League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 955: Blade of the Ruined King

Su Ming dangled on the shelves of the supermarket. Fortunately, the supermarket was about to close at this point. There were not many people inside, which saved Su Ming a lot of embarrassment.

"Which one should I buy?"

Seeing the dazzling array of sanitary napkins on the shelf, Su Ming couldn't help feeling dazzled. People nowadays are really good at playing, but it's just a sanitary napkin, and there are so many tricks.

Su Ming couldn’t understand the seven-dimensional space, Hu Shu Bao, Su Fei, daily use, night use, and even some all in English. Su Ming couldn’t understand at all, so Su Ming became entangled. After all, what kind of one should I buy? When I came here, Luo Xiaoxiao didn't tell me what kind of one should I buy.

"Mr., do you buy sanitary napkins for your girlfriend?" At this moment, Su Ming's ears suddenly rang out, which shocked Su Ming.

Su Ming looked back abruptly and found that it was a young salesperson who was not too old and dressed in supermarket work services. The salesperson's smile on his face should be to recommend Su Ming.

Seeing that he had been exposed, Su Ming couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but he didn't feel anything when he thought about her daughter. What's so shy about being a big man, it's just hypocritical.

So Su Ming asked: "Yes, it is... I bought it for my girlfriend. I don't know too much. Can you recommend it?"

"May I ask if the amount of your girlfriend is large, is it more or less?" the saleswoman asked.


Su Ming couldn't help being embarrassed as soon as he heard this question, so Su Ming said: "This...I really don't know this very well."

The salesperson had a very good attitude and didn't think there was anything. It's normal for boys not to know this question, so the salesperson continued to ask, "How old is your girlfriend?"

"It's about twenty-two or three."

"That's still very young."

The salesperson picked up a sanitary napkin with a pink outer packaging, and then said to Su Ming: "Then I will recommend this seven-dimensional girl series, which is very suitable for young girls."

"You'd better buy two, one for daily use and one for night use." The salesperson continued.

"Okay, thank you very much!"

Su Ming picked up two packs of sanitary napkins and thanked the salesperson. There is no need to buy too much. Luo Xiaoxiao definitely still has stock at home. Just solve her current troubles first.

After paying the money, Su Ming took the bag in his hand and ran to the hot pot restaurant again, asked a waiter to help, and sent the sanitary napkins to Luo Xiaoxiao in the bathroom.

After a few minutes, Luo Xiaoxiao came out. At this time, Luo Xiaoxiao looked pretty blush and said "thank you" to Su Ming.

Su Ming also sighed in his heart, who invented the sanitary napkin, what a genius. In a blink of an eye, Luo Xiaoxiao, who was not walking smoothly just now, was suddenly resurrected with blood.

Luo Xiaoxiao sent Su Ming home first, and then drove back by himself.

After Su Ming got home, he immediately locked himself in the room in a hurry. Now for Su Ming, the most important thing is naturally to upgrade the Bilgewater Scimitar.

"Xiao Na, come out quickly, my points should have exceeded 300." Su Ming immediately said to Xiao Na in his mind.

Xiaona's voice came out: "Yes, after completing the task of [Buy Sanitary Napkins], the host currently has 320 points left. Is the host a lottery or an upgrade?"


Su Ming immediately said decisively: "Give me the upgrade of the Bilgewater Scimitar."

After all, this is something that has been planned for a long time. Against Miyamoto Musashi, if he has the blade of the ruined king, Su Ming feels that his combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, and he should be able to fight!

"Bilgewater Scimitar Scimitar can be upgraded to [Hextech Gun Blade] and [Blade of the Ruined King]. Which equipment does the host choose to upgrade to?" Xiaona asked.

"Blade of the ruined king!" Su Ming did not hesitate.

"Upgrading Bilgewater Scimitar requires 300 points. Does the host confirm the upgrade?"

"Confirm the upgrade!"

After Su Ming had finished speaking, there was no movement immediately, and Su Ming would inevitably be a little nervous, because Su Ming knew that the upgrade had already begun.

However, only two seconds later, the system prompt sounded: "Congratulations to the host, the Bilgewater Scimitar has been successfully upgraded, the host has obtained new equipment and destroyed the King's Blade."

"I wipe it, this is over?!"

Su Ming couldn't help but feel a little painful. He thought that the upgraded scene would be so awesome, at least it would be shining golden, maybe there would be thunder coming, who knows that there is no movement at all, so it's done. .

But it’s not the time to care about these details. After all, it’s enough to have equipment. Su Ming took a look. The Birgewater scimitar, which had been quietly placed there before in the equipment bay, has disappeared, replaced by a purple one. The red long sword.

"This is the blade of the ruined king!" Su Ming's eyes were slightly excited. Anyone who has played the game knows that the blade of the ruined king is in this shape.

Su Ming thought, the blade of the ruined king suddenly disappeared in the equipment bay, and then appeared in Su Ming's hands, as if taking something from the air. If he was seen by a normal person, he must think that Su Ming was doing magic.

The moment the blade of the ruined king started~www.wuxiaspot.com~, a heavy feeling spread through Su Ming's palm throughout his body. This sword was indeed heavier than the previous Bilgewater Scimitar.

Moreover, Su Ming had a vaguely magical feeling. It seemed that when he grasped the blade of the ruined king, all the blood of his body was also connected with the sword. The feeling of blending and confluence was never before. Over.

Let's take a look at the shape again. The blade of the ruined king is very different from the previous Bilgewater Scimitar. It is straight, not the shape of a Scimitar.

A huge emerald is inlaid under the long handle. This gem gleams with a slight light, but this slight light is much weaker than the light on the blade.

This is a luminous sword blade, and the entire blade is surrounded by a layer of purple-red light. If you look closely, you will find that the light is constantly erratic and looks like a burning flame.

"This is too cool, right?"

Su Ming’s first impression of getting the Blade of the Ruined King is that this sword is so handsome, it can blind a lot of titanium alloy dog ​​eyes, and it is countless more handsome than those lightsabers in science fiction movies. Times.

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