League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 990 Chapter988 Plan Change

Isu Oken, the seat of Yuen Tower.

An energy wave that only a few people could feel erupted from the north, spanning the entire eastern jungle of Ixtal, sweeping over the Yuen Tower and flying further south.

Lester stood on the top of the tower and looked at the north. The man who controlled Vidalian all day long without rest was a little tired. Considering that it was pointless to worry about it, he rubbed his temples and then turned around and walked to the makeshift war sand table.

The war sand table is composed of flowing magic elements, which perfectly restores the terrain of the entire eastern jungle of Ixtal. Every town and village in Ixtal is marked on the sand table with tiny gravel models.

The three colors on the sand table symbolize three forces respectively.

The crimson color symbolizing hostile forces spread from the northern Orm Tower. As of today, Mordekaiser's underworld army has dyed nearly two-thirds of the land of Ixtal red, and the land closest to Ixocan has been dyed red. The occupied area was less than a month's journey away, and the place we passed was thousands of miles of bare ground and forests of bones.

Currently, Mordekaiser's army is divided into three parts and marching from the north to the south. The three legions are advancing together, constantly transforming the natural environment of Ixtal into a death place flooded with underworld energy, and unscrupulously plundering the flesh, flesh and soul of the material realm to strengthen themselves. ,

Even the big cities with the help of Vidarian are no match for the Underworld Army. They are just struggling for a few more days, and in order to fight for these few days of dying, Leicester himself has put in unimaginable efforts and fought for them. The only thing is to let the green forces that symbolize Ixtal withdraw south as soon as possible and take refuge in Ixoken.

The Ixtal people who cannot escape have only one fate, and that is to become the enemy's blade stabbing them. If it were not really contrary to human nature, Lester even considered using Videlion to directly eliminate the unyielding people before the underworld army arrived. The evacuated Ixtar people achieved another form of clearing the country with a strong wall.

In the battle with Mordekaiser's army, everything that can breathe must be cleared of 'wild'.

The last color is Ixoken marked in blue, which means the area controlled by the Noxus Empire.

By wresting control of Vidalian, he has become the de facto controller of Ixoken. As soon as the airship troops arrive, Ixocan has the power to fight against the underworld army.

Ixoken is the last line of defense in the eastern rainforest. It has a very special strategic position. It can protect tens of millions of people relying on the elemental weaver Vidalian.

If even the six million people of Ish Oken are lost, the entire eastern part of the Shurima continent will no longer be defendable. By then, the entire eastern part of the Shurima continent will have fallen, and the underworld army can reach the Buddha on the Shadow Island to the east. The old Kingdom of Kamavia, commanded by Yego, can march west to invade the New Shurima Empire, cut off the supply line of the Noxian Empire's Icathian Expeditionary Force, and destroy the empire's layout on the void battlefield. .

Judging from the overall battle situation, even if Shia's dragon army won the war of Omta, there are also many soldiers of the underworld army. Iso Oken must have a battle. Now that the underworld army has begun to take shape, it is definitely not possible. A fire that is easily put out.

Lester sighed softly and tapped the sand table with his right index finger. Three villages turned into ruins, and the lush land was dyed blood red.

"Mordekaiser has been preparing for this war for thousands of years. Of course it is not easy to deal with. I just hope that Shia can bring me some surprises."

Having said that, Leicester no longer expects the dragon army to win the battle in Omta. As long as Omta has some substantial results, the three underworld legions that went south to invade Ixtar should also have some results. That's the right reaction, but the fact is that these three underworld legions are still steadily slaughtering the city and looting the land, looking like they want to take root in the material realm, and it doesn't look like they are being attacked from behind.

With the obstruction of the underworld fog, Leicester could not obtain the intelligence of the occupied area through Vidalian. Only when the underworld fog was not blocked for exploration, he could see how the underworld army corrupted the land and slaughtered the creatures.

The invaders proved with actual actions that this invasion was by no means just a whim. Now, Leicester had to prepare for the worst.

In the royal palace, which is independent from the palace, Mara sat blankly on the main seat, writing and drawing on parchment with an expensive Storm Eagle feather pen.

The palace was heavily guarded inside and outside, and a group of kingdom ministers stood uneasily below. However, everyone's eyes were not focused on Mara. Today, Isu Oken is no longer the one who has the final say and is selected by Yuen Ale. Princess Mara is just a puppet in name only.

Just like them, even though a person looks like a dog here, he can only obey orders, but if you think about it from another angle, others are not qualified to obey orders.

"Your Highness Mara, please sign these documents on how to resettle the refugees."

The woman who spoke was tall, with a cold temperament, and beautiful blond hair. She wore a Noxian Empire female officer's skirt and armor that did not conceal her identity, and wore a long sword at her waist.

The female officer stood next to Mara, swiftly took away the document that Mara had just signed, and immediately handed over another one. The speed was so fast that Mara's eyes popped out.

Mara, who felt a little aggrieved, did not dare to say anything. She could only act as a ruthless signing machine. No matter whether these policy documents were good or bad, she had no power to intervene. The only thing she was thankful for was that she was a daughter of nurturing kindness. Her identity can still play a role to some extent, which is better than her family members who are imprisoned in the palace.

To this day, she is a little confused as to why she has reached this point. She obviously just wants to eat and drink happily for the rest of her life.

While Mara was signing the document, an imperial soldier strode into the solemn palace hall, gave a military salute to the female officer standing high up, and said loudly.

"Major Jelia, our soldiers captured an Ixtal girl outside the palace who injured an imperial soldier. Based on the investigation, we confirmed that this girl is Qiyana, the tenth princess of Ixtal."

"Hey, sister Qiyana was arrested?"

Mara looked up at Yelia in surprise, but saw that Yelia still had a cold look, as if she had been caught in the peripheral vision, Mara shrank her neck and did not dare to look anymore.

"Since she injured an imperial soldier, keep her in prison. After the matter here is over, I will personally interrogate her!"

"As you command!"

"Your Highness Mara, don't look around when doing things."

Putting down the quill, Mara buried her head in her arms and sighed sadly.

[What a scary woman, wuwu...]

As night fell, the residents of Isuoken did not parade through the streets holding lanterns as they did in the past. When the last ray of sunset disappeared, every household closed its doors tightly, and groups of Kingdom soldiers patrolled the streets and alleys. Unless you have a night pass issued by the kingdom, you will be sent to the prison as a night offender. Even if you are not a criminal, you will have to shed a layer of skin if you want to get out of the prison.

News of the invasion of the kingdom has spread throughout the royal capital. Refugees from the north have poured into the royal capital, triggering a series of social problems. In response to the growing criminal cases in the royal capital, the ruler of Iso Oken has shown unprecedented The iron-fisted methods frighten the guys hiding in the dark and ready to make moves.

At least on the surface, the security of the royal capital has improved a lot.

In the temporary housing in the outer ring of the city, Ellie and her mother cleared away the dishes. When they were about to leave, they were stopped by their father Agulal.

"Ellie, things are different now. The world has changed for the worse. Come and listen."

The resettlement room was not big. Two beds took up half of the full room. Seeing her mother Tayana nodding, Ellie sat on her bed, opposite her father and mother. ,

In the past, her father rarely let her get involved in family affairs. Every time he talked about business, she would take the initiative to avoid it.

From the time she left home until today, she found that she was not surprised by her father's change in attitude.

I don’t know if this is what my father said about growing up.

"I heard from the foreman that it won't be long before those monsters from the north are coming. The people in the city are busy preparing for war. I thought, I need to tell you about this matter sooner."

The man did not extinguish the expensive oil lamp. After lighting the tobacco leaves with the flame, he took a puff from the pipe with a frown on his face. In the smoke, the wrinkles on the man's cheeks seemed to relax a bit.

Looking at her father's completely gray temples, Ellie's nose felt a little sore. The family of three relied on her father to keep their family from going hungry, but his father never told him what happened to him outside.

Not noticing anything unusual about his daughter's expression, Agulal took another puff from the pipe.

"Now Isuo is allowed to enter but not to leave. The population of this city will only increase. If we want to survive, we must make plans as soon as possible. After all, the danger does not only come from the outside. I am going out to work and leave you two. I don’t feel at ease being at home alone.”

"I've heard about this. It seems that several people were executed for refugee resettlement. It seems that the murderer has not been caught yet?"

Tayana took over the conversation, looking worried.

"There are so many guards patrolling the streets every day, killing people as they say. Alas, even though life is so difficult, there is still internal fighting."

"Knowing people knows their faces but not their hearts. When there are more people, disputes will inevitably arise. Now everyone is tightly tied to a string. No one knows whether the string will be broken and it will lead to death, so we try not to When you provoke others, be gentle in your dealings with them, so as not to be jealous.”

Agulal sighed with emotion and then continued.

"But there is no way to go on like this. If we go to the inner city, the security will be much better, so I am now thinking of ways to enter the inner city. In Isuoken, the closer to the Yuen Tower, the safer it will be."

When Tayana heard her husband say this, her eyes lit up, then dimmed quickly, and she smiled bitterly.

"Agulal, only rich people can enter the inner city. How can we, those of us who are fleeing from other places, get our turn? To be honest, it's already great to be able to enter the city. It's better to be content."

"The main thing is that things are different."

Noticing that her father suddenly turned his eyes to her, Ellie couldn't help but be startled.

"I clearly remember that our daughter was tested for magic talent when she was two years old. Originally, I thought that when my daughter was a little older, I would send her to the tower to learn magic. You insisted on stopping me and said you were leaving. If I don’t open my daughter, this matter will be ruined... Do you still remember?"

Ellie opened her mouth in surprise. She had never heard of this before, but Tayana frowned and spoke in a bad tone.

"Agulal, I am just a precious girl. If I send her to the tower, won't she lose her sight? And it was a decision we made together at the beginning, but now you are complaining about me?"

Agulal shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Why do I blame you? Can you just listen to what I have to say first?"

"Say it! I want to see what you say?"

Putting down the cigarette, a gust of night wind blew, and half of Agulal's face illuminated by the fire flickered.

"Now that the inner city has opened up part of the residence rights to outsiders with magical talents, I thought that if Ellie is chosen, we can live in the inner city."

"Is this happening?"

Tayana was doubtful.

"You're not trying to trick me, are you?"

"What's the point of me lying to you?"

Agulal stared at his wife, smiled and said slowly.

"This news is 100% true. As long as we pass the magic talent review, our family can live in the inner city. This is the latest war decree issued by Yuen Ale."

Unexpectedly, Tayana's face suddenly turned livid.

"War decree? We've been working on it for a long time, and you want our daughter to be a soldier? Do you know how dangerous it is outside now? Ellie has never even killed a chicken, and you want her to go to the battlefield? With you as a father? Of?"

Being provoked by his wife, Agulal's smile froze, and there was a bit of anger on his face. Tayana stayed at home all day long. Who knew how much he suffered outside for three meals a day? ?

To put it mildly, he is called a refugee; to put it worse, he is a stinky beggar in the eyes of the locals in Isuoken. He will do anything just to get a bite to eat.

What's more, even the local master of Isuoken looks precarious now. He wants his daughter to try to learn magic and become stronger?

"I didn't say that I would let my daughter go to the battlefield? I just mentioned it casually and discussed it with you... How can you, a woman like you, talk with a gun and a stick? Can you talk properly?"

"Why did I carry a gun and a stick? My daughter has never gone out. Don't you want to kill her by letting her go out?"

"You also know that my daughter has never been out?! Who do you think is chaining my daughter to you every day and not letting her go anywhere, insisting that she stay by your side? What's the point of being tied to your side all the time? If you listen to me, my daughter might be better soon It’s Yuntar! Why do we have to suffer so much!”

"What happened? Didn't you know you can't make loud noises at night?"

The night guard knocked on the door with an evil look on his face. Agular suppressed his anger, put on a smile and opened the door.

"It's nothing. Let's rest now and make sure we don't quarrel."

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