League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 934: Li Ziyao inspected

After Hu Dejun agreed, Benjamin naturally had no objection. When this guy was in front of Su Ming, he felt like an ordinary foreigner with big nerves. No one connected him to the Benjamin family at all, Su Ming said. He has no opinion on anything.

Su Ming nodded, immediately confirmed the plan of action, and then said: "Old Hu, you go find two people from the company to do this, find some models, remember that the figure must be hot and the appearance is not good. Stunned."

"In addition, I will contact some local live broadcast platforms in Ningcheng to see if I can invite a few well-known female anchors. Money is not a problem. It doesn't matter if you give more!"

"Okay, I'll take note of President Su, so I'll find someone to do this thing!" Hu Dejun nodded immediately, and then went to call someone to do the job.

The look on Su Ming’s face is still serious, and I don’t know if learning this trick in most booths is effective. To be honest, Su Ming feels that it can attract some popularity, but he wants to sell it in two days. Ten thousand catties are still too difficult to get out.

At present, we can only look like this first. Let’s take a step at a time. If it doesn’t work, Su Ming still has a ruthless trick in his heart. That is to call Wang Wei and ask him to find a few small pieces for himself from Xingyao Media When the stars come, the attraction will definitely be extraordinary.

In the end, if it doesn’t work, Su Ming can even find Lin Yingzhu. With Lin Yingzhu’s popularity, countless fans will definitely rush over.

Because a big star suddenly appeared on such an occasion as an agricultural exhibition, it would inevitably affect the reputation and image. Lin Yingzhu didn't take that kind of rural route.

Finding models and internet celebrities is not a one-and-a-half moment. There are many links that need to be communicated, and people may not have schedules. It's not anxious. What Su Ming can do is wait patiently.

After lunch time passed, the number of people at the agricultural exhibition in the afternoon gradually increased. The booth of Su Ming and their Guanyin tea was still the same, and most people were not interested at all.

This made Su Ming couldn't help sighing. He still thought about things too simple. It is still too difficult for consumers to accept a tea without any reputation in the market. After all, many people drink tea from the brand.

What's more worth mentioning is that this is still in Ningcheng. You must know that Guanyin tea is a local tea in Ningcheng. If you can't sell it in Ningcheng, you can imagine it will die when you go to market in other cities. How miserable it is.

"The secretary is here, the secretary is here to inspect."

Su Ming and the others waited so boringly for more than an hour. Suddenly, there was a sensation at the scene of the agricultural exhibition, and they didn't know what happened. It seemed that the crowd at the scene were quite excited.

A long way away, Su Ming could see that some people outside were taking pictures with their phones on tiptoes. Su Ming couldn't help wondering for a while: Could it be that which booth this is? Would you invite a star?

"I wipe——————"

But before two minutes had passed, Su Ming could see clearly that one of the people in the crowd was coming here, and it was Li Ziyao, Ningcheng's number one boss.

Why did Li Ziyao appear on this occasion? This is what Su Ming was more puzzled about, but after thinking about it carefully, it didn't feel too strange. I guess Li Ziyao came to inspect the work.

In fact, Su Ming really guessed it right. This agricultural exhibition is not a trivial matter. In addition, the country has always attached great importance to the issue of agriculture and farmers. Li Ziyao showed his appreciation for this agricultural exhibition. Pay attention.

Next to Li Ziyao was a guy with a bigger face. This guy was the director of the Ningcheng City Agriculture Bureau. He walked a little half a step behind Li Ziyao, obviously keeping it deliberately.

The big-faced director said, "Secretary Li, let me show you this booth. This is also one of the more successful booths at our agricultural exhibition."

Li Ziyao has already strolled around, and then according to the arrangement, I just look at the specific booths. Of course, I can't look at each of them. At most, I can choose one or two more representative ones.

It's a coincidence that the booth that the director of Big Face pointed to Li Ziyao is the compound fertilizer booth opposite Su Ming. Obviously, it has been arranged in advance, and this booth is indeed very popular.

"Secretary Li, this Shi Danfeng compound fertilizer is a local star company in Ningcheng City. The current product share in the country is very high..." Director Dalian introduced to Li Ziyao.

Next, Li Ziyao looked around, and then asked a few questions. The big-backed manager answered by the side ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It can be seen that Li Ziyao is quite satisfied.

After asking a few questions, Li Ziyao nodded, and then said: "Yes, companies like Shi Danfeng Compound Fertilizer are worth learning for all of us."

"While making profits, we must put ourselves in the position for the sake of our farmer friends. At present, the country attaches great importance to this aspect. It can be said that in the future, most projects related to agriculture will get very good development!" Yao summed up a few sentences, encouraging everyone by the way.

"Papa Papa——————"

Immediately there was a very warm applause, and Li Ziyao smiled all over his face. Now Shi Danfeng Compound Fertilizer was in the limelight.

Being able to let Li Ziyao come to inspect in person is a good publicity in itself. In addition, the camera was filmed afterwards. These are all local TV stations and media in Ningcheng. So you can imagine that Shi Danfeng compound fertilizer this time The agricultural exhibition is about to win a big win.

Compared with the Shi Danfeng compound fertilizer booth, which was surrounded by the crowd, Su Ming and the others seemed a lot more lonely, and they were just a supporting role.

Li Ziyao didn't notice Su Ming. First, after he came to the booth of Shi Danfeng Compound Fertilizer, he was blocked by everyone, and he couldn't notice the opposite side at all.

And Su Ming was not ashamed to take the initiative to call Li Ziyao, after all, this was Li Ziyao's work period, and it was a little inappropriate for him to have personal friendship with him.

"Secretary Li, let's go to the next booth and have a look!" Director Dalian said, in addition to this Shi Danfeng compound fertilizer, Li Ziyao also arranged one.

When Li Ziyao came out, no one dared to surround him. He immediately gave up a path and followed Li Ziyao. As a result, Li Ziyao immediately saw Su Ming in the opposite booth.

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