League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1027 Chapter1025 is not qualified yet

This is an unimaginably charming experience, and its extraordinary process cannot be simply regarded as satisfying one's own desires.

After crossing a certain threshold, all the limbs and bones feel like they are drowning in living water, whether it is passion, gentleness, or playful touch that makes you want to resist. Water is impermanent but has its own shape. However, this sense of satisfaction is not limited to The body and even the soul also fell into the land of gentleness, and fell asleep with the daughter of the sea resting on their feet.

In this case, it is like someone using a drill to open up the brain. The will is easily destroyed by the senses, but the brain can maintain reason and tranquility in the crazy pleasure, just like schizophrenia, in a kind of way. The incomprehensible outsider's perspective is placed in the dual whirlpool of desire and tranquility,

In this process, you can taste every microsecond of physical changes, and then understand the real world beyond the senses.

For Lester, this fusion is more like a dream journey that transcends spatial dimensions, where rest and enjoyment go hand in hand, and sanity and madness blend together.

Gradually, a curtain was torn apart from the world that Lester was familiar with.

The moment before he opened his eyes, Lester briefly caught a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg - it was himself in another world, abusing the Sea Girl incarnated by Naga Kapoulos in a primitive and violent way. ',

As if noticing his gaze, the other Naga Kapoulos, who was being tortured by the other 'self', turned her head to look at her with her swan-like white neck. Her beautiful aquamarine eyes were quite surprised. It seemed that he was surprised to see the other person.


The moment he looked at another Naga Kapoulos, Lester's vision turned black. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of yellow-brown seawater. The strange vomit flowed into Naga Kapoulos's palm, and a torrent surged through it. , the vomitus disappeared.

Witnessing the bizarre sight, Lester's spirit and soul felt as if he had been raped. He lay in the arms of Naga Kapoulos and finally regained some ability to think. If he hadn't really felt the pain in his body, He felt much more relaxed and even suspected that Naga Kapoulos had deceived him.

"It seems that you have many questions. Maybe I can give you some necessary answers."

Using brainwaves to hug Lester, Naga Kapoulos made Lester feel like a mother holding her child, which actually made him feel lingering.

Lester, who had just experienced a mental bombardment and couldn't bear it. He didn't want to become a heir yet, got up from Naga Kapoulos's arms. He couldn't look directly at Naga Kapoulos's beautiful face.

"The other you and me I saw...what was that? Is it real or some kind of illusion? And what was that thing I vomited out?"

Keenly aware of Lester's hesitation, Nagakapoulos smiled slightly.

"What you see is part of the 'truth'. The 'truth' you see for yourself is far better than what I lead you to see. In this way, I don't need to add any unnecessary detail. Your experience is enough for you to face. The dangers of the hidden path,

Haha, I didn’t expect that your talent would be so high. You could see things outside the world just by sleeping in the sea.

As for the things you spit out, you can think of them as mental dirt, which is only good for you and does no harm.

Telling you these things now will only bring unnecessary burdens to you. It is better for you to slowly explore and understand on your own. The most taboo thing about the hidden path is to destroy the seedlings and encourage them to grow. "

Lester nodded, tentatively believing Naga Kapoulos's words. If Naga Kapoulos wanted to do anything to him, he might not be able to resist.

"So, I can start now?"

"As long as you're prepared."

Lester let out a breath.

"I've never been in better shape."

Naga Kapoulos stood up and tapped Lester's forehead with her fingers. The snake mother's motherly voice suddenly faded away, as if it was coming from another world.

“Be sure to come back before the candle goes out, and don’t be greedy, or you’ll always be on the other side.”

Like a deep-sea suffocator returning to the surface, Lester gasped for breath and opened his eyes suddenly,

He is standing in an ancient and elegant European-style corridor, holding a gold candlestick in his left hand.

A thirteen centimeter long white candle was burning silently, reflecting the faint blue candlelight.

"Is this the secret path to the truth?"

Lester looked back behind him. In the blue candlelight, at the end of the corridor behind him was a luxurious solid wood door that also reflected blue smoothness.

If his judgment is correct, this dark blue door should be the only escape route left for him by Naga Kapoulos. If he cannot walk out of this secret road and open the door of truth, he must wait until the candle is extinguished. Back here before.

Without hesitation, Lester stepped forward,

The candlelight dispelled the darkness ahead and mapped out a walkable path.

Where the candlelight couldn't shine, there was a void of darkness. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt like there was something terrible in the darkness looking at him evilly.

No longer looking into nothingness, Lester quickened his pace and focused all his attention on the wider and wider corridor.

There are many murals hanging on the walls on both sides of the corridor, including landscapes, portraits, and historical paintings depicting grand wars. One of the many is the Spring Garden.

Each mural symbolizes a memorable experience in Leicester and represents the indelible impact this experience had on Leicester.

The strangest thing is that when Leicester's eyes were fixed on the painting, the originally stationary paintings turned into moving images, and the perspective was fixed at the perspective of a third party, not Leicester. Lester's first-person presentation is almost as if there was an invisible and intangible presence watching and recording everything Lester did.

Letting out a breath, Lester did not think deeply about what was hidden behind the mural.

He looked at the exquisite trophy display racks and display cabinets. The exquisite objects and weapons and trophies on the display cabinets were okay, but there were various heads on the display racks, including the rare alien species like the two-horned rat king. , as well as the heads of rare and powerful men like Doron and Simond,

The heads placed on the trophy display shelves seemed to come alive and stared at Lester with very resentful and hateful eyes. However, Lester always maintained a calm attitude and moved forward, turning the enemies who had become past enemies. Leave it behind.

Lester glanced at the candle. Perhaps because the corridor was too long, the candle had already burned nearly one-third of the way. He didn't know how far the corridor was. Normally, he would have to wait until the candle was halfway burned. Start returning when the time comes, otherwise you may not be able to make it in time.

While thinking about this, a double door suddenly appeared in front of Leicester. The door was thick and heavy, as if it were made of obsidian, with some ancient hieroglyphs and symbols engraved on it. From the appearance It looks like it's indestructible.

A short figure squatted on one side at the bottom of the wall. His whole body was wrapped in a hazy black cloth. His arms were slender and seemed to be stunted. He looked incompatible with the architecture of the European-style corridor.

As if he just noticed Lester, the dwarf coughed in a strange sharp tone, laughed strangely, and uttered human words.

"Hey, not everyone can come through this door. It's rare to meet a pure-bred creature... Hey, newcomer, tell me, what are you prepared to do in order to pass through this door?"

Lester glanced at the golden candlestick and guessed that the stone door in front of him was probably the Door of Truth, so he asked patiently.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

The little man waved his hands, looking rather arrogant from his posture.

"As you can see, I am the guardian of the door. If you want to open this door, you must prove that you are qualified. If you dare to offend me or fail to satisfy me, this door will not be opened for you."

Lester frowned. When Nagakapoulos told him about the Hidden Road, she didn't tell him that there would be any guardians to deal with. This door was born from him and should have been his. That's right, where did the guardian come from?

Is it possible that this weird thing is not the guardian of the door at all, but is here to blackmail me?

"Before that, I'd like to take a look at this door. I think you wouldn't mind if I inspect it first."

As he calmly continued to approach the stone door, Lester keenly noticed that the guardian didn't seem to like the flame of the candlelight very much, and made an evasive movement.

"You don't have much time. It will take me time to open the door. Don't blame me if I delay things."

"I don't blame you."

Touching the ancient lines on the stone door, it was like being enlightened. A huge flow of information about how to push the door was directly transmitted into Lester's mind. He turned to look at the 'Guardian' with a half-smile on his face. expression.

"Where does the back of this door lead to?"

"You will know when I open it for you."

"That's it..."

While speaking, Lester suddenly grabbed the black cloth strip on the guardian's head and pulled it hard. He actually pulled off the wrapping cloth wrapped around the guardian's body.

The thing under the wrapping cloth looked like a bodyless black sludge. The sludge screamed and tried to escape from Lester's side, but was grabbed by him through the black cloth.

Lester sneered and brought the golden candlestick close to the Mud Man. The Mud Man made a painful sound, and his body shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye as the black gas evaporated, but he could not escape Lester's control at all.

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that you are not qualified as a guardian. You can't even stand such a small amount of fire. How can you open the door for me?

Tell me, what are you? Why did you find me here? Are you blackmailing me? "

When the fire light was slightly away from the body, Nibacai begged for mercy and spoke.

"Let me go. I'll tell you everything you want to know. What I said is not all lies. If I die, you will definitely not be able to open the door perfectly without knowing anything about the world behind the door. The palace you will arrive at then may not be the same." It’s the best place for you.”

But Lester didn't take this trick and directly put the candle on the Mud Man's face, burning it until it screamed.

"You have no room for bargaining, and I never like to be threatened. If you don't want to say it, just die."

"I said! I said! Take the candle away first!"

Lester was too lazy to talk nonsense to the Mud Man. No matter whether it was perfect or not, his path was his own choice. This was enough. The reason why he gave the Mud Man a chance was just to listen to the Mud Man. Prepare to quibble.

After the Mud Man was roasted to ashes and annihilated, Lester put away the black cloth wrapped around the Mud Man. Anything that appeared on the hidden road must not be a mortal thing. Once he got it, there was no reason to throw it away.

Without the interference of some bullshit 'Guardian', Lester calmed down and prepared to open the door.

Putting the golden candlestick at his feet, Lester put his hands on both sides of the stone door's crack and began to slowly exert force.

As some kind of power from the body flowed into the stone door, the motionless stone door began to tremble, and the simple and thick black stone lines gradually became shiny, revealing a mysterious black-purple light.


As if reaching a certain critical value, the first dense point of ancient characters in Shimen suddenly shattered and was replaced by a string of brand-new characters.

Although Lester didn't know what this string of unknown characters represented, he could guess that the characters indicated some kind of power law that he could control, or the "truth of the world".

Continuing to push the door hard, as if he had crossed the first step and was preparing to move to the second higher step. Lester's loss of physical strength suddenly accelerated, but the speed at which the ancient symbols were lit up on the stone door was still slow. It makes people anxious,

By the time the second stone sculpture with ancient writings was broken, Lester was already in a state of semi-exhaustion.

Judging from the area of ​​the luminous characters, each truth entry seems to occupy a different area according to some different judgment criteria.

The first type of entry does not occupy as much area as the second type of entry, only about two-thirds the size, and the cost is far less than the cost of engraving the second type of entry.

The two strings of new characters used up a quarter of the area of ​​the stone door. The remaining luminous part did not break to generate new characters, but simply absorbed Lester's power to achieve the conditions for opening the door.

The candle at his feet was only about the size of his thumb. Lester pushed hard again, and he slowly pushed the huge obsidian door open.

The moment the door of truth opened, the hidden road behind him suddenly shattered and disappeared. What shocked him the most was that what appeared in front of him was a classical library full of people coming and going - if the head and a large If those weird guys like sarcomas can be considered 'human beings', there are quite a lot of them.

Under the gaze of dozens of 'alien', an elderly white librarian with a gray beard and well-dressed man walked towards him carrying two books, looking quite gentlemanly.

"Mr. Lester Lee, these are the two books you ordered. I have to say that you are quite discerning." (End of Chapter)

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