League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1022 Chapter1021 Stirring a hornet's nest

Catalina's arms were far stronger than expected, and she actually used the wild way of a princess to carry the man in her arms and fled out of Liuwan City.

Cassiopeia, who was walking along the way, summoned a dozen shadow beasts that could teleport through blinking to escort the entire journey to contain the incoming enemies. However, most of the hospitable residents of Liuwan City had already died in Indifferent Amidst the frost and snow in the sky, the three of them were fleeing at this moment, and the pressure on the three of them was basically equivalent to no one at all.

"Ahem, let me down. I won't be so weak that I can't walk."

Having said that, in Catalina's eyes, Lester's condition is really worrying. Of course, the reason why he doesn't want to let go is definitely not because the ice wolf boy who looks weak and sickly is too cute. Well, he's so furry. The tail sweeps the back of the hand, so cute~ The ears are so cute, ahem, it’s definitely not because of this!

I always feel that several of my sensitive points are being touched by Catalina, and Lester's body becomes a little unnatural. He has been an Lushan too much. The experience of being Yang Guifei is really Not much.

"Forget it, I will hold you faster. Your Majesty, there are not many living people in this city. As long as the astral angels and undead legions are not blocking the way, those blood-sucking maggots alone will not be Cassiopeia. opponent."

After checking his physical condition again, Lester sighed secretly, knowing that Catalina was right. The most important thing now is to maintain a low power consumption state as much as possible. The main business is to force the black runestones out of the body with Elena. .

"Then I will change my form. I may need to sleep for a while. If there is any danger, just call my name."

As he spoke, Lester's body shrank again in the light of Vastaya's soul, and by the time the transformation ended, it had transformed into the form of a Vastaya silver wolf the size of a small dog.

Seeing that such a big man turned into a cool and ferocious silver-haired wolf cub in the blink of an eye, Catalina's eyes widened, she twisted her legs, and she almost fell into the trap ditch with the man and the wolf. inside.

Before Katarina could stabilize her body in mid-air, Leicester found a gentle magic power forcefully taking him away from Katarina's arms. He was flying faster and faster, and directly hit the card behind him. The Siopeia brand cushion airbag was hugged by the black-haired girl, and was ravaged on the top of her head.

During this process, Lester also heard an extremely indecent hissing sound. He felt that the second daughter of the Du Cacao family was a little too rude to him, the holy emperor, so Lester raised his head and prepared to remind himself of his dignity. However, he saw that the second daughter of the Du Kecao family directly stuffed herself into the collar, not treating herself as an outsider at all.

His body was quickly wrapped tightly by the airbag, and only his head came out. Lester was knocked upside down by the running wizard. He stuck out his tongue and was speechless.

Humiliation aside, this way of placing the pouch seems quite convenient?

As his consciousness sank into the spiritual space, Lester lowered his head and gave his body to instinct.

After making sure that her enlarged robe had tightly wrapped the Holy Emperor, Cassiopeia stroked her dog's head a few times before she had time to look at her dissatisfied sister.

"Sister, there are some shadow beasts in front of us who are difficult to deal with. Your Majesty Lester will leave them to me to take care of first. You go and deal with the enemies."

Catalina, who knew she was in the wrong, could only transfer her anger elsewhere.

"You guys are so damned!"

A few scarlet hunters who just survived the frost disaster:?

I just came out to see what was going on and picked up the slack. Who are you? Did I provoke you?

"Woman! I don't even know you! Don't bully me too much! I'm a famous ripper in Liuwan City..."

It's a pity that on the day when the misunderstanding was no longer resolved, the pure-blooded vampires in Liuwan City who were strong enough to advance to the upper reaches were directly burned into a ball of vampire ashes by the flying blood flame blade. It's bloody, like a leaking oil tanker hitting a flamethrower. It can only be said that it will be bad luck for eight lifetimes.

After killing a few blind guys, Catalina turned around and saw the noble holy emperor being bullied by a crazy woman who stuck out her tongue. She couldn't even open her eyes, and her face changed slightly.

How disrespectful is this to blaspheme the sacred emperor?

"I have dealt with these scum, Cassiopeia, you should leave His Majesty to me..."

"Sure enough, my sister is still more powerful. Unlike me, I can only hold my sister back. Oh, what's the difference between you and me now? Aren't we sisters all here to protect His Majesty? And His Majesty didn't say anything... Sister, look! Another enemy is coming."

No matter what kind of anger overload state Catalina was in, with the veins on her temples throbbing, Ndom always felt that he was unlucky.

He was the one who met Seresi, he was the one who was ordered to entertain the messengers from the underworld, and he was the one who was resented and neglected because of the unfair treatment in the star world.

Now that the underworld is fucked to pieces by such a ruthless man, even the astral god Simond does not know whether he is alive or dead. It is he who comes out to serve as a snake beater.

Just listening to Ai Li complaining about unfair treatment and low status all day long, he almost forgot that he was the one who needed comfort the most.

As soon as the messy thoughts came to him, Ndom, who didn't want to be taken advantage of, his tone became weaker.

"Um, are you guys okay?"

Endom responded with a pair of beautiful eyes filled with murderous intent.

"It's you who's in trouble!"

In the spiritual world, Lester looked with great distress at Elena who was contending with the black runes in the rune altar. Compared with before, Elena's elf body no longer looked green and dazzling. It was obvious that she had put in a lot of effort. The Rune Altar was defended at a great cost.

Not daring to approach the black rune at will, Lester asked from a distance.

"Elena, what can I do?"

Elena, who raised her little hands, turned her head, her cute little face looked very painful, and there was a string of emerald green sweat drops hanging on her forehead that dripped down to her chin.

Of course, these are not real drops of sweat, but the purest life source of the Rune of Life, which comes from the great harmony of life between Lester and many women in Rune Land.

Any drop of life liquid is enough to rejuvenate a person and keep him youthful forever. Elena, who was very calculating, saved so much, but now it is wasted on the black runes like sand.

"Teacher, we are really in big trouble this time."

Elena shook her little head and spoke in a low tone.

"This black rune looks the same as the four series runes in Rune Land, but it is actually an evil thing from another world. We cannot decipher its laws and operating principles. It is not even a [substance], more like It is a virus-like mental energy, which is why it can penetrate your body directly.

The only function of this thing is to copy and steal the world source power of the world runes. If left alone, the power of other runes including me will be stolen by it.

I can withstand the erosion of the black runes by myself, but your words, teacher, will actually affect my performance. "

Lester's heart sank.

Sure enough, Cuitiers, an old coin, would have given himself a hard blow if he didn't make a move. If Elena hadn't been reliable enough and he had worked hard enough for so many years, he would have been fighting the girl from Runeterra in the yin and yang. Accumulating the essence of life, I am afraid that I will become a useless person in this moment.

But Cui Tiers can travel to other worlds at will. Who knows in which underworld world Cui Tiers got such an underworld thing? According to Simond, Cui Tiers’ grandson is at odds with him. , I don’t do anything and just think about how to fuck myself all day long.

"Is there no way to expel this thing?"

"If there is enough time, there may be a way. Now I can only delay its erosion of the Rune Altar with all my efforts. I don't have any extra energy to decipher its secrets. I probably can't last more than a month. …”

After speaking for a while, the pessimistic elf girl put on an optimistic smile again.

"Haha, I definitely can't do it, but if it were you, teacher, you would definitely find a way, because teacher, you are the most powerful."

Leaving the depths of the spiritual sea, Lester sat alone on the shore, reorganizing the current situation amidst the quiet sound of waves.

What Elena needs to fight against the black runes is the power of the runes and the power related to the power of the runes. Therefore, the mana belonging to the [Arcane Runes] and the [spiritual mantra] belonging to the life energy can also be considered as available resources.

Not to mention those abilities that can no longer be used, currently only Vastaya's shape-changing magic can continue to be used.

Vastaya's shape-shifting magic does not involve any world rune laws or arcane laws. It purely uses soul and spiritual energy as the source of power. This part of the energy is not beneficial to Elena and is used by Lester himself.

It's fate to say that Vastaya's shape-shifting magic is a soul-transforming magic created by the first generation Vastaya Xari to fight against the astral Titans who invaded Ionia. Now he is a fake Vastaya Xari We still have to rely on this to continue our actions.

Combining Vastaya's form with various artifacts, the strength is enough. Not only can it crush the enemy 100%, but it also won't be easily beheaded by the enemy. As long as you are careful, you will be fine.

The most troublesome part is the black rune, which is the same as species invasion without natural enemies. If you don’t know the reason for this kind of artifact-level [extraterritorial thing], you really can’t deal with it.

Every world has its own independent laws. Don’t look at the fact that he is now domineering and rebelling against Tiangang, and he is so awesome that he is the leader of Runeterra.

How much of this extraordinary strength will be retained after returning to Earth is still unknown. Maybe it won't even be able to light a cigarette. The only universal rule is Newton's space-based kinetic energy weapon.

In this case, what method can he use to deal with extraordinary objects from another extraordinary world? The way Cuitiles shaped the black runes into [runes] was probably out of ridicule, clearly to disgust him.

If you can't solve it yourself, who can you turn to?

The shadow of the void monitor flashed in Lester's mind, and he quickly shook his head.

Big Eye seems to be an excellent person who can communicate and possibly analyze black runes, but in fact, he and Big Eye have been on absolutely irreconcilable opposites from the beginning, and there is a high probability that he will put forward transaction conditions that are absolutely unacceptable to him.

When the Queen of the Void, Belvis, dies, the empire's next enemy will definitely be the Frost Guard Fortress and the world-destroying void under the Shark Tribe's ocean abyss. The Void Monitor will definitely be happy to watch her humiliated defeat. People use tentacles to insult.

This can only be regarded as a desperate path. It may not be impossible to negotiate terms with the Void Monitor at the expense of Belvis. Judging from the transaction process of the three Freljord sisters, the Void Monitor at least will not tamper with the transaction. , much more reliable than humans.

In addition to Big Eye, the only people who can ask for help when it comes to multi-dimensional and multi-space fields are Kieran, the old man of time, Zoe, the twilight star spirit, and Soraka, the son of the stars. Kieran is a good person to ask for help, but now If Acacia is beaten into a pot of porridge, Kieran may not be willing to see him.

Zoe has promised to remain neutral and not help each other. She is probably traveling in space and cannot be counted on. Soraka does have some news and may return to the material realm. The only question is whether she can come back within a month and whether she can return. His problem is another matter. He can't just wait and be captured.

After much deliberation, Lester found that the only person he was sure of asking for help was President Ke's daughter [Naga Kapoulos].

First of all, Naga Kapoulos is friendly enough to him and is willing to communicate with him as an equal. Secondly, as a small part of the suspected Cthulhu body, Naga Kapoulos will inevitably share the presence of Cthulhu in the dreamland. Knowledge and secrets gained from other worlds,

Moreover, if he remembered correctly, Naga Kapoulosi told him that what high-ranking beings like Mr. Ke master is not technology and magic that humans and life can understand, but a secret and the unknown truth,

This kind of truth can be used in any world. It can be regarded as the upper law of Newton's space-based kinetic energy weapons. Once he masters this truth, he can definitely rub fireballs on the earth.

In the words of Naga Kapoulos, this process of searching for the truth can be called the "Hidden Road". Perhaps the Hidden Road can help him solve the problem of the black runes.

Lester gained some confidence after leaving the spiritual world. The man who opened his eyes was almost stunned by the scene in front of him.

Cassiopeia held her staff biubiubiu backwards, and Caterina swung two ejection daggers forward to clear out the enemy troops. The two women sat opposite each other, riding a giant shadow wolf traveling at high speed.

There are two airbags at the front and rear, firmly stuck on his handsome dog head to prevent the emperor from falling on the wolf's back and losing his dignity. Behind the shadow wolf, followed by the overwhelming pursuers, he went to the school cafeteria with the ghoul army to eat. A battle.

Among the pursuers were the death knights and death wizards who had escaped before, as well as the pure-blooded descendants of Liuwan City and various modified creatures. Looking at the four-digit mark, they didn't know that Du Cacao was there. Did the sisters in the family do something that caused such grievances to attract so many pursuers?

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