League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 924: Director Liu was terrified

Perhaps for more than 95% of the people in this world, it is impossible to see as much money as 500 million in this life, just talk about it.

I don't know how other people feel. Anyway, after Liu Shuwei heard about 500 million, he still felt very shocked. It felt that it was not a height that ordinary people could reach.

As a result, when Su Ming spoke, he turned into a flirty "only five hundred million", especially this "just" said, it really means more pretence, and more pretence, no wonder Liu Shu is a face The expression on the face changed a little for a while.

It seems that a young man who is very handsome and gentle, how can he learn to brag as soon as he speaks? This is not a good habit.

How can Su Qishan fail to see what Liu Shuwei's eyes mean, even he himself didn't expect Su Ming to say such things, so Su Qishan quickly said: "Su Ming, what are you talking about..."

"Director Liu, don't care too much, young man, you want face..."

But before Su Qishan's words were finished, Su Ming continued: "Dad, I'm not talking nonsense, I'm telling you the truth, five hundred million is nothing to me!"

Anyway, Su Ming just got 1 billion from the Hong Kong Island Ship King, plus some of his previous assets, more than 1 billion of funds, plus some industries and the "Royal Pearl" cruise ship, it can be said to be 500 million. A piece of cake.

However, the expression on Su Qishan's face changed at this time. My heart said why Su Ming kept talking, so he winked at Su Ming and said, "It's Su Ming, have you finished your winter homework? Let's go to do homework."


Su Ming always has a very weird feeling. He was still talking about acquisitions of several hundred million, but in a blink of an eye, he talked about winter vacation homework. The contrast was too great, and Su Ming was speechless for a while.

Immediately, Su Ming's tone became a little more serious, and he said, "Dad, don't worry, I really have so much money. Otherwise, can I say this?"


This sentence reminded Su Qishan that he still knew his son quite well. Although he was not as honest as his own temperament, he would not brag casually.

Think about it the last time the old man passed his birthday, Su Ming’s friends with great energy, if you just pick one out, it is estimated that they have to have billions of assets. Is it possible...

When I thought of this, Su Qishan chose to believe in Su Ming instead of telling where he got so much money. Since he dared to say so, he should be able to use it. So Su Qishan changed his attitude and said to Liu Shuwei, "Liu Chang Long, let’s talk about the acquisition procedures of this machinery factory."

"Old Su, you... why are you joking with me?" Factory Manager Liu was stunned, saying that Su Qishan was still fooling around with his son.

Su Qishan said: "Director Liu, you can tell me about it. As for whether you can spend so much money, let's talk about it later, my son wants to find out."


Liu Shuwei did not report much hope in his heart, but thinking that since Su Qishan has said so, let him save face, so he introduced: "If you want to buy this machinery factory, it is actually not complicated. Money will do. This is the most important thing."

"At present, the government actually feels that this machinery factory is a hot potato. It will not give up until it is a last resort, but it is uncomfortable to hold it in the hand, so it is hoped that someone will come over to take over. Just get in touch with the relevant departments of the city."

Liu Shuwei talked about it for a long time. Generally speaking, the process is not complicated, and there are no such complicated procedures as imagined. It is estimated that if you really want to acquire, people in the relevant departments might treat you as an uncle. , All procedures are in place in one step!

Su Ming was relieved when he heard this. What he fears most is that there are too many procedures. The government often gives the impression that if it can be delayed, the efficiency is sometimes really flattering.

So Su Ming said: "Director Liu, does the purchase price of this machinery factory have to be 500 million yuan, can't it be lowered?"

"Of course it doesn't have to be five hundred million!"

Liu Shuwei hurriedly shook his head and said: "These five hundred million are only my estimation. The price is almost ten to ten. Of course, if you really want to buy, you must go to the relevant department to lower the price!"

"Given the current situation of Ningcheng Machinery Factory, I guess there is still room for price reduction. It would be good to be able to sell it, and if some relationship can be found, there may be room for preferential prices!" Liu Shuwei One sentence reveals that China currently has a very common phenomenon of soliciting favors and seeking relationships.

As a result, this sentence directly awakened Su Ming. Yes, you can find a relationship yourself. This is the same for everything. If you have insiders to help, it will definitely be more convenient and the price will also be given a certain discount. .

I am in Ningcheng City, but it is supported by a big boss like Li Ziyao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It should be considered okay to ask Li Ziyao for help. After all, I am also helping the government to solve problems.

So Su Ming said, "By the way, I'll call Secretary Li and see if I can give a discount on the price."

"Secretary Li, which Secretary Li?" Liu Shu couldn't help but wonder when he heard this.

Seeing that Su Ming had already taken out his cell phone to make a call, Su Qishan raised his head and said in a low voice: "We are the number one in Ningcheng, Secretary Li!"


Upon hearing this, Liu Shuwei stunned for a while. Hearing Ning Cheng's top leader, he couldn't understand which Secretary Li it was. He just didn't react.

Su Qishan felt quite normal when he heard it. Su Ming knew Li Ziyao. Su Qishan knew about this. During the father's birthday banquet last time, Li Ziyao saw Su Ming's intimacy, which really shocked everyone.

But Liu Shuwei's eyes were different when he looked at Su Ming. He asked what was going on with the son Lao Su, bragging and addicted?

Su Ming didn't care so much. After finding Li Ziyao's private number, he dialed directly and pressed hands-free.

Su Ming doesn't have the habit of using the hands-free phone, but today he deliberately had to let the director Liu see his own strength, so he didn't believe in himself.

"Hey, Su Ming!"

After the phone rang twice, Li Ziyao's more majestic voice came over. When Liu Shuwei heard the voice, his whole body couldn't help shaking, and his facial expression was completely frozen.

A middle-aged person like him who reads the news and newspapers all day, how could he not hear Li Ziyao's voice, so Liu Shuwei was frightened for a while.

PS: I beg everyone for your support, it will break out in a week.

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