"Director Liu, don't be so nervous, just say what you should say, don't give this kid too much face!" Su Qishan on the side said at this time.

Because Su Qishan also noticed it. After listening to the phone call Su Ming just made, Liu Shuwei might have realized that Su Ming is not simple. When talking to Su Ming, he even became a little restless. This is a sign of nervousness.

A middle-aged man in his forties, and also the director of a machinery factory in Nuo Da, when talking to a young man under the age of 20, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. I am afraid no one would believe this. .

Su Ming had a good impression of Liu Shuwei. Although he didn't believe Su Ming at all just now, he can't be blamed for this. It is estimated that no one would believe it.

So Su Ming said: "Yes, Director Liu, in terms of seniority, I have to call you Uncle, you don't have to be too polite to talk to me."

Liu Shuwei couldn't help but smile. He was indeed in shock just now and did not react. He was indeed a little nervous. It was much better to be said by Su Ming.

Just listen to Liu Shuwei opening and saying: "Su Ming, no matter what, I have to express my gratitude to you on behalf of all our employees. If this acquisition is completed, it must be a worthy thing."

"Director Liu, you don't have to be so polite."

Su Ming said: "Let's talk about this in a few days. The people in the relevant departments have not yet gone to work. Let's talk about it when they officially work. Don't be too anxious, Director Liu. Go back and enjoy your vacation."

Liu Shuwei nodded. He also understood that what Su Ming said was reasonable. On the second day of the Lunar New Year, a ghost went to work. This matter can only be delayed a few days later, but with Su Ming's assurance, Liu The book feels better for the whole person.

Su Ming, who had originally reported that the machinery factory was determined to close down, wanted Su Qishan to reassure the employees. Who knew it was a surprise.

After saying a few more words, Director Liu left. Before leaving, he said a few words of gratitude to Su Ming. Su Ming was under a little bit of pressure. If this fails, then Director Liu will be thankful for nothing. .

"Dad, why are you looking at me like this?" Who knows that Su Ming closed the door after Director Liu had left, and then looked back and saw that Su Qishan's eyes seemed to be something wrong.

Who knows that Su Qishan even joked: "Boss Su, should I also thank you on behalf of the factory employees?"


Su Ming was speechless. Su Qishan, who had always been honest and honest, had learned to make jokes. This was really unexpected for Su Ming.

After Li Ziyao hung up the phone with Su Ming, he was not idle. Li Ziyao was originally a person with strong execution ability, and he was very caring about Su Ming.

So Li Ziyao immediately dialed his secretary Wang Zuozhao's phone number: "Go, let me transfer all the information from Ningcheng Machinery Factory, and make another value evaluation."

Wang Zuozhao did not understand why Li Ziyao suddenly became interested in the machinery factory. This was not something Li Ziyao should worry about at all, but Wang Zuozhao did not talk nonsense.

The first thing you need to do as a secretary is to talk less and do more, so Wang Zuzhao immediately adjusted a lot of information and sent it to Li Ziyao through an encrypted mailbox.

Su Ming has not been idle these days. He went to Professor Li’s house for a meal, and also went to Shen Muke’s house. He also went out with the Qin’s sisters and went to Liu Xia Village. , Basically, I just wandered around for New Year's greetings, busy around.

The seventh day of the New Year's Day is over, for most people, it is necessary to formally work, and Su Ming and his hard-pressed high school third-year dogs also start school earlier than other years. The third-year high school is always the most special.

However, Su Ming directly asked for leave and did not go to school. He was going to work on the acquisition of Ningcheng Machinery Factory.

The machinery factory itself is not actually in charge of Li Ziyao. If Li Ziyao manages everything, then he will not be busy.

However, because Su Ming wants to acquire, the meaning of this is different. When dealing with Su Ming, it must be done by himself, so Li Ziyao personally caught the matter and took charge of Su Ming's acquisition.

On the day of the acquisition, Su Ming took his father Su Qishan and Liu Shu to the government building for the two people. In fact, Su Ming could come by himself.

Although Liu Shuwei is the manager of the factory, Ningcheng Machinery Factory is a state-owned factory. He is at most a manager. The shares of this machinery factory have nothing to do with him.

But Su Ming brought the two of them, anyway, to witness this moment.

"Mr. Su, please here, Secretary Li is already waiting for you inside!" Li Ziyao's secretary Wang Zouzhao, who has been waiting outside for Su Ming long ago ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ gave Su Ming full respect.

When I heard that Li Ziyao was personally responsible for this matter, Liu Shuwei was still a bit stunned, because he knew that the machinery factory was not in charge of Li Ziyao's level.

But Li Ziyao unexpectedly took over. It was indeed a little unexpected, but Liu Shuwei also understood that it was probably because of Su Ming's face. For a while, Liu Shuwei was more curious about the relationship between Su Ming and Li Ziyao.

"Su Ming is here"

Li Ziyao was already sitting in the conference room and waiting. After seeing Su Ming coming in, he immediately got up and said, then he shook Su Qishan's hand specially and said, "This should be Brother Su, right."

Li Ziyao was slightly younger than Su Qishan, and he didn't know how to call him, so he called him Big Brother Su.

Su Qishan was a little excited by such an intimate name. He was the top leader in the city, and he even called his elder brother.

So Su Qishan quickly stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Secretary Li."

"Su Ming, this is the contract I asked someone to draw up. Everything has been prepared for you. Take a look. If there is no problem, just sign it." Li Ziyao took out several contracts, one of which was formal. , The rest are backups.

Su Qishan and Liu Shu picked up a copy for the two of them. When they saw the purchase price, Liu Shuwei couldn't help but cried out: "Only two hundred million?"

No wonder Liu Shuwei was so shocked. Originally, according to his estimation, the machinery factory estimated a price of about 500 million yuan. Who knew that the contract had directly written 200 million yuan to pack all the shares. The price difference was too big.

Immediately, Liu Shuwei glanced at Su Ming, who had the same expression a little abnormally, and immediately realized something. He couldn't help feeling shocked, saying that Su Ming's face was too great.

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