League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1017 Chapter1015 Star Boundary Trends

Noxian calendar, year 998.

Valoran continent, northern foothills of the Urus Mountains,

Heading north along the graystone road newly built by the war masons of the Noxus Empire, a hundred miles away is the second most dangerous pass in the Noxus Empire.

Second only to the world's largest pass [Knox Pass] that runs through the Shining Silver Mountains in the north of Boreham, the [Barusk Pass] located in the Urus Mountains connecting Fidelete and Tukgul plays an extremely important role. military functions,

Ever since Brown Darkwill, a noble from the northern border of Noxus and the former general of the Noxus Empire, defected to the Star Realm, in just ten years, the Tukugur area north of Barusk Pass has been filled with perennial Covered with a layer of thick gray mist that lingers,

As a buffer zone for the war between the Blood Dynasty and the Noxan Empire, Tukgul has become a veritable place of chaos, a testing ground for war between the Star Boundary and the Empire.

Tukgul is not only filled with all kinds of dangerous alien creatures, but it is also a lawless place where many vicious people live. .

In the year since the astral curtain rose, the gray mist that spread from the Blood Dynasty covered the entire territory of Tukgul.

After the gray fog that traveled all the way south swallowed Tukgul, it was finally blocked at the northern foot of the Urus Mountains.

In order to deal with the erosion of the gray fog, the Noxus Empire established a chain of magic towers at the Barusk Pass. The flame energy barrier of the magic tower was used to resist the invasion of the gray fog. The magic crystals burned every year alone are countless. How much money has been spent can be described as a bottomless pit of expenditure items.

After many investigations and verifications by the Imperial Expedition Team, it has been confirmed that the source of the gray fog is not magical energy, but an unknown special factor that can affect living creatures in their life forms. It only manifests itself in the form of gray fog. See It looks like mist.

The gray fog shows the characteristics of living creatures, and other coping methods have no effect. Only the hot flames can temporarily dispel the gray fog. Therefore, the Barusk Pass, which maintains a wall of flames all year round, is also called [Fire Flame] fortress】.

On this day, a carriage drove into the Barusk Pass from the south, bringing the latest order from the imperial cabinet to Major General Avar, the military commander of the Barusk Pass.

In the living room, the imperial veteran with a dignified appearance and a solemn expression opened the magic fire paint, read the military secret letter carefully three times, and then slowly put it away after confirming that it was correct.

Standing up, Major General Avar glanced at the three people, fixed his gaze on the leading imperial envoy, and laughed loudly.

"It's true that seeing is better than hearing. Captain Caterina du Cecao, if the old granddaughter has 30% of the heroic figure of Mademoiselle Caterina, my unworthy son will be regarded as a good goddaughter."

Katarina responded in a formal manner as an imperial soldier and said in a deep voice.

"General Avar is ridiculous. They are all soldiers who serve the empire, so there is no question of whether they are excellent or not... Since the general has read the secret letter, he must also understand the seriousness of the matter."

Major General Avar nodded, his expression solemn.

"Of course, I will do my best to cooperate with the secret operations of Special Envoy Catalina."

After some exchanges, Catalina and the other two were placed in the top-level guest room of the fortress castle by the accompanying major general adjutant.

"Sir Special Envoy, all the information you need is on the desk. If you have any further instructions, the maid will be waiting at the door. Just give me a message, Special Envoy."

Regarding the adjutant's thoughtful arrangements, Catalina waved her hand and refused.

"No need, I need an environment without interruption."

"In this case, the maids and guards will not appear within a hundred meters of you."

After the adjutant left, Cassiopeia, who had been silent beside Caterina, took off her hood and magic mask.

First, she took the initiative to check the surrounding environment, and then released the anti-eavesdropping magic. Cassiopeia shook her head at Lester, who was also hiding in the magic cloak.

"Your Majesty...Brother, I still think you are a little too vigilant. General Avar is the famous [Rock] of the Clayton family. He has a mental examination every half month. How could he dare to play tricks on the imperial envoy?" "

Regarding Cassiopeia's doubts, Lester still maintained a cautious attitude.

"If I think about it, I can make Avar rebel against the empire and give away the Flame Fortress in just one breath.

If I can do it, it means others can do it. This secret operation is crucial. We must eliminate any uncertain factors that may cause the mission to fail.

Don't sleep tonight, let's sort out this information together. "

"Okay, I'm superficial."

Cassiopeia shrugged and followed Lester to Katarina's side, and together they looked through the secret information about the Tukgul region.

The information provided by the Flame Fortress is quite complete, from the topographic map of the Tukgul area, the distribution of forces to the ecological environment of Tukgul, as well as the types of exotic beasts and survival rules.

Every year, the empire invests a large military budget in Turkgul in order to grasp first-hand information. After the empire withdrew from the star battlefield, Turkgul has taken over the status of the star battlefield, transitioning from large-scale legion wars. To a small-scale proxy war.

"It is unimaginable that in just ten years, Turkgul has undergone such great changes that even normal survival has become difficult."

Today's Turkgul has completely subverted the common sense of normal life. Catalina is both excited and a little scared when looking at the information about Turkgul that is completely different from the known world.

According to the data, Turkgul has become a deadly and dangerous land without a owner. Food, weapons and ignition materials have become the hard currency of Turkgul. On the contrary, gold, silver and agate have become worthless. thing.

The biggest dangerous force comes from the bloodthirsty demons that have been alienated from the local mountain people of Turkgol. In addition, they are the wanderers living in different villages.

Counting the various monsters corroded by the gray mist and the war weapons launched by the Blood Dynasty, without Tukgul's survival experience, even the veterans of the Noxus Empire would have died at the gate of the Novice Village.

During the discussion and exchange, Lester quickly wrote down all the information about Turkgul, and along the way, he finalized the next action plan.

"Tukugur is very big, and it is not easy to find Seresi. Judging from the behavior of the soul-locked warden, if we don't make some noise, our bones will be itchy, so we Just go to the busiest places.”

Unfolding the map, Lester stretched out his hand and pointed to the city with a red cross on the surface.

"It just so happens that a hunting conference is being held in Liuwan City in Turkgol recently, so we will go directly to Liuwan City."

Liuwan City is located in the central region of Turkgol. It is said to be a city, but in fact it is just a slightly larger town. It is named after the many surrounding rivers that merge into river bends.

For Seresi, Tukugur was like a treasure house hiding various treasures. He did not know how many surprises he discovered along the way, and the architectural structure of Liuwan City even brought him a ghostly prison. design inspiration.

"Your Excellency Thresh, are you satisfied with this city?"

The coachman who spoke had a very recognizable pale handsome face, and a pair of deadly blood-sucking fangs hidden under his scarlet lips. The vampire cloak and the exquisite and luxurious half-sword on his body were all on display. Male vampires have great strength and noble status.

Thresh, who was wearing a mask, chuckled and echoed.

“In my opinion, the beauty of this city is enough to rank among the top three in the physical realm.

Lord Ndom, please stop being so pretentious and tell me what kind of amazing and talented person it is that can design such an exquisite city and force so many strong men to indulge in fighting without hesitation. life. "

The carriage slowly stopped on the wall. Endom and Ceresi got off the carriage and looked down at the dark maze-like city.

From a bird's eye view from the top of Liuwan City, the city with the Blood Dynasty architectural style is roughly divided into three areas.

Each area is isolated by a tall circular stone wall that cannot be climbed. There are numerous traps in the city that can be changed and repaired at any time. As long as they are used properly, even a dark alley can become a bloody slaughterhouse.

There are intricate architectural structures distributed between the stone walls, which serve as sewers for disposing of corpses and lead directly to secret sacrificial formations, continuously providing Liuwan City with the life energy it needs daily.

There is no need to eat in Liuwan City. Residents only need to keep killing and offering sacrifices to the gargoyle statues to maintain life and even gain greater power.

The closer they are to the inner ring, the stronger the residents of Liuwan City are. There is only one thing that leads to the inner ring, and that is a sufficient number of right ears.

The strong ones who enter the inner city alive can be accepted by the city lord of Liuwan City, ride gargoyles to the Blood Dynasty and become the eternal immortal blood nobles.

Liuwan City is basically a killing city used to select strong men to join the Blood Dynasty.

As a senior member of the vampire clan in Liuwan City, Endom showed considerable arrogance and said proudly.

"To tell you the truth, the person who redesigned Liuwan City was Lord Simond the Divine Envoy."

Seresi was stunned. He really didn't expect that the person who designed Liuwan City was the target person he was going to meet on this trip.

"Lord Simond the Archangel? Are you talking about the Lord Simond who led the Blood King Brown Darkwill to bravely rebel against the Noxus Empire?"

Endom nodded slightly.

"Yes, it was that gentleman who commanded us to rebuild Liuwan City. Now, Liuwan City can not only select the most powerful scarlet people from the anti-imperial elements, but it is also a testing ground for the upper world."

The upper realm that Endom talks about is the star realm. It is the country where countless scarlet people of the Blood Dynasty long to ascend. In order to express their respect for the star realm, the blood clan refers to the upper realm as the star realm.

Knowing that he had asked a key point, Ceresi tried tentatively.

"Your Excellency Endom, can you let me see the test results of the Divine Envoy of the Upper Realm?"

After hearing this, Endom showed hesitation and unconsciously pinched his knuckles.

Although the skeleton from the underworld claims to be here for good neighborliness, the Blood Dynasty has never come into contact with the forces of the underworld before. No one knows what the rumored Dark Lord Mordekaiser means by sending such a skeleton. , even Simond, the envoy of the upper realm, wanted to test it first before speaking.

After thinking about it, Endom still shook his head.

"Your Excellency Ceresi, I'm sorry, but even I can't take you to see the specific experimental process without the Lord's order."

Ceresi was not impatient and spoke slowly and patiently.

"Now that I have visited Liuwan City as requested by the city lord, I wonder what other arrangements are there next?"

"Since you want to cooperate with us to fight against the Noxus Empire, you should also take the initiative to show your strength.

As the saying goes, hearing is false and seeing is belief. The world is so big, how can we find another place more suitable for fighting than Liuwan City?

Before talking about specific cooperation, we should at least take a look at the power of the underworld. "

Ceresi narrowed his eyes, and the soul fire behind the mask shrank into two dark green light spots.

"How do you want us to show our strength? Your Excellency can arrange it. I will be responsible for sending out people."

"How many people will you send?"


In the inner ring of Liuwan City, within the castle located at the core, Flavio, the city lord of Liuwan City, was respectfully accompanying him, watching the astral magic projection with Simond on the throne.

Within the magic projection, a death knight wearing black plate armor started from the streets of the outer city and started killing people all the way to the inner ring. The sword in his hand flashed past as lightly as nothing, leaving no grass in his path.

The death knight is surrounded by a black and green magical aura, sucking and harvesting life like the god of death.

Even those scarlet hunters who have been famous for a long time and have taken root in Liuwan City are no match for the death knight. Faced with the suppression of the death knight's strength, the death of the killer arranged by the vampires in Liuwan City can be described as horrific.

Simond turned his head and glanced at Flavio expressionlessly. He didn't need to say anything more. The already sweaty city lord hurriedly resigned and personally presided over the trial, which would inevitably involve some powerful experimental creatures.

If he was speed-passed by a single Death Knight, Flowing Bay City and the Blood Dynasty would become a joke, and he couldn't afford the consequences.

At the same time, Ndom, who was standing with Seresi, was not as confident as before after seeing what the black-armored soldiers were.

"How many soldiers like this do you have under your command?"

Seresi, who sneered secretly, still maintained a calm and peaceful attitude on the outside.

"It's not that much, just tens of thousands."

"Count...tens of thousands?"

Endom swallowed dryly, but Ceresi was afraid that the vampire around him would not kill him.

"The strength of Death Knights varies from high to low. Harlin's strength in this battle is probably at the middle to lower level."

"Is that so? Since there is such a powerful army, Underworld probably doesn't need to join forces with anyone, right?"

"I'm afraid I can't explain this reason to you. I'd better wait until I see the Lord of the City before talking about it."

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