League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 995 Chapter993 Visitors from Hell

Opening a white door curtain, Catalina looked over and saw the patient who had met the doctor before her lying peacefully on the hospital bed. He seemed to be asleep. He looked normal, but in fact the man had no regard for the outside world. He didn't even know that a "dangerous person" who killed the nurse was staring at him silently.

Catalina walked into the ward and looked around. There were some common medical items, but she didn't find any suspicious items. Then Catalina came to the man's side and pinched the heart pulse, and used the magic power in her body to check along the heart pulse. Reasons why men fall asleep.

"In addition to the coma caused by an overdose of narcotic drugs, it seems that some hallucinogenic drugs were also injected that may accelerate organ failure."

Catalina opened the unconscious man's jaw and forcibly opened the unconscious man's mouth. A strong smell of medicine hit his nostrils.

As a night-blade demon assassin who is proficient in assassination, Katarina relies on the magic crystal substance to test drugs on her own body. Her body has already developed a high degree of resistance to most poisons. It is important for her to identify the type and source of poisons. It is said that it has become a special ability like a natural instinct, so it is not difficult to distinguish potion materials by smell.

"Death angle, musk buds, blue poisonous mushrooms... are all pharmaceutical materials that are harmful to the brain. If you add so many materials at the same time, people will either become madmen or idiots. It seems that Dr. Clavell has no idea how to use them. There’s a lot of interest in creating psychopaths.”

Catalina let go of the unconscious man's mouth, a cold smile appeared on her face, and left the ward to take a look at other compartments. All the patients, including Madeline, were lying peacefully.

Dr. Clavel's crime of murdering patients in the name of diagnosis has been proven. What's left is to figure out the other party's purpose of doing so. However, Catalina has already decided that whether Dr. Clavel is a pervert who is born with a love of killing or has another hidden agenda , she is ready to deal with this unstable factor.

This time, no one was leading the way. Catalina walked up to the second floor alone.

The second floor is far less crowded than the first floor. In the magnificent classical hall, a handsome, gentle-faced middle-aged man is burying his head in his papers. The sunlight shines on the man's profile through the cross-shaped glass window, making the man's eyes light up. Silver gray short hair looks a bit dazzling.

It seemed that he had just noticed that someone had gone up to the second floor. The man raised his head belatedly and smiled apologetically at the visitor.

Catalina narrowed her narrow and dangerous eyes and examined the source of the chaos in the medical center.

Judging from his appearance alone, Dr. Clavel can definitely be regarded as a handsome, handsome middle-aged man with a gentle appearance. Coupled with his status as a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded, Clavel's words and deeds can easily be recognized by patients, even strangers. It's hard to be wary of such a man.

It seems that every action of this man easily earns the trust of others.

Unfortunately, judging a book by appearance does not exist in the dictionary of the Blade Assassin of the Night, and Katarina did not forget that the smell of blood had already permeated the first floor. Obviously, a doctor who often works with blood should not be unaware of this.

In this case, Dr. Clavell's attitude is somewhat intriguing.

In the unspeakable silence, the man stood up and spoke apologetically.

"Miss Andara, I'm sorry, it was a bit rude of me to let those lost souls entertain you."

Having said this, Dr. Clavell gave Caterina a very solemn apology ceremony in Ixtar.

"I sincerely hope that Miss Andara can forgive me for my mistake. After all, I didn't expect Miss Andara to be so healthy and beautiful. I would rather make friends with Miss Andara than establish a doctor-patient relationship."

Catalina casually played with the Blood Flame Blade in her hand. She could feel Clavel's fear of her beloved knife. Obviously, the man's apology was not as simple as he showed.

"First of all, you don't need to apologize to me. Secondly, I have no interest in making friends with anyone, so let's make a long story short. Who are you, and what does the missing patient in the hospital mean to you?"

Clavel smiled slightly, straightened up, and sat back down in his seat very gracefully.

"I'm glad that Miss Andara didn't come to me to accuse me. As you can see, Miss Andara, I am the owner of Avises Medical Center, an ordinary doctor named Ariel.

Unlike ordinary doctors, I am actually more interested in exploring the mysteries of the human body and soul than treating illnesses and rescuing people. Those poor and missing patients just appeared in my clinic at the right time and became my source of exploration into the unknown. They should have known long ago that there is no such thing as a free dinner in the world. "

Catalina was not affected by Clavel's performance and smiled coldly.

"I don't think an 'ordinary' doctor would know how to use soul magic to restrain a nurse's soul. Since you are unwilling to tell me the truth, I can only find the answer myself."

Before the words could even be finished, the Blade of Blood Flame turned into a bloody stream of light and flew towards Clavel's heart. Clavel's expression changed slightly, obviously he didn't expect that Catalina would do it as soon as she said so.

A spell aura appeared out of thin air, blocking the path of the Blood Flame Blade. However, the Blood Flame Blade passed through the spell aura as if it had pierced a layer of water film, and accurately sank into the man's chest.

The next moment, the sword light exploded from the body, and Dr. Clavell turned into pieces of corpses on the ground. He died very cleanly. The blood-flame blade disappeared on the spot and returned to Catalina's hands in an instant.

After killing Dr. Clavel, Catalina's face was not half happy. She stared coldly at the flesh and blood on the ground, a ball of blood inflammation appeared in her hand, and she threw it at the doctor's corpse.


The blood inflammation exploded in mid-air as if it was blocked by something, and the false curtain was torn apart. Dr. Clavell stood intact, with a cold expression, without the friendliness he had at the beginning.

"I have given enough kindness to Miss Andara, but it's a pity that Miss Andara doesn't understand the truth."

"What's the point?"

Dr. Clavell sighed regretfully.

"When someone shows goodwill to you, don't try to fight with them on their territory, otherwise you will easily lose your life after the negotiation breaks down."

The camouflage magic was removed, and his silver-gray hair turned into ashes of purgatory. He had horns on his head, his body was up to two meters tall, his muscles were bulging, and he had fleshy wings on his back. He wore a red open-chest dress engraved with the energy lines of hell, reflecting the reflection of the energy of hell. The aura of a magic item.

In the blink of an eye, Dr. Clavel transformed into a hell demon with crimson skin. At the same time as he regained his true form, the purgatory fire spread from Dr. Clavel's feet, completely sealing the entire second floor of the medical center.

Catalina soon realized that the hell demon in front of her on the second floor of the medical center had been moved out of the material realm, forming a magical space with laws different from those of the material realm. The flickering magic could only be used within a short distance in this special magical space. Use it, but it doesn't allow her to break the space and return to the material realm.

The way back was cut off, and her life seemed to have been controlled by the enemy. In a daze, Catalina saw the scene of her body being torn apart, and a sense of fear struck her heart.

The thoughts that came to her made Katarina know that she had been under the mental influence of the enemy invisibly. She couldn't help but take a deep breath, use magic to resist the mental influence, and abandoned all negative thoughts that were not conducive to the battle.

Every bit of blood and sweat she shed in the past turned into unshakable willpower. Katarina used the top concentration of the Night Blade Demon Assassin and the additional taunt she learned from her teacher.

"Perhaps what you said makes some sense, but I also want to tell you a truth."

With a grin, Clavell appears to be quite patient. He likes to tear apart those self-righteous hopes and watch the hopes turn into desperate despair. He will gratefully chew this despair bit by bit. Savor this chase that is as good as fire and wine.

"Miss Andara, just say whatever you want."

"The only thing I have to worry about in sulfur bedbug territory is the smell of rotten eggs from my shoes."

The devil's smile suddenly froze, and soon turned into the cruelest malice. He didn't know where the human female in front of him learned the most disgusting curse words for hell demons. He only knew that he would definitely make the human female pay for this offensive word. A sufficient price.

"Miss Andara, I have to say that you almost succeeded in angering a demon. The price of this narrow miss was that you got a calm enemy.

I really want to know if your soul is as beautiful and delicious as your beautiful skin. I will enjoy your body in front of your soul, and then stuff your soul into the body of the most ugly and filthy whore, so that you can enjoy eternity. Pain and suffering. "

Stretching out his right hand and reaching into the magic space, Clavell directly drew out a two-handed sword burning with purgatory fire, waved his wings, and turned his body into an unstoppable mountain to kill Katarina.

Throwing the blood-flame blade in her left hand to one side of her body, Katarina watched coldly as the ferocious demon got closer and closer, then threw another blood-flame blade at the demon.

With a disdainful curl of his lips, Clavell used the Infernal Greatsword in his hand to block the dagger, which was no longer than the hilt, and was about to cut off Catalina's head with a single slash.

When the purgatory fire on the blade was about to touch Katarina, Katarina's figure suddenly disappeared, avoiding the unstoppable fatal attack, and appeared at the location of another blood-flame blade.

A shadow of the Blood Flame Blade quietly fell to the ground and hid itself, far away from where Katarina was standing before.

If someone could detect the magical aura of the Blood Flame Blade, they would be able to see that Catalina had already arranged seven phantoms of the blade while moving.

Catalina raised a sneer on her lips and stared at Clavel provocatively, making Clavel even more angry.

"What a ridiculous little trick. When I destroy your toy knife, will you still be able to run around like a monkey?"

"You are simply better at spewing feces than the noisiest pig demon I have ever seen. Hell can tolerate a red-skinned pig like you."

Hearing Katarina calling him a red-skinned pig, Clavel's head ignited a stream of purgatory black smoke. Clavel, who was completely enraged, held his sword in one hand and shot a high-speed fireball with his free left hand.

The fireball magic rubbed Catalina's afterimage and fell to the ground, shattering a piece of extremely expensive mahogany furniture.

Seeing that the plasticity magic had no effect on the flexible Katarina, Clavell immediately changed his gestures and used command magic that would cost even him.

"Mortal, I order you to crawl on the ground!"

The curse turned into sound waves and spread in all directions, reaching her ears. This time, Catalina did not escape. Her body was uncontrollably covered by a mark of purgatory, and she was forced to crawl on the ground unable to move.

Clavel smiled ferociously. By now, he had lost the idea of ​​killing Katrina. He was going to keep Katrina's body, restrain Katrina's soul, explore all of Katrina's secrets, and make Katrina suffer. Every humiliation he could think of.

The idea turned into actual action. Clavell put the Infernal Sword in his hand back into the magic space, flew towards Catalina at full speed, and stretched out his right hand to grab Catalina's head.

In just a moment, he can use hell magic to completely control this mortal who dares to provoke him. He will leave Ixtar with his loot and find another good place in the material realm to slowly torture this ignorant person. Awe-inspiring mortals.

"Mortal, I will show you the price of offending a powerful demon."

Katarina mobilized the magic power in her body and attacked the hell magic covering her body again and again. When the hell magic wavered, she got a brief respite - a chance to open her mouth and spit out the syllables.

A fear deeper than death is close at hand. Katarina, who is familiar with the customs of the hell plane, knows exactly what a red devil will do after being captured. At this moment, she is extremely calm because she has done what she can. To the limit, there will be no regrets whether you win or lose.

If her arrangement couldn't kill the demon, the worst result would be to explode the magic crystal core in her body. Even if she would lose her soul if she did so, she would never allow herself to fall into the hands of the enemy.

The demon's face was so close, Katarina's eyes were as cold as an ice crystal that was willing to melt but refused to surrender. Noxian warriors only feared shame, never feared death.

"Death... Lotus."

The moment the magic spell sounded, the two blood-flame blades that fell to the ground flew into the air, turning into two blades of light that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye and stabbed at Clavel who was caught off guard. They penetrated the hard skin that the devil was proud of, and brought out A bloody flower appeared.

When Clavell was horrified, following the two blades of blood flames, sixteen blades of light that had been placed on the ground rose up, weaving together with the targets damaged by the two blades of blood flames as the core. The airtight light and shadow of swords shrouded the demon.

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