Shi, I have tried my best, but he does not want to see him. If you really want to see him, you may have to take the initiative to find him."

Shi Dakai didn't expect that kid would dare to put on airs with himself, but Shi Dakai couldn't help it after thinking about it. After all, he was asking for help, so he forcibly held back, nodded and said, "Okay, you take me. Go and see him."


When school was over in the afternoon, Su Qihai took Shi Dakai early and waited for Su Ming outside the school. If someone else knew, a rich man on Hong Kong Island would dryly wait for a student at the school gate. Can be frightened.

"Su Ming, here--" Su Qihai immediately waved his hand after seeing Su Ming.

Su Ming came over with his schoolbag on his back, glanced at the Shi Dakai, and then said coldly, "Are there many things that go wrong recently?"

To be honest, this attitude of Su Ming made Shi Dakai quite unhappy. No one had ever dared to treat him with such an attitude when he knew his identity.

However, under such circumstances, Shi Dakai still had to endure it forcibly, so Shi Dakai nodded, admitting that Su Ming was right.

Su Ming calmly activated the card's ultimate move, and observed the face of Shi Dakai again, and found that the situation of this product was more serious, and the blackening of the brows was even more serious. This is the concentration of evil spirits.

So Su Ming said indifferently: "If you continue with the current situation, in another one or two weeks, it is estimated that your family's lives will be in danger, and it's just a little trouble.


When I heard this, Shi Dakai was finally Especially when he heard that his life was in danger, he immediately gasped in fright. If there is an accident in the family, it is absolutely impossible.

Now Shi Dakai finally lost all of his arrogance, and immediately said, "Master, please help me and tell me what the reason is."

"I don't know why you are." Su Ming was very upright and said directly, at the same time his tone was still so cold.

Because Su Ming really didn't know, he could only see that there was a problem with his face, and how could he count the specific reasons, otherwise it would not be a fortune telling.


Shi Dakai was embarrassed, as if being molested by Su Ming.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for triggering a random task..."

At this moment, the crisp system prompt sounded.

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