League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 896: I recommend you a master

"I heard that the reception was not very peaceful, and there were some conflicts?" Li Chaoren deliberately said.

Shi Dakai didn’t tell Li Chaoren about this in detail. Given Li Chaoren’s power on Hong Kong Island, I’m afraid it didn’t take long before the incident happened. The reason for asking this was just to find a topic, so Shi Dakai just asked. Nodded.

Instead, he immediately exposed the topic, and then said: "Lao Li, take the liberty to ask, I don't know what happened at home that can bother you so much. I think your spirit seems not as good as before."

It is true that Li Chaoren's mental state is not very good in the past two days, and he sighed directly just now. Based on Shi Dakai's understanding of Li Chaoren, this is indeed a very rare phenomenon. It seems that something has happened to the Li family.

Shi Dakai's heart suddenly picked up, feeling that his luck was indeed a little bad. An accident happened to the Li family. With Li Chaoren's current mood, who knows if he will help, Shi Dakai didn't know for a while. What to say.

Li Chaoren didn’t conceal anything from Shi Dakai. Some people in the circle already knew about this, but it hadn’t spread on a large scale. If Shi Dakai wanted to inquire afterwards, he would be able to inquire easily. Arrived.

"Didn't Luo Shi pregnant with a child three months ago? Our whole Li family was very happy, but just two days ago, the child had an unexpected miscarriage." Li Chaoren said here, his face was full. Very painful expression.

"What, it's flowing again?"

Even Shi Dakai couldn't help but froze for a moment. He naturally knew who Luo Shi in Li Chao's population was. It was the wife of Li Chaoren's eldest son Li Kaize, and also Li Chaoren's daughter-in-law.

If I remember correctly, it seems that Li Chaoren’s daughter-in-law had a miscarriage more than a year ago. At that time, there was a lot of discussion in the circle. It is said that Li Chaoren was very angry at that time. The personal doctors, nurses, and babysitters in the family have all been replaced.

Who knows that this kind of thing happened again now, it's no wonder Li Chaoren would have this expression, this kind of thing is too big a blow to Li Chaoren, Shi Dakai was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Old Li, Luo Where did Shi meet? Have you taken her to the hospital for an examination? Maybe it's a personal cause?"

The questions Shi Dakai asked were all on the idea. In general, accidental miscarriage is actually a fall, or accidental accidents that cause heavy bleeding.

If there are no accidents, it may be due to the body. Some women have special physiques. Generally, after a few months of pregnancy, they will have inexplicable miscarriages. Although rare, they still exist.

"After discovering that she was pregnant, she was taken care of by someone 24 hours a day. She absolutely never fell. She also went to the hospital for an examination. She had no physical problems, and she was even much healthier than an ordinary woman." Li Chaoren Said with a sigh.

Before, Li Chaoren was known for his vigor and good health. However, the state of the past few days has been worse than ever, which shows that this incident has hit Li Chaoren.

After all, when he is in Li Chaoren's state, he already has everything. The only shortcoming for him at the moment is that there is no third generation in the family. Generally, when he is at Li Chaoren's age, he may have four generations under normal circumstances. Okay, but Li Chaoren doesn't even have a grandson.

Shi Dakai, who was sitting across from Li Chaoren, didn't look at Li Chaoren in his twenties, he already had his grandson in his arms, so this was still quite embarrassing.

Of course, this also has something to do with Li Chaoren's late expectation of children. He married a second wife and wanted children after he succeeded in his career. The eldest son was not yet forty years old, and the younger son was even younger.

Both sons are also bohemian. Although their abilities are outstanding, receiving Western education has led to their open-mindedness and their marriage is relatively late. When the eldest son wants a child, both of them are lost in succession. The atmosphere of the whole Li family was very depressing.

"The temperament is very normal, how can I have a miscarriage inexplicably, this...is this too abnormal?" Shi Dakai was a little strange.

With the financial resources of the Li family, there would definitely not be any problems in taking care of Li Chaoren's daughter-in-law. As a result, this could lead to a miscarriage, which is indeed impossible.

"Who knows what's going on, the hospital can't tell why. Luo Shi is still in the hospital to raise his body, washing face with tears all day long." Li Chaoren said.

Shi Dakai also couldn't help sighing. When such an unfortunate thing happened, Li Chaoren, who wanted to hold his grandson, was in pain, but the most painful was probably the child's mother. It was gone before he was alive. .

Shi Dakai didn’t know what to say for a while, so he glanced at Li Chaoren’s face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shi Dakai didn’t know what he was thinking. Suddenly, he said, “Old Li, it won’t be. ...... Isn't there something wrong with Feng Shui?"

Unexpectedly, after Li Chaoren heard Shi Dakai's words, his eyes froze for an instant, and then he eased, and then said, "Ms. Shi, I'm the same as you think, and I'm also suspicious of this problem."

"By the way, didn't you never believe in this thing?" Li Chaoren asked strangely.

Feng Shui fortune-telling is actually very popular here on Hong Kong Island, especially for businessmen like Li Chaoren, but Shi Dakai is very repulsive to this thing and has become an outlier in the circle. Everyone knows his characteristics.

Shi Dakai showed an awkward expression on his face and did not say the specific reason. Instead, he probably said: "If you believe in this thing, you will not believe it or not. People's concepts will change."

"Lao Li, have you invited a Feng Shui master to come to see you?" Shi Dakai changed the topic by himself.


Li Chaoren said directly: "This time I spent a lot of money. I invited a Feng Shui master from Southeast Asia. It is said that he is very famous. He is called Huang Daxian. This person is very famous in the circle recently. You should have heard of it."

Shi Da opened his head and nodded. This Huang Taixian's name is indeed not small. He is not a Chinese, but he speaks a sloppy Chinese language, and he also reads Feng Shui. The level is said to be very high. It has brought many Feng Shui masters on Hong Kong I grabbed my job.

"Unfortunately, Master Huang came to see it once yesterday, and he hasn't seen any clues yet." Li Chaoren said regretfully.

When Shi Dakai heard this, his heart moved a bit. A bold idea suddenly appeared in Shi Dakai’s mind, so Shi Dakai said, "Old Li, or I recommend it to you. A master."


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