League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1005 Chapter1003 The Battle of Ixoken (4)

"Agulal, tell me, when will this day end?"

"You ask me, how could I possibly know? If you ask me, I can only live for one day."

"You are such a loser. Alas, I don't know what happened to Ellie."

After dinner, Tayana had nothing else to do. The ban on going out was still in effect, and there was nothing to do at home. It almost drove the woman crazy, so the woman could only talk to her husband.

Agular, who was a little irritated by his wife's quarrel and no longer needed to go to work, stood in front of the window and smoked cigarettes, frowning and staring at the sky of Isuoken, hoping that he could see something different. .

Unfortunately, there is still not even a ray of sunshine in the sky today. The entire sky is covered with black-green mist. There are many ghosts in the clouds, as if the whole world has been swallowed by darkness. There is no hope and hope. bright.

Even through the blessing light from the Yuen Tower, he could feel the horror hidden in the darkness.

He had almost forgotten the last time he saw the bright sky.

If there is such a thing as the end of the world in this world, then the end of the world will probably look like this. For ordinary people like him, they can only wait for death when facing such a disaster.

He is not dead now because someone is blocking those terrible things from where he can see.

"Dong dong dong, Kingdom City Guardsman, open the door quickly!"

A sudden rough knock on the door attracted the attention of the couple. After glancing at Tayana who was hesitating, Agular carefully opened the door, only to see three Yi Xu standing outside the door wearing armor and holding guns. The soldiers of the Tar Kingdom were led by a middle-aged man with a ferocious face and a burly body. He didn't look like someone he could mess with.

Agular asked softly with a flattering look on his face.

"Military lords, what's the matter?"

The leading soldier first glanced at the room, paused slightly at Tayana's still charming body, and then looked at the slightly humble male host, grinning.

"Are you Agulal of Omta?"

With a vague premonition in his heart, Agulal nodded.

"Yes, I am Agulal of Om Tower. I have participated in the construction of the Great Flying Gate Tower before, and I know many Noxians..."

"That's right, let's go, you've been drafted."

Agulal took a step back with a stiff face, a forced smile on his face.

"Did the military master make a mistake? My daughter with magical talent has been drafted into the army. How could a useless old guy like me get her turn? Besides, I have to take care of my frail wife. It's really inconvenient... …”

"Yes, did the adults make a mistake? No matter what, it won't be my husband's turn to go to the battlefield, right?"

Tayana also stood up to speak, but the soldier smiled coldly and refused to accept this trick at all.

"Don't tell me those useless things. Listen, this is an order from above. Every household must have someone. If you don't want to go, you can ask your wife to go. I'll give you a minute to think about it." , one of the people in this room has to leave."

Having said this, Agulal had no choice but to follow the soldiers and leave.

Tayana watched helplessly as Agulal's back disappeared at the end of the street. The panic in her heart was stronger than before, but there was nothing she could do.

"Master Jun, where are we going?"

"Shut your mouth and just follow. There is so much nonsense."

Agular, who had been scolded, did not dare to say anything more. He walked through two streets and saw four carriages parked two by two on the carriageway. There were more than a dozen people sitting on the back of the carriage.

Taking Agulal to the second carriage, the soldier pointed to the empty space on the back panel.

"Why are you still standing there? Go up by yourself. Do I have to invite you?"

Uneasy, Agulal climbed into the carriage and sat silently with the other conscripted men.

"Follow the arrangements honestly and don't become a deserter, otherwise, haha..."

The soldier turned and left. Agulal wanted to say a few words to the other people on the carriage, but a few sharp glances came over him, and Agulard could only swallow his words back in his stomach.

When the four-wheel carriage was filled with twenty-four people, the carriage drove towards the outer city. The four accompanying knights guarded the head and tail of the motorcade, ignoring the carriage passengers who began to whisper. Agular finally spoke. Opportunity.

"Brothers, how were you recruited?"

"How else could he be recruited? Of course, someone came to recruit him."

The tall and thin man who spoke glanced at Agulal as if he were looking at a fool, and then glanced at the other four people in the car, taking in all their expressions.

"Since we can't run away, we can only live with it and do whatever they ask us to do. Hey, maybe we will have a chance to get ahead after this battle."

The young man sitting opposite Agular lowered his voice.

"Does my brother know something?"

The tall, thin middle-aged man nodded proudly.

"My brother is very smart, but my information will not be given away in vain."

In the expectant gazes of several other people, the tall and thin man stretched out his right hand and rubbed it with a profiteer's smile. Everyone couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it. It's really shameless to deal with things that are already done."

Agulal looked at the bald man sitting next to him with admiration, but the tall and thin man spoke with a dissatisfied look on his face.

"You damn bald man, I didn't force you to buy or sell. I don't want to buy what I want. What do you care about me doing?"

While talking, the young man took out three silver coins.

"I only have so much money, brother, have you seen enough?"

The tall, thin man put on a smile.

"That's enough, brother, I'll talk to you alone after we get off the bus."

Before arriving at the destination, a total of two people bought the exclusive information of the tall and thin man. Agulal actually wanted to buy it, but he didn't have that much money, so he had no choice but to give up.

The carriage finally stopped at the gate of the barracks. The barracks seemed to have just been built not long ago. Agular could even see the abandoned building structures outside the barracks that had not yet been demolished.

After jumping off the carriage, the twenty-four people lined up in two rows. A Noxian officer walked out of the barracks. The Noxian officer held the roster and glanced at everyone with a burning gaze.

"Now the roll call begins, and the person whose name is called takes the initiative to shout, Kamski!"







Agulal subconsciously straightened his body and shouted. Seeing the soldier who named him nod to himself, Agulal breathed a sigh of relief.

After confirming that it was correct, the bearded soldier who named the name handed the roster to his adjutant, his face darkened, and he pressed on everyone with a fierce aura.

"My name is Renteria! I have the rank of Major! I come from the Noxus Empire! I set foot on this continent to protect you weak and incompetent foreigners!

From now on, you must respectfully call me Instructor Renteria! You will receive fourteen days of military training together with others in this training camp! After that, you will step onto the battlefield and fight the enemy as a soldier! "

"Remember! I will only say it once! You must obey all my orders unconditionally in the training camp! You must shout "Receive" when receiving orders! Any violation of orders will be punished with the most severe punishment! If you dare to escape from the training camp , once caught by the guards, he will be beheaded immediately!"

"Now, everyone, follow me into the camp!"


On the battlefield outside the city of Isuoken, countless soldiers are fighting with the slaves of the underworld at the junction of light and darkness. Their precious lives are reduced to a cold battle loss ratio. They are doing everything they can to save more lives before they die. Kill an enemy, or buy time for the accompanying Holy Light Legion soldiers to clear out one more [Umbrella of Death].

Lester looked down at the entire battlefield with Vidalian, his eyes fixed on the umbrella-shaped plants cultivated by the Underworld Legion, his expression particularly grim.

From the moment this plant appeared on the battlefield, Ixoken became somewhat passive.

The plant tentatively named [Umbrella of Death] by the empire appeared in the material realm for the first time. This plant is rooted in the battlefield and spreads all over the world. It can reproduce endlessly.

The spore-like bubbles ejected by the Death Umbrella can form new plants, or they can merge with each other to form a black-green mist similar to the soul-eating fog, but far better than the soul-eating fog.

Its intensity is enough to corrupt Vidalian's Holy Light Barrier, rendering the Holy Light ineffective. Without the neutralization of the Holy Light, the Death Mist will directly kill any flesh and blood creature. Only underworld life and the undead can survive in the Death Mist. Activity can be said to be the natural enemy of life.

The invincible holy light was quickly eroded by the fog of death. The defenders of Ixoken could no longer rely on the city wall to wait and wait. They were forced to leave the battlefield before the fog of death spread to a thousand meters of the city wall. They fought at close range with the slaves of the underworld who guarded the Umbrella of Death. .

Lester tried to use long-range attacks to clear the Death Umbrella and Death Fog in advance, but the results were unsatisfactory.

The most terrifying thing about the Umbrella of Death is that if the plant is exposed to the mist of death, the Umbrella of Death will be in a 'underworld projection state' that is immune to physical attacks. Whether it is a holy light attack or various bombardments, the Umbrella of Death will be separated from the material realm. The umbrella will not be harmed in any way,

If it weren't for the fact that each Death Umbrella can maintain a certain amount of Death Mist, and once it is destroyed, it can curb the spread of Death Mist, the Death Umbrella can be called an invincible existence.

Currently, there is only one way to get the Umbrella of Death out of its projection state, and that is to lure the Umbrella of Death to emerge from the underworld with flesh and blood creatures within a range of 100 meters.

The Umbrella of Death, which is eager to devour flesh and blood, is itself an offensive plant. After feeling the breath of a living person, it will escape from the virtual state, and can then be killed by holy light or magic elements.

This means that the defenders of Isuoken can only clear the mist of death by going out of the city to fight and get close to the induction range of the Umbrella of Death, and then maintain their front.

Naturally, the Underworld Legion would not let the Umbrella of Death be destroyed, so the most brutal battlefield appeared within a hundred meters of the Umbrella of Death.

With skeletons, ghouls and ghosts as the main force, the soldiers of the undead army were mixed among them. The defenders of Ixoken City who fought out of the city caused huge casualties, but the defenders had to go out of the city to resist.

Even if a steady stream of new troops join in, they can't withstand such a war. At least until Shia reassembles the extraordinary combat power of the empire to break Om Tower, Ixo Oken must not be defeated.

Like a balloon filled with water, the current city of Ixoken will burst with a single poke. If the fog of death enters the city, it will only take less than half an hour for the city of Ixoken to become a dead land.

[The top priority is to find a way to crack the invincibility of the Umbrella of Death as soon as possible, and try to find a way to clear the blow from a long distance.

In exchange for the living and the dead, Isu Oken could not afford another 10 million people. The current Isu Oken city could not bear such huge casualties. 】

Lester thought for a while and summoned Cassiopeia who was in rotation through Vidalian.

Following a Yuntar, Cassiopeia, who was slightly tired, passed through the many guards and walked up the floating ladder of the Yuntar.

After an extremely long and tense period of time, Cassiopeia, who carefully arranged her clothes, successfully climbed to the top of the tower and saw the man who stood at the top of the empire.

The girl quietly glanced at the man who was standing in front of the Vidalian Element Weaver with his back to her, and performed the mage etiquette with reverence. Having experienced the battlefield, she already understood the value of the strongest man in the empire.

No one in this world can control Vidalian alone, and no one can control Vidalian so precisely and permanently to sustain such a large-scale war, not even her teacher the Pale Witch.

The only person who can do this is the Emperor.

"Your Majesty is well."

"General Kecao's daughter, there is no need to be so polite, come here."

"As commanded."

Suppressing her pounding heart, Cassiopeia walked up to Lester in an extremely ladylike manner and covered her mouth in surprise.

In front of Lester, layers of magic membranes wrapped a miniaturized black-green umbrella plant. Cassiopeia could see that the umbrella plant sprayed visible mist around it as it opened and closed. The fog is the fog of death that makes everyone extremely afraid.

"Your Majesty, is this the Umbrella of Death? I remember there was an order from above for us mages to obtain some research samples, but unfortunately we failed."

Lester shook his head and said calmly.

"Of course the enemy won't let us get this thing easily, but we can still do it if we want it."

After a pause, Lester pointed to the Umbrella of Death.

"Cassiopeia, I remember that you majored in black magic at the Black Rose Mage Academy and minored in soul magic and abnormal magical plants. I called you here this time because I wanted you to help me analyze the plant characteristics of this Umbrella of Death. "

"Your Majesty, this little girl...is very frightened."

"Next, I will use magic to simulate the growth environment of the Umbrella of Death. You can analyze and try to use your ideas to break the virtual state of the Umbrella of Death. You can tell me while operating." (End of this chapter)

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