League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 858: Foolish Luo Xiaoxiao

Su Ming and Wang Yuanzhe only drank three glasses of wine just now, which is far from Su Ming's true level, but Su Ming was very uncomfortable.

Even when I drank the third cup, I was a little reluctant, and I deliberately touched my forehead with my hand, as if I wanted to clear myself up.

This series of small actions was seen in Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes, and he naturally found something wrong with Su Ming, and felt that Su Ming had a physical problem. Luo Xiaoxiao thought Su Ming was drinking too much.

The human body has a metabolic process. Drinking so much at noon does not mean that you can still drink so much at night. Maybe it's that the spirit of alcohol at noon has not passed.

So Luo Xiaoxiao wanted Su Ming to slow down for a while, so he stood up immediately and said to Wang Yuanzhe: "Director Wang, come, I toast you!"

While speaking, it seemed that he was afraid that Wang Yuanzhe would stop him, and wanted to pour Su Ming, so Luo Xiaoxiao directly picked up the glass in front of Su Ming, very bold, and drank it in one go.

"Don't, don't--"

Su Ming had already realized that something was wrong in the drink. After all, with the amount of alcohol he had after he opened the barrel skill, it wouldn't work if he didn't drink such a little. It was too far from noon.

Su Ming is not stupid, he guessed it right away, this drink must have been "added", but Su Ming's body is also a little constantly calling at this time, did not hold Luo Xiaoxiao for a while, watching Luo Xiaoxiao handle it. Just drank a glass of wine.


Not to mention Su Ming, even the people on Wang Yuanzhe’s side are all dumbfounded at this time, because this is not within the scope of their plan. Originally, they just wanted to put Su Ming down and show Luo Xiaoxiao. , But this time Luo Xiaoxiao was also brought on, so what's the point of setting this game?

"I’ll do it first, and then it’s up to you, Director Wang, Su Ming, hurry up and rest for a while." Luo Xiaoxiao tried to make Su Ming slow down for a while, and directly gave the high-density whiskey a drink. Exhausted.

"Hey, is this wine so high..."

Not three seconds after Luo Xiaoxiao had a glass of wine, he immediately felt something was wrong, and there was already a feeling of soreness in his head. As a result, after shaking for a few times, Luo Xiaoxiao fell directly behind him. Luxurious sofa.

The medicine Wang Shuo bought today is a bit different from the medicine that Song Zhe gave to Su Ming last time. It just makes people comatose. But in order to deal with Su Ming, the medicine Wang Shuo bought is medicinal. The stronger one.

Ordinary people will faint immediately after drinking a glass of wine. Just like Luo Xiaoxiao, this is a normal phenomenon. As for Su Ming, several glasses of wine can hold it, mainly because Su Ming is The physical fitness of ancient warriors is naturally much stronger than that of ordinary people.

After Su Ming noticed that Luo Xiaoxiao had fallen, he immediately determined that this wine must have been manipulated by Wang Yuanzhe and his group, so Su Ming quickly activated his purification skills.

This is Su Ming's first summoner skill. It doesn't usually use much, but once it is used, it is a very critical moment.

The purification effect is very magical, helping Su Ming to relieve the negative state of his body. Su Ming becomes sober in an instant, and the effect of the medicine disappears immediately.

However, Su Ming didn't pretend that he was okay, so he just took care of it. Seeing what the group of people wanted to do, Su Ming yelled a little grandiosely: "This...what's wrong with me? I'm so dizzy. ."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a "plop" and Su Ming fell to the ground.

Wang Yuanzhe's plan has been "completed" smoothly, but the people they were present at the scene did not feel happy at all, because there was an accident in this plan.

The core of this plan was to make Su Ming dizzy and let Luo Xiaoxiao feel that Su Ming was drunk by them, so that he could find the place at noon.

In the end, who knew that Luo Xiaoxiao fainted faster than Su Ming, which means that they had been busy for a long time, but in fact they did not achieve the effect they wanted.

Wang Yuanzhe froze for a while, and then asked: "Wang Shuo, how long is the effect of this medicine you bought?"

"I'm not quite sure about this, but they both drank a lot just now. I guess it will take at least five or six hours, or even longer." Wang Shuo said.

When I heard that it would take at least five or six hours, Wang Yuanzhe suddenly had a headache, so he said, "Forget it, don't drink this wine tonight. Hurry up and find someone to send them back, just say it's tonight. Too much, they will wake up tomorrow, and they shouldn't know what happened."

It can be heard that Wang Yuanzhe’s tone is also quite depressed. After all, the whole day is equivalent to a waste of energy. In his imagination, after fainting Su Ming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After pretending to be forced in front of Luo Xiaoxiao , I can still drink with Luo Xiaoxiao. It's cool to think about it.

Unexpectedly, Wang Shuo said at this time: "Don't dad, what are you doing in such a hurry? Anyway, they have fainted. It's better to stay here. What are we doing? They both don't know."

"What do you mean?" Wang Yuanzhe obviously didn't understand it at once.

Wang Shuo showed the kind of smile that a man understands. He glanced at Luo Xiaoxiao who was lying on the sofa in a coma. He only heard Wang Shuo say: "Dad, look at how beautiful Director Luo is, and he can't move. Isn't this a good opportunity to be slaughtered?"

While talking, Wang Shuo stretched out his hand and touched Luo Xiaoxiao’s face, then there was a hint of intoxication on his face, and said, "Tsk, Director Luo’s skin is really tender. It is much better than the wild models I have played with. Up."

Wang Yuanzhe immediately understood what his son meant. To tell the truth, he was still a little excited for a while. His **** is not a day or two, and how can a beauty like Luo Xiaoxiao be uninterested.

"Director Wang, I heard that Director Kwalo was pretty yesterday. Now this is a good opportunity."

"Yeah, Director Wang, here are my own people, surely no one will talk about it outside."

"Director Wang, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."


Unexpectedly, all the leaders of the Zhonghai City Police Department who were present at the scene tried to persuade Wang Yuanzhe in this way. It is hard to imagine that they had such an idea. They were indeed a group of beasts. On the surface, they looked well-dressed and well-dressed. It's scum.


Wang Yuanzhe was obviously already a little moved, but he was still entangled in his heart, and he hesitated, "This Luo Xiaoxiao is the deputy chief of the Ningcheng Police Department. If he moves, will he..."

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