The Sword God stood motionless in front of Su Ming, with blood dripping from the wooden sword in his hand. Naturally, the Sword God knew that Su Ming still had some vitality after eating the one he had just now.

But this does not mean anything. The Sword God will not be like fighting on the battlefield. After seeing the enemy's body, he will directly go up and make a two-shot to prevent the fish that slipped through the net and did not die.

The Sword God did not bother to do such a thing, because he was extremely arrogant in his heart, and at the same time the Sword God couldn't do that, because Su Ming was an opponent worthy of his respect.

Up to this time, the expression in the Sword God's eyes was still a bit complicated. It was really hard for him to imagine that a young man had forced him to this point.

The vitality in Su Ming's body was constantly passing by, and his breath gradually weakened. The Sword God knew very well that Su Ming would die if he didn't hold on for a while.

However, the sword **** did not feel happy at all. Instead, there was a feeling of sadness in his heart. He felt sad for himself and felt sad for Dongyang.

He had never imagined before that there would be a young genius like Su Ming in Huaxia Kingdom, and there is no genius comparable to Su Ming in Dongyang.

Although his son Miyamoto Muten is already a well-known genius in Dongyang, in front of Su Ming, the gap is more than just a little bit.

But at this moment, the mutation happened suddenly, and a circle of green mist suddenly appeared around Su Ming's body. The Sword God could clearly feel that the vitality of Su Ming's body was gradually recovering!

"This... how is this possible?!"

Just when the Sword God was shocked, seeing Su Ming who was about to die, he slowly got up from the ground, and he stood up again!

The treatment is very magical. It is not the first time that Su Ming has used it, but this time Su Ming discovered that the more serious the injury, the more obvious the effect of the treatment.

Although Su Ming hadn't fully recovered right now, he was already much stronger than when he was about to die.

The astonishment in the eyes of the sword **** flashed by, and Su Ming's sudden return to light seemed to be a miraculous phenomenon, but after all, the sword **** was rich in experience and he understood that this was definitely not a nonsense miracle. It is estimated that Su Ming used something against the sky. Treasures and the like.

"I advise you, don't waste your efforts!" Sword God spoke slowly, his voice still as flat as before.

Even if Su Ming recovers a bit, what will happen if he barely stands up? If you lose, you lose. The Sword God is very confident. Even if Su Ming is allowed to stand up a hundred times, he cannot be his opponent. The realm gap is like a gap between the two people.

Su Ming chuckled slightly. He thought the same way before. The reason why he didn't use the treatment just now was not because Su Ming had forgotten it, but Su Ming had also thought about it. What would happen if he used it, but let himself struggle more. For a while, what's the use?

But when he was about to close his eyes, Su Ming's strong desire to survive suddenly changed his mind and started the treatment. Before the last minute, who knew if there was any hope.

Su Ming didn't speak either. He just sat down like this, and didn't go up to find the Sword God desperately. If the Sword God directly acted, he would immediately kill Su Ming with a single sword.

The sword **** was very strange to Su Ming's actions, so he asked: "What are you doing?"

"Wait for the wind!" Su Ming said slowly, closing his eyes.

Now Su Ming wanted to win, he had to wait for the wind to come. If there was a wind on the top of the mountain at this time, he still had a chance for the last fight. If he couldn't wait, he would still be dead.

Anyway, it's dead, it's better to wait for a while. After Su Ming's life is dying just now, his mentality is very good now.

Su Ming spoke again: "By the way, I have to advise you, if you want to kill me, you should hurry up, otherwise the wind will rise for a while, and you may not be my opponent."


The Sword God laughed twice, and there was no taunting at Su Ming in the laughter, just a simple wish to laugh.

After laughing, the Sword God raised the **** wooden sword again, and he was indeed ready to do it. There was no need to wait meaninglessly.


But at this moment, the somewhat broken white robe on the Sword God began to sway slightly, and there was actually a wind on the top of Lingyun Mountain, and a cold wind blew over, if it were an ordinary person. , It is estimated to be passively gritted teeth trembling.

The place where the weather forecast cannot be accurate is naturally a mountainous area, because the climate on the mountain is unpredictable and it is really difficult to predict.

On this cold night, a gust of wind suddenly came on the top of Lingyun Mountain, which seemed a bit nonsense, but in fact it was quite normal to think carefully.

The weather like this on the top of the mountain is basically windy every night, but Su Ming was so lucky today that he almost didn't wait for the wind.

"It's really windy?!"

Su Ming opened his eyes with some surprise, the wind blew a little bit of cold on his face, but Su Ming's heart became instantly hot.

Even if there is a strong wind, life will never give up!

Su Ming did not give up, and now finally ushered in hope. Seeing that the sword god's movements seemed to have stopped due to the gust of wind, Su Ming no longer hesitated, and directly activated the Storm Swordsman-Yasuo's big move. The gust of wind will not stop].

When the sword **** saw that Su Ming picked up the blade of the ruined king and stood up again, he couldn't help but shook his head, and said calmly, "Why bother?"

Obviously from the Sword God's point of view, Su Ming still has to single out with himself in this state. It is completely meaningless. The more time passes, the lower Su Ming's chance of winning.

Your Excellency, why doesn't the wind rise and soar for ninety thousand miles?

This sentence is a sentence that people often ridicule on the Internet. When translated into vernacular, it means: You are so fierce, why don't you go to heaven?

But the current Su Ming actually leaped into the wind, as if stepped on the wind, jumped into the air, and waved the ruined king's blade in his hand.

In an instant, there were more than a dozen phantoms around Su Ming. These phantoms made people unable to see the true and false. These phantoms simultaneously waved the long sword in their hands, and suddenly countless swords flew in the air, forming a sky full of swords. .

"Brother Feng, look at it!"

Huzi and Cheng Ruofeng just climbed to the top of the mountain at this time, and the two people who were about to collect Su Ming's body, saw such an exaggerated scene when they came up, Huzi cried out in silence.

The two people looked up at Su Ming in mid-air at the same time, their eyes were extremely shocked. At this time, Su Ming was like... a **** descending!

PS: Seventh!

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