League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 966: Shiyin, wait for me!

On the top of Lingyun Mountain at this time, the Sword God committed suicide in front of Su Ming, and ended his life in this way, which inevitably makes people feel a little embarrassed.

But Su Ming didn't feel too sad, and he didn't even think that the choice he made to the Sword God was too strange. The biggest reason was that the Sword God was so proud.

Today's accidental defeat in Su Ming's hands was something the Sword God had never thought of, and he also lost a whole body of skill, and the meridians were also severely damaged.

In this way, even if he went back, he would no longer be the sword **** of the Eastern Kingdom. It would be better to know himself directly. For a person like him, it might be better to survive than die.

Su Ming glanced at the sword **** again, drew out his ruined king's blade, slowly squatted down, and blindfolded the opened eyes of the sword god.

Immediately Su Ming ordered: "Cheng Ruofeng, look back and find someone to take the body of the sword **** without any damage. At the same time, go and contact the Miyamoto family on the other side of the East!"

"If they want the corpse, return the corpse to them. If they don't want it or can't get in touch, they will bury the Sword God in Huaxia." Su Ming said.

"Yes--" Cheng Ruofeng nodded.

However, Su Ming's expression changed abruptly, and it seemed to be a little bit painful. He immediately sat down cross-legged and began to meditate.

Just now forcibly suppressed the large amount of vitality that he had absorbed, but after a while of work, he became out of control again, and even Su Ming could feel a burst of pain in his meridians.

You must hurry up and refine your work here, otherwise the consequences may be disastrous.

Cheng Ruofeng and Huzi didn’t understand what was going on, but when they saw Su Ming’s expression, they knew something was going on, so they didn’t dare to speak any more. They stood up beside Su Ming silently, as if they were Two protectors.

After a while, Su Ming remained silent, closing his eyes and meditating, but the phone in the tiger's pocket rang. After taking it out, it was a heavy satellite phone.

This mobile phone does not have the functions of a smart phone. It seems that it can only call and send text messages and locate at the same time, but the signal is very strong, it can still be used at the top of the mountain, and it cannot be located and tracked through the operator's base station.

Huzi was born as a scout and was very sensitive to information, so he always carried two mobile phones with him. One was a normal mobile phone for normal use.

There is also this satellite mobile phone, in case you need it in an emergency, for fear that others will not be able to contact you, it is an important use today.

Huzi knew that this call was absolutely important, and most people would not easily call his mobile phone. In order not to disturb Su Ming, Huzi stood up to the side to answer the call.

The call lasted only tens of seconds. After hanging up, Huzi looked ugly and walked to Cheng Ruofeng's side and whispered, "Brother Feng, something has happened."

"what's up?"

"That Jiang Zhuliu directly led people to kill the Qin family, saying that he was going to destroy the Qin family directly. The situation is urgent!" Hu Zi's tone was very anxious.

Thanks to Cheng Ruofeng for keeping an extra eye on him before going up the mountain, so that Huzi sent his subordinates to pay attention to Jiang Zhuliu and Song Jiji's actions. They were originally afraid that these two guys were targeting him, but he did not expect to find out that Jiang Zhuliu did the Qin family This news, and timely feedback came over.

"When did the Jiang family take action?" Su Ming suddenly opened his eyes and asked.

In order not to disturb Su Ming, Huzi deliberately lowered his voice, but Su Ming still heard him.

It's not that you can't speak when you meditate and refine your vitality. When you are disturbed, you will get into a madness. That is a lie in the TV series.

It's just a little distracting, but it involves the Qin family and the Qin Shiyin sisters, so how can Su Ming calm down.

Both Huzi and Cheng Ruofeng were taken aback by Su Ming who was talking suddenly, and neither of them had time to ask why Su Ming could speak. Huzi directly replied, "It should be what happened just now."

"The Jiang family has already started. At this time, all the masters of the Jiang family have been dispatched. As soon as our people got the news, they immediately notified me!" Huzi continued.

Su Ming is a little anxious. He is currently refining his vitality. This game is like playing and playing. After the game starts, there is no way to stop for a while.

At most you hang up while playing games and you lose and get reported. However, if Su Ming stops, it is estimated that he will go directly to GG. He will suffer a serious backlash, and it may cause death.

So even though Su Ming was anxious at this time, there was nothing he could do. He couldn't rush over.

So Su Ming couldn't think so much, and directly ordered: "Cheng Ruofeng, you two will bring the people in the company to go first, and temporarily hold the Qin family, don't let them mess around, I will rush over after a while. "

"Remember it for me, try to avoid conflicts as much as possible, if it is not possible, you must also pay attention to safety, life is the most important thing, I will pass as soon as possible!"

This is the only way to go now. Let Cheng Ruofeng and Hu Zi lead the "Fengming Security Company" to support the Qin family first.

In fact, Su Ming can also guess that 80% of the Jiang family is also an ancient warrior, and the strength is not too strong, but it is difficult for ordinary people to deal with. Otherwise, Jiang Zhuliu will not have the confidence to scream and kill Qin directly. Home.

So Su Ming told Cheng Ruofeng and the others ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Anyway, they must save their lives.

Cheng Ruofeng and Huzi also understood the seriousness of the matter, and immediately nodded. Cheng Ruofeng said, "Boss, do I need to leave our car for you? Let's get one nearby, or how can you get there later?"

Cheng Ruofeng's thoughts are still relatively delicate. After thinking of this question, whether Su Ming can provide timely support for a while is the key.

"I don't need it, I have a way to go. You two drive by yourself, and the speed passes!" Su Ming has the card's big trick, full graphics support, it is too simple to support the past, this is not a problem at all.

Cheng Ruofeng stopped talking nonsense, and immediately went down the mountain with Huzi, and at the same time asked Huzi to call and notify the brothers in the company, and rush to Qin's house.

Su Ming slowly closed his eyes and continued to meditate and operate the exercises. At this time, for him, he thought that those were no longer useful, and he had to adjust his mood, otherwise he would just waste time.

"Shiyin, wait for me!" Su Ming said silently in his heart.

PS: Tenth more!

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