League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 861: Xingshi asks crime

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"Director Wang, think about it—"

The deputy director continued to speak at this time: "Luo Xiaoxiao of the Ningcheng Police Station, I am afraid that I am angry at this time. I am not good to say. If it is not for your special identity, I am afraid she just gave us all together. Caught."

"If we go directly to ask for someone, it will have no effect. Whether we can see Luo Xiaoxiao is different. After all, this is not our Zhonghai City!"

The guy said: "On the contrary, if they directly put pressure on the Ningcheng Police Station, they can take the initiative to release the people and even apologize. It's better than our dry doorstep, right?"

"There is some truth to what you said--"

Wang Yuanzhe nodded at this time, and then he asked: "But, how can I put pressure on Luo Xiaoxiao? According to my observation, she seems to have a tough temper."

"It's definitely impossible for ordinary people to put pressure on it. It's up to you to depend on the director." This deputy director is also a thoughtful person. He secretly slapped Wang Yuanzhe flattery while he was talking, and did not forget to point his finger upwards. Pointed.

After receiving this important reminder, Wang Yuanzhe immediately understood it, then slapped his head suddenly, and said, "Yeah, why didn't I remember it."

Immediately, Wang Yuanzhe acted immediately. After all, the most important thing is to get his own son out first. This call was directly made to Secretary Jin, the chief of Zhonghai City.

Speaking of the relationship between Wang Yuanzhe and this Secretary Jin, the two people basically met very early. Later, Secretary Jin was able to become the top leader of Zhonghai City because of the support of Wang Yuanzhe in a critical period. , Which is part of Wang Yuanzhe's credit.

Since then, Wang Yuanzhe has had one of the biggest backers in Zhonghai City, so many people have reported him. He can still remain in the position of director, and it is very nourishing in Zhonghai City.

Since Secretary Jin came to power, the movement between Wang Yuanzhe and him has decreased a lot. After all, their identities are not simple. If they move frequently in the eyes of others, they will always have to say something.

However, the friendship between them is still there. As long as Wang Yuanzhe speaks something, Secretary Jin will not refuse.

After the call was connected, Wang Yuanzhe immediately said politely: "Secretary Jin, I'm sorry to call you back at this time. Didn't disturb you rest?"

"It's okay. I have just eaten, and I am reviewing the materials. Is there anything wrong with you calling me at this time?" Secretary Jin on the other end of the phone said: "I remember that you seem to be taking people to Ningcheng these days. inspected."

"Yes, I am indeed in Ningcheng City now."

Secretary Jin said in an official tone, "Well, someone has already told me about this, so remember to learn from the advanced efficacies of Ningcheng."

"Secretary Jin, let me call you today. It has nothing to do with this. I have something to do with you." While talking, Wang Yuanzhe gave a brief overview of what happened just now.

Of course, he and his son's dirty plan didn't mention a word, only that there were some conflicts, people were beaten up, and his son was also taken away by Ningcheng police station.

"What? Wang Shuo was arrested by the Ningcheng Police Station? Could it be that you didn't tell them your identity?" Secretary Jin was also a little puzzled after hearing this, and said that this should not be the case.

Wang Yuanzhe said immediately: "Of course they know my identity, but the deputy chief of the Ningcheng Police Station personally dispatched him, and he didn't give me face at all and took my son away."

"Moreover, there are still people in the Ningcheng Police Station. They beat me directly. I couldn't help it, so I asked Secretary Jin for your help." Wang Yuanzhe still thought that Su Ming was from the Ningcheng Police Station.


Secretary Jin on the other end of the phone immediately became angry, and he could even hear him tap the table, his voice suddenly raised a few pitches, and he said directly: "Is that really unreasonable. Is Ning Cheng really being bullied by Zhong Hai?"

"Don't worry about this. I'll call Ning Cheng and talk to Ning Cheng, and I will definitely help you get justice." After speaking, Secretary Jin angrily hung up the call.

After Wang Yuanzhe hung up the phone, he felt a treacherous trick. A sinister smile appeared on his face. He said: "Secretary Jin was very angry when he heard about this, and he was about to call Ningcheng to communicate. ."

"If Secretary Jin comes out, there is nothing wrong with this matter. Don't worry, Director Wang."

"That's right, the people at the Ningcheng Police Station must apologize obediently."

"If you don't show them some colors, I really don't know what my surname is. Even the son of Director Wang dare to move."


Secretary Jin of Zhonghai City is not fooling Wang Yuanzhe. If this matter is true, Ningcheng is indeed a bit too much, so Secretary Jin immediately called Li Ziyao's office.

"Secretary Li, this is the phone number of Secretary Jin of Zhonghai City." At this time, Li Ziyao's secretary Wang Zouzhao immediately came in and said to Li Ziyao.

Li Ziyao was stunned for a moment. Generally speaking between people of their level, there are appointments in advance, and they actually called directly. This is really rare. So Li Ziyao said: "Give me the call. ."

"Hello, Secretary Li, I really interrupted the call so late." Secretary Jin was still annoyed just now, but now his emotions have been controlled, and at their level, he can easily control his emotions.

Li Ziyao also smiled politely: "What did Secretary Jin say~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Last time we went to the province, we two had a drink together."

"I didn't expect Secretary Li to still remember this--"

After the two people spoke a few words innocently, Secretary Jin cut into the subject and said: "Secretary Li, I don't know if you don't know clearly, the police investigation team from our city recently visited Ningcheng.

"Oh, I heard about this." Li Ziyao said, while secretly guessing what this person meant.

"However, today our Zhonghai City delegation was in your Ningcheng, but something very bad happened."

Secretary Jin suddenly changed the subject at this time, and then recounted what Wang Yuanzhe had told him.

Li Ziyao obviously didn't know, he was taken aback for a moment and then said, "Can there be such a thing?"

Immediately Li Ziyao also understood. No wonder he suddenly called in the evening. The phone number with Secretary Jin was called to ask him Li Ziyao Xingshi.

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