These people present, while despising the ship king in their hearts, also looked at Su Ming at this time. They were all curious about Su Ming's next move in the face of such a rogue behavior.

Su Ming smiled, not in a hurry, but said, "No wonder this Wan Shaokun owes me money and doesn't admit it. If you have a father, you have a son."

This sentence directly cursed the ship king's shameless behavior. Wanjia, the father and son, are really shameless.

In front of so many people, Su Ming said directly that the ship king’s face could not be good-looking. Anyway, when he was playing a rogue, he had already made up his mind. Today, I’m ashamed, anyway. It's better than giving this kid a billion all at once.

"Wanxing, you are a lot of age too, what are you messing around here!"

At this moment, a voice rang from the crowd. This time the speaker was not Zeng Tianqi, but Li Chaoren, who had only dealt with Su Ming two days ago.

Like the ship king, as the top rich man on Hong Kong Island, Wanjia has such a grand celebration party, it is impossible for Li Chaoren not to be invited, so he is also in the crowd.

Li Chaoren has been watching with cold eyes until now, anyway, he feels that the kid is time to come out, after all, he owes Su Ming a favor, the ship king plays rogue with Su Ming like this, anyway, Li Chaoren can't stand it.

"Why is Superman Li talking, is it possible that he will also intervene in this matter?"

"No, Li Chaoren is usually very low-key, much lower-key than the vast majority of rich people on Hong Kong Island, and he rarely sees his own opinions on other people's affairs."

"Stop talking, let's see what Li Chaoren wants to say. Seeing his tone of voice just now, it seems that he is not very friendly to the ship king."


Li Chaoren is still the same as usual. Even if he attends this top-level dinner, he still wears very ordinary dress, a casual wear, simple black-framed plastic glasses, and a pair of sneakers.

This pair was dressed at the glamorous banquet, it can be said that there are as many wonderful things as there are, even Su Ming dare not wear it so casually, but no one dares to laugh at Li Chaoren.

Because every one of them is not as rich as Li Chaoren, they are not qualified to laugh at others at all.

I saw Li Chaoren walked a few steps forward slowly, came to the middle of the ship king and Su Ming, and said to the ship king: "What are you messing around here? It's just a matter of owing money to pay back. , Don’t even recognize his own son?"

"Do you know how much impact this incident will have on your reputation if it goes out today?" Although Li Chaoren's voice is not loud, it still sounds serious.

The ship king didn’t know what to say for a while, and he was a little confused by what Li Chaoren said. It’s not that Li Chaoren’s words woke him up. To tell the truth, he doesn’t care much about his reputation. Anyway, among the top rich, his reputation It's not that good at first.

What surprised him was that Li Chaoren, who had always acted low-key, unexpectedly stood up to help the kid, and reminiscent of Zeng Tianqi's behavior before, which made people think deeply.

"Could it be that this kid in front of you has a background?" This thought flashed through the head of the ship king, but he didn't think much.

Because he has never heard of such a person on Hong Kong Island. If he is in the mainland, he doesn't care much because his business has nothing to do with the mainland so far, and the ship king doesn't like the mainland.

So the ship king said: "Lao Li, this is my family affair. It shouldn't be your turn to teach me how to deal with it. Anyway, I don't know when I owe these billions. Naturally, it has nothing to do with me."

"Old Li, you are a lot of age, you should know better than me, don't worry about the truth of nosy." The ship king expressed his dissatisfaction with Li Chaoren in his heart.

To put it bluntly, this guy didn't even give Li Chaoren's face, and he made it clear that he would play a rogue to the end. Once such a person made up his mind to cheat, his face would be very thick, and it could even be described as invulnerable.

Su Ming also knew that Li Chaoren wanted to say something fair for himself, but the effect was not very good. Su Ming didn't want to let Li Chaoren go on talking. The free ship king made Li Chaoren too embarrassed.

But before Su Ming could speak, he saw Li Chaoren’s complexion change, and he said in a deep voice: "Okay, this is indeed your own business. I just give a suggestion. As for how to do it, you decide. ."


Li Chaoren continued: "I can see from this incident that you have no credibility, and the most important thing we do in business is a credit issue."

"Since you are so, the cooperation between our Li Family Company and your Wanjia Shipbuilding Company should end here." Li Chaoren said slowly.


These words of Li Chaoren were like throwing a torpedo on the dull water surface, which immediately detonated the scene. Li Chaoren actually wanted to terminate the cooperation with Wanjia. This...this is too cruel.

The ship king was also stunned. Top rich men like them can't easily talk about business matters. I can't say that I will cooperate with you today and I don't want to play with you tomorrow. That is very naive. behavior.

The Ship King did express his dissatisfaction with Li Chaoren just now, but he couldn't even think of killing him. Because of this, Li Chaoren would terminate the cooperation with their Wanjia. This...this is too sudden.

The King of Ships is called the King of Ships because in the last century, he gradually mastered 90% of the ports on Hong Kong Island and was responsible for maritime transportation. The profit can be imagined.

And Li Chaoren’s business is also very large. Li Chaoren has a "Yangtze River International Trading Company" that does business with foreign countries. This company has a high degree of cooperation with Wanjia’s ships, and it can be said that it accounts for 10,000 businesses. A large proportion.

If Li Chaoren suddenly fails to cooperate, it will hit Wanjia too much, and all aspects involved are more than one billion a year.

And if Li Chaoren didn't cooperate, he could just find another company. Although there were losses, it would not be too great. In this way, the loss of 10,000 families would be great.

No one thought that Li Chaoren, who has always been savvy, would do such a ruthless trick with the ship king, which does not conform to Li Chaoren's consistent style of making money.

Immediately, everyone involuntarily glanced at Su Ming, and their eyes were even more different. This kid probably has a lot of background.

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