League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 853: Are you worthy of drinking with me?

"Sorry, then I'll go out first, and just call me if you have anything."

Su Ming also had to give Luo Xiaoxiao a face. After all, these people are here to investigate. If the hospitality is not good, it is Luo Xiaoxiao’s responsibility. Su Ming was too lazy to say anything to this group of people and stood up. Ready to go out.

But at this time, Luo Xiaoxiao next to him spoke, and said directly: "It's okay, Su Ming, sit down and eat. Anyway, this guy is enough to sit."

There are only a dozen people in the box. A large round table with so many people is more than enough, and Su Ming is no big deal.

But Wang Yuanzhe didn't think so. He wanted to be next to Luo Xiaoxiao. He always felt that Su Ming was a bit obstructive here, so Wang Yuanzhe continued: "Director Luo, you are wrong."

"The most important thing in our system is the question of level. Your subordinates are not level enough. Letting him sit here to eat with us will only increase his pressure."

Wang Yuanzhe’s words were nice, what was afraid of Su Ming’s too much pressure? In fact, he was secretly saying that Su Ming’s level was not enough. Maybe he didn’t even think that Su Ming was actually doing coolies when Luo Xiaoxiao came here. He was not from the police station at all.

Su Ming didn’t bother to sit here. This guy was so disgusting. Su Ming was afraid that he could not eat after seeing him, so Su Ming said directly: “Okay, then I will go out first. If you have anything to do with Director Luo, please ask directly. I will do it."

After speaking, Su Ming opened the door of the box and went out. Luo Xiaoxiao originally wanted to say something, but before he could say it, he could only forget it for now.

Luo Xiaoxiao was uncomfortable after eating a meal. The table was full of people from Zhonghai City, and it was also the elders. The elders of the police station could not do without drinking.

As a woman, Luo Xiaoxiao was also the deputy director of Ningcheng City. Naturally, everyone toasted. Although Luo Xiaoxiao just took a sip every time, he couldn't stand the bombardment of these people.

To put it bluntly, Luo Xiaoxiao didn't like drinking very much, especially white wine. She would only drink when she was in an extremely bad mood. Su Ming happened to run into him, and even some **** things happened.

"Come on, Director Luo, I hope that our exchanges and learning will go on smoothly this time, I will toast you again!" Wang Yuanzhe, holding up the glass again, said to Luo Xiaoxiao.

If I remember correctly, this guy has toasted Luo Xiaoxiao at least three glasses of wine tonight, and I don't know what he is thinking about.

Luo Xiaoxiao was already feeling a little dizzy, and if he continued to drink like this, something would definitely happen. After drinking this cup, there will be another one, and I don't know when it is a head.

In order to keep his mind sober, Luo Xiaoxiao immediately made up his mind and said decisively: "I'm really sorry, Director Wang, I really can't drink it anymore. If I drink it again, I might have to pour it."

"Hey, Director Luo, you might not save me a bit of face when you are like this." Just listen to this Wang Yuanzhe saying: "You said it's a rare occasion for us to have a drink. Your enthusiasm in Ningcheng."

"Liquor table culture" is also one of the unique cultures of China. I like to talk about things at the table, and at the same time I like to persuade others to drink. This is the most annoying behavior.

"Yeah, Director Luo, I think you are very agile, it doesn't seem like you are drunk at all."

"Which one of our police stations can't drink, Chief Luo, you just don't give face."

"And I think Director Luo, you always have a small sip, but it doesn't add up to that of our Director Wang."


Those people from the Zhonghai City Police Department also began to follow Wang Yuanzhe, and began to persuade Luo Xiaoxiao. So many people talked together, and Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't say what he had said before.

If she still refuses to drink, she might upset the people in Zhonghai City, and it will be a bit unpleasant if the meal ends up unhappy at the end.

However, Luo Xiaoxiao who drank the liquor was already a little sick. If he drank it again, he would definitely vomit in a while. Last time he drank too much red wine at home, Luo Xiaoxiao vomited Su Ming all over.

Just when Luo Xiaoxiao was in a dilemma, Su Ming suddenly appeared in his mind. In an instant, Luo Xiaoxiao had an idea, so he said: "I really can't drink it. Or else, I Find someone to come in and drink for me, and let me relax for a while."

"Su Ming, come in!" Luo Xiaoxiao immediately yelled at the door while she was speaking, making Wang Yuanzhe silent.

Su Ming really stayed at the door all the time, boring to beat the glory of the king. After hearing Luo Xiaoxiao's voice, Su Ming immediately chose to hang up his teammate~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and opened the box door. Walked in: "Director Luo, do you have any instructions?"

"Su Ming, I'm a bit too drunk, you can drink with them for a while instead of me." Luo Xiaoxiao said.

Su Ming immediately understood that this group of people must have been pouring Luo Xiaoxiao's wine. Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't stand it, so he called himself in.

But this kind of thing is right to call Su Ming. After having the skill of the wine barrel, Su Ming is invincible in drinking, even if the legendary wine fairy, drunkard, wine god, and wine sage are all here, then Not necessarily Su Ming's opponent.


Unexpectedly, when Wang Yuanzhe saw Su Ming, he snorted uncomfortably, and then said, "Why is this person again."

Then Wang Yuanzhe said to Luo Xiaoxiao in a dissatisfied tone: "Director Luo, it's not that I said you, why did you call this kid in again? Let's lead a meal together and call him in to destroy our mood?

Luo Xiaoxiao was not happy for a while, she said in her heart that she was a leader, so she regarded herself as a great figure. If you know the leaders that Su Ming knows, it is estimated that the wine you just drank can be I was so scared to pee immediately.

So Luo Xiaoxiao said, "Director Wang, what you said is wrong. This comrade is also from our Ningcheng Police Station. You mean he can't represent our Ningcheng Police Station?"

The problem suddenly rose to this level by Luo Xiaoxiao, and Wang Yuanzhe was a bit speechless for a while.

At this moment, Su Ming directly picked up Luo Xiaoxiao's glass, poured a full glass of wine, walked up to Wang Yuanzhe, and said, "Come on, Director Wang, I toast you!"

Unexpectedly, Wang Yuanzhe didn't move at all. He still sat there without moving. Instead, he said disdainfully: "Just you deserve to drink with me?"

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