League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 930: Guanyin tea comes out

Su Ming didn't stay in the company too much. After all, Cheng Ruofeng and the others also had to work. After the Chinese New Year, there was a lot of work, and Su Ming was not there to delay them from doing business.

After confessing the matter, Su Ming left the "Fengming Security Company" with great thoughts. Why should I say with great thoughts, because just now from Cheng Ruofeng, I heard the news of the Oriental Sword God.

For Su Ming, this was a big trouble, and it was unavoidable. Since the moment Miyamoto Mutian was killed, this trouble had been doomed.

If you can't avoid it, you can only face it. Su Ming is not the kind of person who is afraid of things. Although he doesn't know what the strength of the sword **** is, Su Ming will not be scared to be a turtle.

At present, for Su Ming, perhaps the most troublesome thing is not knowing what the strength of the Oriental Sword God is, but what can be guessed is that it must be very strong. It is probably the most powerful enemy Su Ming has ever encountered.

Another more troublesome thing is that Su Ming doesn't know exactly when he will come to find himself. Su Ming is in a passive position now, and he doesn't know when the sword **** will come to him.

However, Su Ming immediately figured it out. Worrying is useless. At present, the most important thing for him is to improve his strength. Only in this way can he win one more point!

Now Su Ming’s first thing to do is to quickly upgrade the Bilgewater Scimitar, and upgrade it to the blade of the ruined king. If you think about it with your butt, it is clear that since the blade of the ruined king needs to be upgraded, the power must be better than Bill Givert's Scimitar is much stronger.

For Su Ming, this may be a good opportunity to improve his strength. If the Bilgewater Scimitar is successfully scored, his combat effectiveness can already rise by a stage.

Su Ming still vaguely remembered that when he got the Bilgewater Scimitar, he had already said that it would take a full 300 points to upgrade to the Blade of the Ruined King.

"Xiaona, how many points do I have now?" Su Ming stopped and asked!

Xiaona's voice immediately rang: "Report to the host, currently you have 150 points left. Would you like to choose a lottery?"

After drawing Yasuo’s big move last time, there are 20 points left. Then he completed the task of helping Li Chaoren watch Feng Shui and got 60 points. He also completed the task of acquiring the machinery factory and got 70 points. 150 points, nothing wrong.

"There is no lottery, the points will be kept for now." Su Ming said to Xiaona.

Now reason tells Su Ming that the points cannot be drawn, and must be kept, because Su Ming is not sure what skills can be drawn in the lottery, and it may even be not a skill.

At present, Su Ming urgently needs to improve his combat effectiveness, so he can no longer waste his points. He must accumulate points to upgrade the Bilgewater Scimitar. This is the most important thing.

It's a pity that the points are still too few, and the distance to upgrade is still a full half. Su Ming can only hope that he can do a few more tasks during this period, and he hopes that the sword **** will come to China to find trouble for himself.


However, after these two days, the guy Benjamin called Su Ming and said that the tea processing factory in Liu Xia Village had officially started production, and Su Ming needed to go and check it out.

Su Ming thought for a while. It has been a while since the last groundbreaking ceremony. The speed is indeed fast enough, and it is estimated that the construction workers will not be paid less.

But this is no way, because the spring of tea is almost ready to harvest, and spring tea is also the most popular tea on the market.

If you do not hurry up and start work at this time, it is estimated that you will not be able to catch up with the tea harvest season. Fortunately, Benjamin has hired professionals, and he has a very limited grasp of time.

It is indeed a big day to officially start work. Su Ming and Benjamin, the two behind-the-scenes bosses, must get through. Benjamin also took a lot of effort. Basically, his team is responsible for the processing plant.

And Su Ming didn't do anything. Aside from paying the money, he was a vigorous hand-shocking shopkeeper. If Su Ming didn't go by the day when the work started, it would be a little unreasonable.

So I made an appointment with Benjamin. The next day happened to be the weekend. Su Ming took Xia Qingchan and Huahua back to Liuxia Village again.

"Master, happy new year————"

This guy Benjamin seems to have not recovered from the joy of the New Year. If it weren't for his yellow hair and blue eyes, Su Ming really wondered if this guy was deliberately pretending to be a foreigner.

"How many days have passed since this year, what a shit, so hurry up and talk about business."

Su Ming now talks to Benjamin more casually~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Benjamin’s personality is also let go. The more Su Ming talks to him like this, the happier he is, because this is the proof of a good relationship between two people Yeah.

Just listen to Su Ming asking: "How many days has the processing plant started and how is the current progress?"

"I don't know this, let's go in and have a look." Benjamin shrugged, obviously he wasn't staring here all day.

"Hello two bosses, my name is Hu Dejun!"

After entering the processing plant, a middle-aged man with gray hair and black-rimmed glasses walked out and said politely, looking a bit old on the surface.

"Let me introduce, this is the person in charge of our tea processing factory, and he is responsible for all affairs." Liu Xiacun's party secretary on the side introduced it.

Su Ming realized that this Hu Dejun was dug from the state-owned tea factory in Huizhou for a large price, and he has rich work experience.

Huizhou is a sacred place for producing tea. Well-known teas, such as Maofeng, Houkui, black tea, and melon slices, are all produced in Huizhou. This Hu Dejun worked in the tea factory over there for decades and gave him Digging it over is indeed a great help to the processing factory that has just started Guanyin Tea.

"Two bosses, everything in the processing plant has just started, and most of the workers are at a familiar stage, so the production capacity has been slower, but our first batch of Guanyin tea has already been produced." Hu Dejun said.


Su Ming nodded. In fact, it is quite good to be able to produce a batch in such a short time. So he said, "Take us to see it."

"This is the first batch of Guanyin tea that we produced, totaling more than 300 kilograms. It has been sealed and packaged and can enter the market at any time!" Hu Dejun told Su Ming and Benjamin.

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