League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 961: The style of that sword

The Sword God was also a little tired, and he had been in a state of fighting with Su Ming. Although Su Ming could not cause any fatal blows to him, Su Ming's movement was too elegant and the sword was too tricky, and it also made the Sword God bother. A lot of effort.

Although it seems that the white robe on his body is stained with a little dust, the whole person is a lot more embarrassed than before, but it is much stronger than the injured Su Ming.

Su Ming wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth. The Sword God wanted to kill himself. This is no longer a shocking thing. Su Ming knew that once he was defeated, he would only die.

But now it is too early to say that he is undefeated. Su Ming stood up slowly. He did suffer some traumas just now, but it was not enough to make Su Ming seriously injured and he was still capable of action.

"If you want to kill me, you have to ask if I agree or not."

After Su Ming stood up, a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. After the Sword God noticed Su Ming's smile, he immediately raised his heart, and a dangerous breath instantly filled his heart.


I saw that Su Ming moved very fast, and suddenly raised his hand, three dark vitality bullets were directly aimed at the sword **** and threw them, like three dark spherical lightning in the night, the speed is dazzling.

These are the three dark vitality bullets accumulated by Su Ming using Syndra's ultimate move [Energy Pouring]. The reason why they have been used until now is because they are too cheating and need a certain amount of time to accumulate.

In order to maximize the power of Syndra's ultimatum, Su Ming must accumulate three so that he has some chances to threaten the Sword God. When Su Ming is already a little bit difficult to support, he finally accumulates them.


The expression of Sword God's whole person has changed very drastically. Su Ming's move made him never expect it. It is really too weird. Even if it is still in mid-air, Sword God can feel every dark black. There seems to be a powerful destructive energy in the magic orb.

Hearing a low drink from the Sword God’s mouth, he raised his wooden sword and drew a "ten" in the air. He actually stabbed one of the dark vitality bullets in mid-air through the tyrannical sword energy. Broken.

With such a powerful sword aura, Su Ming couldn't help being stunned. He was indeed a strong man who had already stepped half of his foot into the True Essence Realm. It was indeed too powerful.

But the dark vitality bullet is not vegetarian, after all, it is an extremely powerful skill, three dark vitality bullets, and the other two sword gods are gone.

Moreover, this dark vitality bullet seemed to have eyes, and hit the Sword God's body straight away. The Sword God could not hide, and could only forcefully lift the vitality to resist through the body.


There was another huge explosion, just like those explosion scenes in the movie, and even felt the top of Lingyun Mountain tremble a few times.

After a few seconds everything returned to calm, the dark black energy that exploded and tilted out, all disappeared, and the sword **** still stood upright.

But his clothes had been slightly broken, and even a large part of the upper body of the white robe was blown away, revealing a white and smooth chest.

It is Su Ming who is very confident in his appearance. After seeing the skin of the sword god, he can't help but envy him. This guy is also a few dozen years old, and he has maintained such good care for Mao.

Coupled with the already messy long hair and a sword in his hand, he is a beautiful man in ancient costume, but it is a pity that Su Ming doesn't get involved!

The Sword God was also traumatized. Even a strong man like him couldn't ignore the existence of the dark vitality bullet. There was a smear of blood on the corner of his mouth, and it seemed that he had suffered a serious injury.

But seeing this scene Su Ming was still disappointed, failing to kill the sword **** or inflict serious injuries, it was a failure for Su Ming, because at this time Su Ming had no better tactics.

However, there is another Yasuo's big move, [Fast Wind Slash], but this skill needs to be triggered under special conditions, and it must be windy.

Now that the top of Lingyun Mountain is calm and the waves are calm, Su Ming can see that the "Slash of the Wind" in the skill bar is gray, which means that Su Ming can't use it at all.

In this way, today it seems that defeat is set.

The Sword God's expression became more solemn, and the eyes that looked at Su Ming were even very shocked. The last person who could show him this kind of eyes didn't know how many years back.

Unexpectedly, a young man in the late stage of the Huaxia Kingdom's Qi Gathering Realm was able to force him to this level. This is too exaggerated. At least in the East, the Sword God has never felt such pressure.

For such a peerless genius of China, the Sword God felt that he had to kill him. If he were to be given a few more years, there would be no one to live with him in the East.

"If you can force me to this point, you are already proud of defeat." Sword God said slowly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This competition with Su Ming is itself unfair, his realm is It is much higher than Su Ming. If it is the same level, he may not be able to beat Su Ming in ten.

Although he had already made up his mind to kill Su Ming, the sword **** still respected Su Ming from the bottom of his heart.

A young man under the age of twenty can get the respect of the Oriental Sword God, and I am afraid that few people believe it.

Su Ming smiled bitterly. Even though he said that, he didn't like the word "Although defeat is still glorious." Su Ming always felt that there was a comforting element in it. If you lose, you are defeated. Why are there so many excuses? Yeah.

He still holds the blade of the ruined king in his hand, but Su Ming does not have any strength in his hand. No matter how hard it is to fight, there is nothing to fight. Although the sword **** is also injured, his remaining combat power is much stronger than himself. .

The battle is like a marathon. At the beginning, everyone may run almost the same, but afterwards, the difference in strength between individuals is revealed.

"Sorry, I have to kill you!"

The Sword God still said that. While speaking, he raised the wooden sword in his hand again. He knew that this was probably the last sword he made today.


The wooden sword was very sharp, cut through Su Ming's skin, pierced Su Ming's chest, and directly penetrated Su Ming's whole person.

Su Ming didn't want to react, not that he didn't want to hide, but that he really couldn't hide.

The heart-piercing headache filled Su Ming's nerves. Su Ming couldn't hold back again, and he vomited a big mouthful of blood "Wow".

This sword completely severed Su Ming's hope and slowly took away Su Ming's life. This sword seemed to have brought an end to tonight's battle on the top of the mountain.

The Sword God took the sword back, the sword was covered with blood, and Su Ming's body softened and fell to the ground!

PS: Fifth more!

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