League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1033 Chapter1031 Fearless Warrior

On the outskirts of the capital of Demacia, a towering military camp made of forbidden magic stone is located at the foot of the Urus Mountains.

Adhering to the ancient and sacred ancestral precepts, the Fearless Vanguard Legion is stationed here, guarding the Light Shield Royal Family with their swords and supreme loyalty, and defending the peace and tranquility of the Demacia city-state kingdom.



On the military training ground, Heathlia, who had just qualified as a reserve member of the Fearless Vanguard Corps, was sweating profusely and waving the blunt-edged wooden broad sword in her hand.

In addition to the Yuncong girls who have just escaped from their youth and immaturity, there are also many young Fearless Pioneer Reserves on the training ground who are undergoing arduous sword training in order to perform well in the official assessment a year later. Really join the fearless vanguard army and become a part of it.

The atmosphere at the training ground on this day was a bit strange. Before half of the usual training requirements were met, the first shield instructor in charge of training the reserve forces stopped training the students.

Under the instructor's order, the forty-two reserve trainees formed three teams and walked onto the spectator stand in a solemn atmosphere. They looked serious but felt a little uneasy in their hearts, not knowing what medicine was being sold in the instructor's gourd.

"Do you think I will give you a holiday?"

The instructor's face was still as bad as a stone in a latrine. It would be better to say that the instructor had never given a reservist a good look.


"Of course not! A group of guests from the Noxus Empire will visit our military camp today.

Rookies, this is your best learning opportunity! Because the First Shield Formation will represent our Kingdom of Demacia in a friendly discussion with the Noxus Empire! Seize every opportunity to improve yourself! Listen more, watch more and learn more! Don’t think you can relax just standing here!

After today, everyone must submit a study experience of no less than 3,000 words to me! Understand! "


"Very good! You can discuss in a low voice while watching the battle, but don't make loud noises. When it's over, line up here to assemble! Now, disband!"

The team dispersed in a hurry, and the reserve members gathered together according to their respective friendship circles. While Xisilia was still there, a familiar girl of the same age walked beside him.

"Heathlia, what are you thinking about?"

The name of the hunter girl from Irwindale is Quinn, and her attitude is full of concern. Quinn, who was also born as a commoner, is like a big sister who loves to take care of others, giving her introverted temperament in the process of getting along. Heathlia has a lot of courage.

Two girls from the common class naturally became best friends and sisters.

"I heard that the Noxians are cruel, Quinn. I don't understand why the Noxians are allowed to come here..."

Heathlia looked a little uneasy. There were many legends in her hometown of Cloudcong, especially the Noxian savages who ate children. Many children in Cloudcong grew up listening to the legends of Noxian savages.

Knowing that the Yuncong people had an indelible prejudice against the Noxus Empire because of the political propaganda of the Kingdom of Demacia, Quinn was also a little distressed. In fact, if Mrs. Bouvier, who funded her, had not told her about the real Noxus No matter what the Empire was like, she would hate the Noxians.

And now, she wanted to see Sister Sona who was taken away by the Emperor of Noxus Empire.

"Of course the superiors have their own reasons for doing this. Heathlia, all we can do is obey. Moreover, the Noxians are not all bad people."

While the two girls were sitting side by side and whispering together, carriages stopped directly at the gate of the training ground.

Big figures walked out of the carriage. The reason why they were big figures was because Heathlia recognized Galen Crownguard, the current Sword Captain of the First Shield of the Dauntless Vanguard, and Prince Jarvan, who often accompanied the Sword Captain. Jarvan.

"Master Gehrman, that's the stand over there, please follow me."

Galen took the initiative to guide Gehrman, and seemed extremely polite. Naturally, Gehrman would not refute Captain Jian's respect, and made a friendly gesture of invitation and followed behind him politely.

The ones qualified to accompany Gehrman were naturally the four tall disciples of Gehrman. The remaining twelve vampire hunters followed the soldiers of the Fearless Vanguard to the training ground to prepare for the friendly competition.

"Those Noxians look dangerous."

Quinn, who has experienced several life and death crises, lowered his voice and looked serious.

She still could not remember the tooth-eating beast that killed her brother Caleb, and each of these exquisitely and gorgeously dressed Noxians would make her hair stand on end.

Xisilia did not speak, but nodded worriedly, secretly praying in her heart that the seniors of the First Shield Formation could defeat these arrogant Noxians.

On the other side, Jarvan IV and others also took their seats one after another, waiting for the fearless vanguard soldiers and night hunters who had already walked onto the training ground.

Galen became a little worried when he noticed that his friend and master were a little absent-minded.

"Your Highness, you seem to have something on your mind?"

"Galen, do I stink?"

Jarvan IV asked an irrelevant question, which made Galen a little confused.

"It doesn't stink. I wonder why Your Highness would ask this?"

Glancing at Shyvana who was sitting not far behind Gehrman, Jarvan IV shook his head.

"Just asking... Galen, maybe you will have to play in person this time, so be prepared."

Galen nodded silently. He had already felt the pressure from the Noxians.

If he did not wear the mithril heavy armor and mithril sword to fight the hunters, even he would only have a 60% chance of defeating the vampire hunters other than Master Gehrman. This is enough to see that these warriors from Noxus How powerful the warrior is.

"In order to ensure safety, both parties can only use training weapons. That's it. Do you have any objections?"

The two people who were about to compete on the training ground shook their heads and each selected the training weapons that had been prepared on the training ground. The sword and shield infantry who was born in the first shield formation chose a large iron-clad shield and a blunt-edged half-sword for training. The night hunter picked up two unedged daggers, looking very casual.

Both sides were wearing light armor, so if proficiency with training weapons was not considered, it would be considered relatively fair.

"The Noxians are too confident. It's impossible for a short sword to break through a large shield, right?"

"I think these Noxians are weak. Senior Seiko is a powerful [Shieldmaster]. Even with heavy weapons, it is difficult to break through the iron wall of Seiko, let alone two daggers." .”

Unlike the reservists who were one-sidedly optimistic about their own people, Galen frowned secretly. The Noxians were naturally not fools. They specialized in using a completely restrained weapon to fight. Nine times out of ten, they were sure enough and prepared. To cause some embarrassment to his men.

The fact was just as Galen expected. Just seeing his opponent holding two short knives as frivolously as picking cabbage at the vegetable market, anger and dissatisfaction appeared on Seko's face.

"Although it's the end, the sword has no eyes after all. If you can't hold it back for a moment, please forgive me. Our camp will prepare the best medical conditions for you."

The Night Hunter smiled and nodded.

"Then I'm looking forward to staying in the camp for a few days."


Seko said no more, he took steps and hit the hunter with his shield, with great force, like a mad bull charging forward.

Only the first shield formation soldiers who are familiar with this dirty trick of Seko know that the seemingly unstoppable brute force attack actually has many variations.

Generally speaking, when you see such a clumsy and powerful attack, you will definitely not think of taking it hard. Once you choose to dodge, the big shield in Seko's hand will turn into the most terrifying blunt instrument and hit the dodger. For the shield master, Said that the shield is not a defensive weapon, but an offensive weapon.

The Shining Steel Kite Shield made of mithril held by Seko can even perform emergency stops and shield strikes, not to mention the iron and wooden shield which is more than ten kilograms lighter than the Shining Steel Kite Shield.

Just as everyone expected, the hunter tapped the ground with his toes, and his body turned into an agile flying eagle, leaping high, waiting for the shielder to rush over and attack the weak spot behind him.

The shield guard suddenly stopped and swung the big shield in his hand hard, slamming it into the sky like a door panel. The hunter in mid-air had nowhere to use his strength and could only watch the shield roaring towards him.

Just hearing the whistling sound of the shield, Sisilia and Quinn had no doubt that the hunter would have his leg broken by the heavy shield.

There was a muffled sound of "dong", and the edge of the heavy shield was firmly 'attached' to the soles of the hunter's feet. The hunter with a perfectly balanced body flexed his legs, like springs, taking away all the impact of the heavy shield.

He only felt that his shield was slapped on the cotton. Seko watched helplessly as the hunter flew higher and higher in front of his eyes. His left hand was about to close the shield while his right hand made a slashing motion. However, a short knife turned into a cold light from Attacked from high altitude,

Because the heavy shield was thrown outward and the door was wide open, Kosai had no time to block it with his shield. He hurriedly parried with half a sword, only to feel numbness in the tiger's mouth. Then there was the harsh sound of metal collision, but the short sword hit his hand. On the cross sword grid of the half sword.

Kosai's right hand uncontrollably let go of the sword, and the second short knife flew past Kosai's cheek like a poisonous snake, and was directly inserted into the hard cement field.

The hunter finally landed on the ground and bowed to Gehrman as gracefully as a dancer.

There was silence on the training ground. A line of blood slowly appeared on Kosai's right cheek. Kosai dazed his face with his sore right hand. Looking at the scarlet blood, the Shieldmaster's heart felt cold.

If this knife was aimed at his Tianling Gai, he would be dead now.

Just a flaw was revealed, just a flaw, and he died,

There was no calculation, and his previous combat experience was completely useless. Until now, he still couldn't understand how his opponent could continuously throw such terrifying weapons at high altitude, and he couldn't even touch the hem of his opponent's clothes.

How desperate would it be to fight against such an enemy?

After belatedly coming to his senses, a pale-faced Psycho saluted Jarvan IV and Galen and voluntarily left the venue.

Galen frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Assad, you come to fight."

"As commanded."

Assad, who was also born in the First Shield Formation, is good at using rapiers and short bows. His moves are flexible and versatile. He is the [Ranger] of the scouts in the Dauntless Vanguard. His fighting style is as agile as his body. Hunters are very similar.

Noticing that Assad had chosen a short bow and a rapier, the hunter also picked up a rapier.

The two sides took up positions and distanced themselves, and the battle began silently.


The two arrows flew towards the hunter almost indistinguishably. I thought the hunter would dodge, but the hunter cut off one arrow with an upward move and let the other arrow pass by him. He walked forward casually. .

His face darkened, Assad stepped back and put three arrows on the bowstring. He fired the bow three times, and the three consecutive arrows flew towards the hunter in a fret shape.

Such miraculous archery skills caused many reserve soldiers to exclaim, but the hunter still waved the thin sword in his hand lightly.

The rapier turned into an afterimage that was difficult to discern with the naked eye, three broken arrows fell in the air, and the screams suddenly stopped.

For most reservists, it was impossible to see the arrow's trajectory clearly, but the hunter actually cut off the next three arrows. Even a fool could understand how desperate the gap was.

Seeing that the opponent suppressed his proud archery skills with a training rapier, Assad directly threw away the short bow in his hand, took a step forward, and pierced the hunter with the rapier like a swift.


Rapiers collided with rapiers at high speed, kicking off a gorgeous sword dance.

The two Demacian rapiers intertwined with each other like two venomous snakes in order to bite off a piece of the opponent's flesh. However, the two venomous snakes were evenly matched in strength. They were fighting so hard that they were inseparable, and everyone was fascinated to watch. drunk.

There is nothing more deadly and gorgeous than this.

"If this is all your strength, I will accept this victory."

The two of them each took three steps back. The hunter's words were full of Assad's unbearable arrogance, but Assad knew that he had reached the best level, but it was impossible for him to admit defeat.

"Come on though."

"Okay, this move is called [Phantom Cross Slash], please be careful when dealing with it."

The moment the voice fell, the hunter leaned forward, his legs were intertwined and twisted, he held the rapier in his right hand and pointed diagonally behind him, and held the blade of the rapier with the five fingers of his left hand, assuming a posture that looked very unstable and dangerous. Assad As if facing a formidable enemy, he took three steps back and stared at the hunter in a blocking posture.


Like a tight spring released instantly, the hunter's body turned into a cannonball, and the rapier in his hand condensed into two cold cross-shaped silver lights.

The six-meter distance passed in an instant, and Assad couldn't tell whether the hunter was slashing horizontally or vertically. He could only gamble his luck and hold the rapier horizontally in front of him, trying to parry the sword light coming from the vertical slash.

The phantom gradually solidified, and the blunt-edged rapier in the hunter's hand was already placed on Assad's neck. As if he had walked away from the gate of hell, Assad took a deep breath, stepped back and saluted the hunter.

"I lost."

The hunter sheathed his sword and stood up, returning the courtesy. This time, even Heathlia, who didn't like Noxians very much, was willing to join in the applause with everyone. (End of chapter)

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