League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 863: Don't take me if you want to die

After hanging up the phone, Wang Yuji finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, she touched her back again, she was completely soaked in cold sweat, which shows how nervous Wang Yuji was just now.

But fortunately, it's all right now. Judging from Li Ziyao's tone just now, there is nothing wrong with this matter, at least there is nothing wrong with Wang Yuji.

Speaking of it, Wang Yuji still feels a little grateful to Su Ming. Fortunately, Su Ming intervened in this matter. Otherwise, he would be in serious trouble today.

At this time, Li Ziyao also had a plan in his heart. In the eyes of Zhonghai City, the woollen secretary Jin, he can't even match the hair on Su Ming's legs.

Immediately, Li Ziyao directly dialed Secretary Jin’s phone, and after this Secretary Jin got on the phone, he thought that Li Ziyao had already dealt with the matter, so he said directly: "Secretary Li, may I ask someone to let him go. ?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't release it, it's still locked inside." Li Ziyao has gradually grasped the initiative, and he can hear it by listening to the voice. Anyway, Li Ziyao is not hurried at this time, and is not in a hurry.

Secretary Jin was stunned when he heard this, and then asked: "If you haven't let go, then you call me..."

"Secretary Jin, I did investigate it just now, but I found that the situation seems a little different from what you said, so I am afraid that the person who was arrested cannot be released for the time being."

When Secretary Jin heard this, he immediately became angry and said directly: "Secretary Li, what is your attitude? Is it a matter of course for your Ningcheng Police Department to arrest my comrades from the China Coastal Police Department?"

"I know it is wrong to arrest people casually, but according to what I have just learned, the arrested person offended a big man in Ningcheng of mine, so a series of things happened afterwards."

Li Ziyao's tone sounded very plain, but the whole sentence revealed a meaning. Wang Yuanzhe and his son were to blame.

"Secretary Li, what you said is inevitably unfair, right?"

Secretary Jin was obviously a little unhappy with Li Ziyao's sudden change of attitude. He just listened to him directly say: "What kind of big person you are, can you be bigger than Secretary Li in Ningcheng? This is obviously impossible!"

"Hey~ Secretary Jin can't talk nonsense, this time you really made your guess wrong, this time the person your chief offended, even I dare not provoke." Li Ziyao said directly, and his words were true. , With the energy that Su Ming is currently showing, he really doesn't dare to provoke him, so don't mention provoke him if it is too late to cheat on Su Ming.

However, Secretary Jin didn't believe these words at all and said directly: "Secretary Li, are you kidding me? There are people in Ningcheng that you dare not offend?"

Li Ziyao is the real leader in Ningcheng, and Ningcheng is a very developed city, so even the leaders of the province may not be able to intervene in this matter.

"Secretary Li, if you don't want to care about this matter or if you're afraid of trouble, just tell it directly, don't whisper around with me." Secretary Jin felt very unhappy for a while.


This sentence was very specific, and it was obviously aimed at Li Ziyao, which made Li Ziyao a little unpleasant for a while, so Li Ziyao said: "Secretary Jin, do you think I need to use this to lie to you?"

"For the sake of our friendship, I can give you some inside information."

Li Ziyao said with a serious face: "This time, the director of your Zhong Hai offended is really not an ordinary person, but a big Buddha. It is a friend of Ling Lao in the capital, and Ling Lao and his relationship are not ordinary close."

"Ling Lao?" Secretary Jin was stunned, not understanding that this kind of thing would have linked a big man like Ling Lao.

And Li Ziyao continued: "This time Lao Ling came to Ningcheng to recuperate in secret for so long, you always know, I tell you, it actually has something to do with this person."

"What I said is true. As for whether you believe it or not, it is up to you. Anyway, I advise you that you should not interfere in this matter. It is best to pretend that you don’t know anything. Otherwise, if it disturbs the old man, it is very likely. You are at the end."

After saying this last sentence, Li Ziyao hung up the phone. I believe that at this point, the Secretary Jin of Zhonghai is not a fool, and he will definitely know the pros and cons of this matter.

Sure enough, after the call was hung up, Secretary Jin's microphone was still held in his hand, and the whole person seemed to be in a trance. It was obvious that Li Ziyao's words just now caused him a great impact.

If you observe carefully, you can see that you can find that Secretary Jin’s back clothes are completely soaked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Obviously he is too nervous, this incident actually involves the old Ling and Jin in the capital. The secretary really did not expect to be killed.

First of all, no matter who is right and who is wrong, this Wang Yuanzhe and his son actually offended a big man who had friendship with Ling Lao. This is an act of death. No wonder they didn’t see his identity at all, so they gave him a hit. Pause, even arrested his son.

Thinking of what he did just now, if Li Ziyao didn’t remind him in time, and he directly put pressure on Ningcheng, and then he would alarm the old Ling in the capital, then...

When he thought of this, Secretary Jin's hands and feet were involuntarily sweating again, and he obviously didn't dare to continue thinking.

Suddenly, Secretary Jin's heart suddenly rose again. It was obvious that this anger was directed at Wang Yuanzhe. This time, he was almost cheated by Wang Yuanzhe.

Secretary Jin, who was furious, immediately dialed Wang Yuanzhe's phone.

As for Wang Yuanzhe, he kept holding his mobile phone in his hand at this time. He just wanted to wait for Secretary Jin’s call. When he saw that it was Secretary Jin’s call, Wang Yuanzhe suddenly smiled and connected the phone with a cordial tone. He said, "Hey, Secretary Jin, have you greeted the leader of Ningcheng?"

"Wang Yuanzhe, do you want to die?"

Unexpectedly, what Wang Yuanzhe heard was not good news. Instead, Secretary Jin scolded him. He only heard Secretary Jin continue to curse: "I tell you Wang Yuanzhe, you can die if you want, but don’t bring it if you want to die. Get on me."


Wang Yuanzhe was stunned by the scolding. He couldn't figure it out for a while. After a few seconds, he reacted, and then he said: "Secretary Jin, what do you mean by this? When did I die? "

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