Su Ming took off his clothes and asked Qin Shiyin to treat the wound on his chest, and then stayed in Qin Shiyin's villa at night.

Of course, Su Ming hasn't the ability to live in the same room with Qin Shiyin. There are so many rooms in the villa, it is impossible for Su Ming to sleep.

The next day Qin Shiyin also specially bought Su Ming out for a rich breakfast before going to work. The time was delayed by more than half an hour than usual.

Su Ming took a day off and didn't go to school. He was about to take a break. In fact, his injuries are no longer a major problem. After all, the physique of ancient warriors is very strong, and the recovery ability is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.


It was the early morning of China, and on the other side of the ocean, Canada had gradually entered the dark night. For the "Blood Kill" organization, this was destined to be a sleepless night.

She is still the beautiful woman with fuchsia hair in revealing and **** dress. This woman is one of the heads of the "Blood Kill" organization and holds a very important voice in the organization.

Although she is dressed very coquettishly, her eyes seem to be able to hook a man's soul, but in fact, no man dares to touch her at all. If she touches her, it is very likely that she will die without knowing how to die. .

The beautiful woman with fuchsia hair seemed a bit unsightly, she just heard her say: "Why is there still no news about the three people sent out? According to the plan, they should have completed the task long ago."

"Tina, don't think too much. The old Chinese saying goes well. The plan is not able to keep up with the changes. Besides, the regulations in the Huaxia State are so strict. I think Xiao and the others have a lot to pay attention to."

At this time, I only listened to the old man with a hooked nose, slowly opening his mouth and comforting him: "It is very likely that it is not proceeding as planned. There have been some changes. The three of them are the top S-level killers in the organization. This thing."

The beautiful woman with fuchsia hair was not relieved because of these words, the expression on her face was still solemn, and she said, "But what kind of changes have you encountered, have you not contacted the organization?"

"It's not good, Chairman, there is important information from Huaxia Kingdom————"

At this moment, a tall man with blue eyes in a suit and vest walked over and said.

Sure enough, the beautiful woman with purple hair changed her face suddenly when she heard this, and she was afraid of what happened. It seemed that something happened in Huaxia Kingdom, so the beautiful woman immediately asked, "What information? Click to say!"

I only heard that the big guy in a vest and a bow tie said: "The three top killers who went to China to perform the mission this time have all been killed in our investigation. The mission...the mission failed."


Now it wasn't just the old man with eagle nose, and even the expressions on the faces of several other high-levels who sat there suddenly changed a series of changes, which shows how powerful the news is.

The old man with eagle nose was completely unable to calm down. He grabbed the collar of the big man in the vest, and he was very excited, and suddenly said: "Where did you get the information, are you talking nonsense?"

Speaking of this, the old man with the hook nose can be regarded as a senior figure in the "Blood Kill" organization. His status is very high. Even the beautiful woman with purple hair dare not conflict with him. As a result, this guy is today. Anxious.

The man in the vest was not too panicked, struggling twice, and then said: "It was the news from the intelligence personnel organized in the Huaxia Kingdom. All three killers died in battle, one was killed, and two committed suicide."

"Blood Kill" is not only a killer organization, but its intelligence power is also very terrifying. There is a large dark net invisibly, infiltrating all countries in the world, and it can receive a lot of information every day.

Therefore, the "Blood Kill" organization not only makes money by taking orders to kill people, but selling intelligence is also one of their very important ways to make money.

According to legend, if you just give money, even if the president of Country M goes to **** every day, the "blood kill" organization can find out for you.

In China, they naturally have their own intelligence personnel. Otherwise, how could those assassins enter China so easily, precisely because someone took over.

After the mission failed, the intelligence personnel of the "Blood Kill" organization found the news for the first time. After confirmation, it was passed to the headquarters.

If Su Ming was at the scene, he would definitely be surprised. When he was fighting, he could be sure that no one else was around. As a result, these people were able to understand the details of suicide and being killed. This is really terrifying. Up.

The beautiful woman with fuchsia hair kept calm and continued: "Did something unexpected happen during the mission?"

"As far as we know, it is not. The three of Xiao and the others besieged the target, but... they didn't succeed in killing it." The vest man continued.


As soon as these words came out, the big guys sitting there couldn't help being calm again. They killed the three top killers in their organization alone? What is the strength of this guy?

Although two of them committed suicide, they were very clear in their hearts, why did they commit suicide? It's not that you can't beat others, and you will commit suicide if you have to.

The beautiful woman with purple-red hair continued to ask: "What is the realm of that goal? Are there any details about the process of fighting?"

"There are no details. During the battle, we couldn't get close, so we couldn't get the information at the time." The vest man shook his head.

Once again, the scene fell into silence, as if everyone lost the ability to speak for an instant, the beautiful woman with purple hair said: "Everyone, what do you think about this matter?"


The old man with eagle nose seemed to be an extremely hot-tempered lord, he slapped the table abruptly, and said, "What else can I do, send someone to China, I have to kill that guy, otherwise it's our blood kill Shame."

Many big bosses in the "Bloodkill" organization nodded when they heard this. They obviously agreed with this sentence. For the "Bloodkill" organization, they had failed missions, but they had never been so. Tragedy, saying this is the shame of the "Blood Kill" organization.

Who knows that the beautiful woman with purple hair slowly said: "I don't agree with this point of view. I think this task should be cancelled and the deposit returned to the Tiannanhui people."

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