League of Legends Krypton Gold Monster

Vol 2 Chapter 143: Black belly... Ye Ruiwen

The ban selection of the two parties begins.

Intur knows Guangsha very well.

Guangsha also heard a little about Intour.

Although Intur remained mysterious and basically never played, after all, the defending champion, Ye Bufan, had been done homework by Sister Chen beforehand. The Dragon God mid laner is strong, while Intur is more powerful in the bottom lane.

Therefore, the Guangsha team, which was selected first, banned 3 adcs, ez, vn, and Aphelios.

Knowing the BO3 of the Dragon God of Guangsha, Team Intur also backhanded down Iron Man, Stone Sparrow, and Spider. The orphan's Five Kills Iron Man really makes people afraid to let go.

"Dwarf oil, it's interesting. Guangsha has banned 3 adcs, while Intur has pressed two junglers. Both sides are very targeted."

"But they even released the current version of the strongest top laner monkey and the most popular auxiliary cat. Are you going to prepare for the first move?"

From the beginning of the ban selection, Guang Guang just picked up the microphone and started to understand that many failed teams and netizens who watched the game also heard the truth.

"As expected of the former Douyu anchor, she is insightful."

"Guangguang, you are so handsome, I want to give you a monkey."

"Everything has a daughter-in-law, girl, don't be a nympho, think about me?"

"Cut, no Fez."


After three bans, three selections are started.

Ye Bufan found the problem just like Guangguang.

There is no ban on the opposite side of the strong single monkey!

And he didn't have a ban on weapons that he played well before.

After Ye Bufan meditated, the team said: "The other side seems to be prepared to pay attention, regardless of the road. Then 80% is for the bottom road."

"Yes." Xiao Zhoushen unexpectedly answered first.

Xiaoma and Brother Ji also nodded.

Shi Chihu did not say.

"Then help Brother Ji get the cat first, after all, this version of the cat is very strong, and it is easy to play with the wind and the wind, so that the pony will develop first." Ye Bufan said.

"I'm fine." Brother Ji agreed.

So Guangsha helped Brother Ji get the cat.

The cat support is indeed the best support currently available. You can swipe the shield back to blue and increase the blood on the line. Team battles also have a strong control ability and milkman ability.

Intur was a little surprised when Guangsha first grabbed the cat.

Intur itself is a team with a style similar to RNJ, a little like 4 guarantees 1, relying on the bottom lane advantage to carry. For the current version of the strongest auxiliary cat, they naturally value it extremely.

"Give them weapons monkeys, they don't want them?" Zhongdan was steady and Jian was surprised.

"Then let's grab the monkey. This hero is capable of output, and the version is the strongest. Although I am new to practice, it should be similar to other meat tanks." There is rain in the upper single wind.

"Okay, as long as the monkeys develop steadily, team battles will be invincible." The jungler and the Quartet agreed.

"Then get me the machine, the robot will kill the cat," said auxiliary Yue Changkong.


Intur took the monkey and the robot.

Guangsha won the old partner Snake Girl and Li Sang Zhuo.

Intour won the Star Casting Dragon King.

Next, the two sides banned again.

Intur banned the praying mantis and the male spear, and selected the poodle + Oba Ma.

Guangsha banned the bounty and the small cannon, and selected Kayn and...

Blade of Exile!

That's right.

Ye Bufan brought out the top laner heroine who was basically unable to make it to the arena... Rui Wen! At the same time, he is also the iconic hero who explains Guangguang!

Guangguang suddenly felt energetic!

Explaining Ruiwen's words, he has very good experience and ability.

"Uh... how do you put it. Ruiwen used to play monkeys at the same level. Let's open 55."

"But this version of the new monkey is really hard to say."

"However, in my experience, Ruiwen always takes advantage of the consumption of blue."

"Ah? Sister, what are you talking about?"

"No! It is the advantage of not wanting blue, not the advantage of shame."

"That girl, you must listen carefully, don't talk nonsense ─────?."

The atmosphere of the scene was mobilized with Guangguang’s hard-working commentary, and the audience was instantly brought into a heated discussion. Many people were betting on the monkey and Ruiwen, who would explode...


Finally, the ban selection is completed, the talent runes are selected, the game starts to load, and the IDs of both parties are announced.

Blue side:

Guangsha, Orphans Hangover, Blade of Exile

Guangsha, fate is like weaving, Kayn

Guangsha, Zhongdan Female Emperor, Li Sang Zhuo

Guangsha, gods descended to earth, snake girl

Guangsha, lie down and win the chicken brother, the cat

Purple party:

Yingtuer, rain in the wind, Monkey King

Intur, kill the Quartet, the proud stalker

Intour, steady and robust, cast the star dragon king

Yingtuer, small walk, Lucian

Intour, Moon Sky, Steam Robot

The loading progress is 100% fast.

锃锃锃, the hero is born.

Ye Bufan decisively bought the equipment and went on the road.

His Ruiwen is still flashing + teleporting.

Talent: the main element is precision, conqueror + triumph + toughness + perseverance; auxiliary element is enlightenment, magic shoes + astral insight.

Rune: +1~10% cooling reduction, +5 attack, +6 armor.

The talent runes are different, and the outfits are slightly different from the swordsman weapons.

350 long sword + 150 small green bottle.

With Ye Bufan's keen insight and game understanding, he discovered that the biggest difference between the new version of the monkey and the old version of the monkey at level 1 is not the small changes in various mechanisms, but the changes in E skills!

E skills, the basic damage increased from 60 to 80, and changed to AP bonus magic damage; provides 40% attack speed bonus, 10% higher than the old version; cool down 10 seconds, 2 seconds longer than the old version.

That is to say, the intensity of the new version of Monkey Level 1 e is stronger than before, but the CD of the secondary skill is slower, and there is no longer such an obvious advantage in skill refresh.

Therefore, Ruiwen can use her own exclusive style of play to trick and kill superficial monkeys!

That's right, it's a lie.

Forcibly kill, the monkey will definitely not be so stupid...

But if you lied to him to send it up, there was no problem.

(?????) Hey.

It's so dark.

It's so big and scared!


In the first game of bo5, neither side had any advantages or disadvantages.

Start normally.

1 minute 35 seconds, meet on the road **** line.

Ye Bufan, who had a relatively fragile outfit, didn't dare to look for a monkey to heads-up. God knows if the monkey on the opposite side will play Duolan Sword. One-way single-handed play, the Dolan sword is definitely better than the long sword.

After all, there is a bonus of 80 points of health, and the long sword has 2 points of attack power, which is a fart.


Ye Bufan was embarrassed, and the top order on the opposite side was rainy and embarrassed. He went out and bought the 500 corruption potion.

Good performance is rewarded.

Poor performance and punishment.

As for the orphan on the opposite side, I heard that it basically broke all the top laners with him today, except for the two games where the opposite was 3 packs.

Can there be rain in the wind, can we not persecute?

Is it bad to be alive?


1 minute and 43 seconds.

Melee creeps fight.

Ye Bufan pressed her ring finger.

Ruiwen's iconic action.

Q skills·Dance of Wings!

A period of Q moved out of the grass, and Ye Bufan operated Ruiwen to appear, but the monkey on the other side was still missing.

For 1 minute and 47 seconds, press the second section of Q again, and it is already close to the melee line.

For 1 minute and 51 seconds, the 3rd stage Q was dropped, causing (15+37=52) damage.


No soldier was killed, and all the last traces were left...

Seeing Ruiwen hurriedly moved to make up the knife in embarrassment, she tried her best to make up these soldiers, she looked very clumsy, but the attack speed was not allowed, only A made two cuts.

Still missed a soldier...

The rainy monkey had already walked out of the grass at this time. Seeing Ye Bufan's Ruiwen operating, he couldn't help but look at the phone with an expression of disgust from the old man.

He estimated that his feet are more beautiful than this Ruiwen...

Even a knife can't be repaired, and the Q skill is finished.

Knowing that this time is Ruiwen's skill gap, rain in the wind is after all the champion of the Black Rose region, so he directly chose to take advantage of the opportunity!

E skill·Tengyun steal chicken (?▽?)!

An EA, cooperate with the minions to directly destroy Ruiwen's 118 HP.

Ruiwen also backhanded a tie A, with the last passive layer of Q rune-blade attached 3 times, and cooperated with the minions to knock down the monkey by 88 HP.

Ruiwen's blood volume, 442560.

Monkey blood volume, 452540.

Obviously this wave of swapping monkeys took up 30 points. The beaming monkeys retreated decisively, waiting for the cd of the E skill.

Ye Bufan was very calm and didn't chase. As soon as the monkey walked away, his Q skills were ready.

Use again.

Q skills·Dance of Wings!

One, two, and two Qs stuck with a 3.5-second cd and used them to collect the opponent's three long-range soldiers.

There is rain in the wind, I can’t stand it anymore (#`罀′)……

"This is the legendary orphan top laner? All skills are used to fight soldiers? Doesn't I beat his head to be worthy of the golden cudgel in his hand?"

Just after Ruiwen's second stage Q was used, the monkey's E skill was ready, and the E skill, Tengyun Assault, was released again. This time he decided to educate this orphan Ruiwen, who had randomly placed the skill!

Ye Bufan also manipulated Ruiwen to give the last Q to fly, and then retreated decisively.

After the knock-up, the monkey woke up and drank the corruption potion, the time warping tonic effect took effect, and the blood volume instantly recovered from 420 to 470, keeping up with level A.

One A, Ye Bufan only had 310 blood left.

"You're the orphan?"

Two ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ blood.

"Can you still find North after the two sticks go down?"

Three A, 204 blood.

"Just your Riven operation is so stubborn, do they know that you hit the top order? The anchor Ruiwen is watching it, aren't you ashamed?"


Seeing the monkey opposite is so arrogant...

Ye Bufan was relieved.

What? What?


Now that you are chasing, don't even think about leaving...


Black belly... Ye Ruiwen, understand?

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