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Chapter 893: Lin Yingzhu confession

"What, the winner of the best singer is Lin Yingzhu???"

"This is not a joke, how long has Lin Yingzhu made her debut? Can she also get the award for the best singer?"

"It's impossible. You don't know the rules of the Golden Olive Music Awards. The best singer is awarded to someone who has a certain status in the circle. Lin Yingzhu's qualifications are too shallow."

"Don't worry, everyone, it's likely that the old-eyed and dim-eyed leader on the stage has made a mistake. I don't think it is likely to be Lin Yingzhu."


It was a little bit different from the usual awards ceremony. After a certain award was awarded, everyone present would applaud together. This time, after Lin Yingzhu was announced that the winner was, there was an uproar at the scene, and even a sound of discussion was heard.

The reason is simple. Beforehand, everyone never thought that Lin Yingzhu would get the highest honor-"Best Singer".

No one is surprised that Lin Yingzhu won the "Best Newcomer" award, but the "Best Singer" and "Best Newcomer" are still different, the gap is too big.

Lin Yingzhu just made his debut for a few months, and he won the "Best Singer" award directly. This is incredible. Even in the history of the Golden Olive Music Awards, such a thing has never happened.

"Everyone, be quiet, let's take a look at the reason for Lin Yingzhu's award." The host on the scene is very experienced, and they are all veteran hosts in TVB on Hong Kong Island. Naturally, they know how to handle such a scene, not to mention. They are already prepared.

Then a video was played on the big screen at the scene, about the various records that Lin Yingzhu broke and the achievements he created after his debut.

In fact, from a data point of view, Lin Yingzhu's new album and the song "Tang Pear Fried Snow" have indeed created a very incredible record, and the album has received various praises.

But to put it bluntly, Lin Yingzhu's qualifications are more surprising to everyone. I am afraid that he is not qualified to win this award.

In fact, in the history of the Golden Olive Music Awards, there has indeed never been a direct award of the highest award of "Best Singer" to a rookie singer. Even if you are hot, it is impossible.

This time the Golden Olive Award, the winner of the "Best Singer" award, was indeed not Lin Yingzhu, but some accidents occurred midway.

The incident that happened last night spread in circles, and the organizer on the Golden Olive side naturally heard about it. At the same time, Zeng Tianqi also used his influence to put pressure on the organizer.

The organizer immediately understood what it meant, so it temporarily changed the "Best Singer" award to Lin Yingzhu, which became what it is now.

For awards ceremonies like China, whether it’s on the mainland or on Hong Kong Island or Taiwan Island, there is actually a certain shady in it. Where is the absolute fairness in this world? The organizers directly call this "best singer" The award was changed to Lin Yingzhu, and no one knew what happened.

"Next, let us invite Lin Yingzhu to come to the stage to accept the award. The award-presenting guest is Mr. Tseng Tianqi, a Hong Kong tycoon. Let us applaud.

There was fierce applause at the scene, and everyone understood that there must be some insider information in this, especially Zeng Tianqi came out to present awards directly, this is even more difficult, serious and lose.

What's more, Lin Yingzhu is quite capable himself, and there is nothing too condemning to win this award, so everyone gave a warm applause, these people are still quite open.

As the party concerned, Lin Yingzhu herself was very stupefied, because she did not expect that she would still get the award of "Best Singer". Only after hearing the host’s words did Lin Yingzhu react and walked towards the stage. .

"Congratulations, Miss Lin!"

Zeng Tianqi took the exquisite trophy from the staff, then handed it to Lin Yingzhu, shook his hand with Lin Yingzhu, and said very politely.

He didn't dare to offend Lin Yingzhu because this was Su Ming's woman. Otherwise, Zeng Tianqi would not directly put pressure on the organizer of the Golden Olive Music Awards. All this was to please Su Ming.

Lin Yingzhu took the trophy from Zeng Tianqi and said "Thank you." This trophy is the most exquisite of all trophies. It is golden in color and surrounded by several olive branches. It is full of artistic sense.

Zeng Tianqi left after awarding the award, and did not stay on the stage much, and handed the scene to Lin Yingzhu, but everyone's eyes looked at Lin Yingzhu different at this time.

There is no doubt that this woman must have a big background. In addition, people in the circle are spreading that Xiang Ming was beaten up directly because of the wrong idea of ​​playing Lin Yingzhu~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and he didn't dare to let the fart. One, it made everyone more determined, so that Lin Yingzhu's thoughts should not be offended in the future, and this person must not be offended in the future.

"Miss Lin, come over and give your acceptance speech." The host said to Lin Yingzhu, and signaled Lin Yingzhu to take a few steps here, come to the microphone, and give her acceptance speech.

In fact, because of last night's madness, Lin Yingzhu hadn't recovered at this time. He felt a little pain when walking. In addition, Lin Yingzhu had won an award for some reason. He was a little dazed, so he didn't pay attention when walking.

Only after taking a step, Lin Yingzhu almost fell down with a painful sensation, and even took a breath of cold air.

"Miss Lin, be careful. It is not convenient to wear high heels." The host cleverly helped Lin Yingzhu resolve the embarrassment. Everyone thought that Lin Yingzhu had slipped on his feet for a while and didn't take it seriously.

Only Su Ming knew in his heart that Lin Yingzhu was still in pain, so Su Ming couldn’t help it, and his eyes were fixed on Lin Yingzhu on the stage. Fortunately, Lin Yingzhu didn’t show anything next. Event, walked to the microphone.

"To be honest, I didn't expect to win this award myself. Until now, holding this trophy in my hand feels so unreal. All of this is like a dream."

Lin Yingzhu prepared the acceptance speech, which is indispensable after winning the prize, but when he received the "Best Newcomer" on stage to accept the award, Lin Yingzhu had already said the prepared speech. Can't you repeat it?

So Lin Yingzhu planned to improvise, saying what he wanted to say: "When I came up just now, I said a lot and thanked a lot of people, but the one I want to thank most is a man, he and my brother, it’s me. The two most important men in life."

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