
Su Ming pulled out the Bilgewater scimitar in his hand from the white man's body. For the first time seeing blood today, the Bilgewater scimitar seemed to be very excited, with a little red glow on the edge of the blade. general.

Then only heard a "pump", and as Su Ming pulled his sword, the white man's body also fell directly back to the ground. It was obvious that Su Ming's sword lost his vitality.

The two "dark vitality bullets" obviously did not exert their maximum power. Compared with the previous direct killing of the top overseas master, they were still a lot less powerful, and they failed to kill the white man at once.

But Su Ming's movements were too fast. The instant that the treatment site pressed the speed bonus, he stabs directly with a sword, which is equivalent to sprinkling a handful of Stanley compound fertilizer on the wound.

Xiao's expression was even in a trance for a moment, his partner died so, and watched him be killed by Su Ming. It can be said that the energy that Su Ming exploded at the last moment made Xiao also chill in his heart. .

A rookie in the middle stage of the Qi Gathering Realm was so difficult to kill and killed a top killer. Even if this mission was completed, it would still be a great loss for the "Blood Kill" organization.

To know how much the "Blood Kill" organization has invested in cultivating this level of killer, it is far from 100 million US dollars.

Now that the two partners were killed and wounded, Xiao didn't have the thought of backing off, and he was not even more afraid. Instead, he was firm in his idea of ​​killing Su Ming. If he didn't kill Su Ming, he would lose face.


Xiao's figure rushed in front of Su Ming like a flash of lightning, and a big battle began again. Su Ming had no choice but to deal with it in a hurry, but at this time Su Ming was already at the end of the battle and could not be this guy's opponent.

Although he killed two, Su Ming can also feel it. Among the three killers, this Xiao's strength is actually the strongest one. Su Ming even has a vague feeling that this guy has reached the middle of the microscopic stage. The pinnacle.

In fact, the dark vitality bullet that Su Ming had been holding back for a long time was originally prepared for this guy, because Su Ming saw that this man was the hardest to deal with, but he couldn't keep up with the changes in his plan, and finally used it in the hands of the white man.

The treatment did not fully recover Su Ming’s injury. Although the wound was almost healed, Su Ming could still feel a pain from time to time. If he tried hard, Su Ming knew that his winning rate was not even 1%. Sooner or later he will be killed by this guy.

If he was stabbed again with a dagger, Su Ming would really go far.

Su Ming knew that he couldn't do it hard, he had to be outsmart. Seeing Su Ming's eyes kept turning, he seemed to have an idea in his mind.


Su Ming spotted this opportunity and slammed the Bilgewater scimitar in his hand, slashing towards Xiao's head. Naturally, it was impossible to touch him with this blow.

Xiao's reaction was even faster than Su Ming's at this time. He directly blocked his dagger above his head, and the metal slamming sounded, and the two of them felt a shock in their mouths and palms numb at the same time.

Then Su Ming didn't even return. Instead, the long Bilgewater cutlass in his hand shot directly. Su Ming, who had activated the Q robbing skill, directly used the Bilgewater cutlass as a hidden weapon and threw it at it. Xiao.

"Are you crazy?"

Xiao obviously did not expect that Su Ming would use such a frenzied fighting style, and the Bilgewater scimitar flew over at an extremely fast speed, with the sound of breaking wind in the middle. If he was hit, the consequences would be disastrous.

The time left for him to react was very short, and this guy had no time to think about it, and immediately threw his dagger out, and shot down the Bilgewater Scimitar in mid-air.

Little did they know that this was just a trap for Su Ming. Su Ming had already calculated all this. The moment he threw the Bilgewater Scimitar, Su Ming actually ran out with it.

Most of Xiao’s attention was focused on the Bilgewater Scimitar. Although he blocked the first wave of attacks, he never thought that he would kill him. Su Ming, like his rogue, rushed over. He hugged tightly.

The two people were tumbling on the ground while they were fighting like this. The picture looked uncomfortable, and those who didn't know thought that the two big men were jungle.

"Troll big move, open it to me!"

Su Ming roared in his heart, what he was waiting for was this opportunity, he only needed to meet this guy, and he could use the troll's ultimate.


The sudden change of Kung Fu happened suddenly, Su Ming’s palm came from a huge suction force, making Xiao, who wanted to kill Su Ming, unable to move for the time being~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The next thing is still familiar. The scene, the familiar taste, and the vitality in Xiao's body are pouring into Su Ming's body continuously, and Xiao's face is getting more and more unable to calm down.


In just a few minutes, the vitality in Xiao's body had been sucked completely, and the two of them bounced away.

I saw that Xiao's face was very ugly, especially when he noticed that his body was empty, the impact on him was too great, and Xiao directly said: "What, what did you do to me?"


Although Su Ming was injured, he undoubtedly occupied the current initiative. Dealing with a deadly assassin, Su Ming could not take much effort and directly pinched the guy's neck.

Su Ming remembered that dagger just now. He almost killed Su Ming. He only heard Su Ming say coldly: "Say, who asked you to kill me? Are you from Jiang Linjiao?"

"Sorry, you never want to know this information!"

There was a mocking smile on Xiao's face, but suddenly Su Ming realized that the smile on his face had froze for an instant, and then suddenly rolled his eyes upward, and thick black blood came out of the corner of his mouth.

Su Ming broke the mouth of this guy directly, and found that there was a tooth inside that was crushed by him. There must be a poisonous hidden inside it. Killers usually look like this. If the mission fails and is caught by the enemy, it is the end of their lives. Up.


Then there was a sound of broken bones. The black man was worse than this guy. Seeing that he couldn't run away, even the poison was useless. He broke his neck and committed suicide. Su Ming couldn't bear it. He took a breath of air-conditioning.

Three killers sent by the "Blood Kill" organization, one was killed and two committed suicide. Anyway, all of them were killed by Huaxia and planted in Su Ming's hands. I am afraid this is something that the "Blood Kill" organization did not expect.

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