League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1081 Chapter 1079

Orloy and Lester were never fussy people. After a conversation, Lester quickly learned what happened in the Serpentine Islands.

"I had made arrangements in advance in the Dark Abyss of the Mermaid Tribe, but I didn't expect that Belvis didn't choose the Mermaid Tribe."

Under Sarah's admiring gaze, Lester rubbed his chin, his eyes thoughtful.

"It may be because Belvis's instinct prompted her to continue to build the void world on land. It just so happened that the geographical characteristics of the Serpentine Islands met Belvis's preferences. It can only be said that it is difficult to change one's nature."

After a pause, Lester looked at Orloy with a serious expression.

"Since we just happened to meet, Belvis will be handled by me. Orloy, you are only responsible for blocking the sea area with sea beasts and getting rid of all the escaped void sea beasts. Is that okay?"

Orloy bowed his head respectfully.

"If you, who is recognized by the Snake Mother, are the one to deal with the void creature, it will be an honor for my race and all the creatures in the Python Islands. As you said, my race will definitely not let any void creature escape."

"Are you going to deal with Belvis alone?"

Sarah was a little impatient.

"Do you want me to use the fleet to cooperate with you?"

Lester smiled and shook his head.

"Your fleet can dominate the sea, but it has no effect on underwater creatures, unless it is a submarine."

Miss Fortune frowned.

"Submarine? What is that?"

"A large device that can sail and fight under the water. At present, the Empire only needs the three legions of the Vastaya aquatic tribe (mermaids, mackerel people and ray people) to deal with most underwater battles, so the Empire has not spent too much effort on submarines."

After briefly explaining to Sarah what a submarine is, Lester spoke to Ornn again.

"You can start the action now. Use sea beasts to block the trench as soon as possible. After the blockade is completed, I will personally deal with Pervis."


"Before the action, I have to meet with the Snake Mother."

Illaoi immediately summoned Garros and gave him a few instructions. When Garros left the temple, Illaoi prepared for the ceremony as quickly as possible.

According to Illaoi's instructions, Sarah took the initiative to withdraw from the radiation range of the golden statue, and Lester sat opposite Illaoi in the temple, with an ancient and heavy shrine placed between them.

Illaoi called the name of Nagakaboros over and over again. In the obscure and low murmur, the golden statue emitted bubbles and humming sounds like falling into the sea.

The statue's orifices gushed out waves of rippled water curtains like mist and tides. The water curtains filled the temple where Lester and Illaoi were in a few breaths, as if a world was forcibly stripped out of the material realm and sank into the endless deep sea.

Surrounded by the dark blue water curtain, Lester's consciousness gradually faded, and his soul soon followed the guidance of the statue and fell into the deep sea world.

The deep sea was as dark as the abyss, and it was pitch black. As in the past, Lester could not see any marine life in this strange and mysterious unknown area. It was as if everyone had fallen into a dream of eternal sleep. All he could feel was indifference and dead silence.

His body seemed to be pulled deeper into the sea. Lester had no resistance and followed the undercurrent of the abyss without any resistance until he fell into the deepest part of the black abyss, an underwater city built of strange fluorescent green stone.

The architectural structure of this city is completely contrary to Euclidean geometry. The huge stone carvings that are so huge that they make people feel sick and fear and the strange stone reliefs of half-man and half-fish exude an unclean and blasphemous breath at all times. This place is the dream city of all sea heirs and Cthulhu believers-the underwater city of R'lyeh located in an unknown plane.

Because he was not going to become a sea heir, Lester did not dare to pay too much attention to the eternal sleep city whose architectural structure was completely contrary to human aesthetics. Before the discomfort turned into disgust and nausea, Lester closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the sea waves cleansing his soul. He soon returned to normal.

Then time seemed to be accelerated by an unobservable existence. The cold and silence went away, and a gentle, inclusive, maternal embrace came towards him.

The tip of his nose felt delicate like mutton-fat jade. When Lester opened his eyes, he saw not the body of the snake mother Naga Kaporos (whose body was a tentacle of the old ruler Cthulhu), but the Medusa form transformed by the snake mother.

Even though he had enjoyed the [Deep Sea Embrace] led by the snake mother, Lester still couldn't stand it. Just like fear often makes people see the threat they dare not face the most in a trance, every hair of the sea girl in front of him seemed to grow on his personal preferences. It was really a test question based on the answer.

Anyone with seven emotions and six desires will inevitably be captured by the beauty of the snake mother. Lester is not a saint without desires, so he will naturally be affected by it.

He quietly walked away from the snake mother's most perfect brooding bag. In the snake mother's slightly confused and cute eyes, Lester calmed down with difficulty and apologetically let his eyes stay on the snake mother's gentle and beautiful face.

Being able to turn yourself into a mirror that reflects perfection, such an ability is no different from that of a god.

"Nagakabouros, although I also want to indulge in your embrace, now is not the right time, so please forgive me for being restrained so that I will not be fascinated by you,

In fact I have some questions that I would like to seek answers from you and I would like your help. "

In front of Naga Kapoulos, who is both a teacher and a friend, but also a careless lover, Lester does not need to play any tricks, or in other words, between R'lye and the clone of Cthulhu's will Playing tricks is simply clown-like behavior.

Naga Kapoulos has no plot against him, and he has nothing worthy of being plotted. The reason why Naga Kapoulos is willing to get close to him is just because he happened to appear in Runeterra and obtained the ability to face R'lyeh directly. The power to go crazy.

So Naga Kapoulos gained a friend with whom he could talk as an equal, and he gained an opportunity to understand the upper latitudes.

It is not difficult to maintain this relationship, but it is also easy to destroy this relationship. Lester is not stupid and knows what is best for himself.

After understanding Lester's thoughts, the snake mother thoughtfully used seaweed to surround herself with a seaweed-green skirt, which temporarily reduced the temptation to a level that Lester could bear.

"Lester, how can I help you?"

After pondering for a while, Lester first told the snake mother about his conjectures and worries about the evil god of the Warhammer plane, and then spoke under the reassuring gaze of the snake mother.

"I still don't quite understand how the multiverse works. I don't know whether the current Runeterra has been infiltrated by the evil god of subspace.

With the abilities of those above, you must also know about the evil god of subspace. I want to know what the evil god of subspace means to you? Could they pose a threat to you? In the Warhammer world, are you also affecting that bad world in your own way? "

After Lester finished speaking, the snake mother said leisurely.

"It is difficult for mortals to observe the truth of the world. Perhaps human beings never care about their emotions and desires and feel that they are dispensable. However, the fact is that the emotions and spirit contained in human beings have majestic energy. This energy has a strong practical effect. It is a field that humans cannot see but actually exists.

As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, optimistic and cheerful people will attract equally optimistic and cheerful people, and cunning people tend to surround themselves with cunning people.

If you stay with people with inconsistent temperaments for a long time, people with weak temperaments will easily change. And following the so-called "strong man" is not just following the self-confidence and satisfaction that comes from emotions. "

Lester nodded and listened quietly to the snake mother's remarks that seemed to have nothing to do with his questions.

"One person's dream can only affect himself, but billions of people are dreaming at the same time. With just a little push and transformation, this energy is enough to shape a real world that is close to reality.

The core of the dreamland is not the father. The father only gives the dreamer the ability to perceive and control the energy of the dream.

What truly makes the dreamland exist forever is every dreamer, who is as numerous as the morning stars.

Everything in the dreamland is based on the emotions and desires of the dreamer. Thinking about it this way, are the creatures in the dreamland very similar to the evil god of subspace you mentioned? "

"Yes, the evil god of subspace is also the desire and spiritual projection of all living beings. If everyone's emotions are part of the dream, then the evil god of subspace who was born from human desire is a creature. In fact, this is why the evil god of subspace The reason why it can never be eradicated is that it is impossible for humans to kill all living beings with intelligence and thinking, including humans.”

The snake mother nodded.

"It can build bridges to gather emotions, and it can also cut off bridges. To us, the evil god of subspace that you are worried about is actually just a creation of human emotions. There is nothing worth paying attention to.

The plane called 'Warhammer Universe' has been different from other planes from the beginning. Because it was influenced by a superior person, it has some characteristics of a dreamland. "

Lester was silent. He suspected that the superior person the snake mother was talking about was probably referring to a certain big golden guy, but unfortunately he had no evidence.

"Other than the title, there is no essential difference between a 'psychic' who has the ability to interfere with reality and a dreamer.

If the father and the others have any ideas, they can directly strip off the subspace that symbolizes the gathering place of human spirit and desire, so that the humans in that world lose all kinds of special abilities and are no longer affected by the condensation of desire. But this will be very important to the father and the others. It's meaningless,

Warhammer is a desperate and disgusting world, but humans still always talk about that desperate world. This is the case for humans who have nothing to do with themselves. How can the superiors care about this?

Lester, every universe has unique characteristics and fun. Even an insignificant meteor has its own value. Sitting back and watching it leave the most brilliant light and then disappear in the night sky is far better than blocking its flight or forcibly changing it. Destiny makes more sense. "

Lester let out a breath.

"So your level is much higher than the so-called evil gods of subspace. All worlds are like fleeting meteors to you. You indifferently appreciate the beauty of meteors and watch them pass away indifferently."

The snake mother nodded her head seriously.

"From a human perspective, it should be what you said. The superiors all have their own things to do. Unless it is an extremely rare case, most superiors will not interfere too much with the running of the world. Most of the existence They all face the low-latitude world with a playful attitude.”

Lester recalled that Mr. Ke "didn't know how many thousands of miles away" he was, and that the Snake Mother was just one of Mr. Ke's "uncountable" tentacles. The Snake Mother, this "insignificant" tentacle, could be regarded as a witness to the world of Runeterra. with regulators,

It can be seen from this that the world is really not as good as the dust on the seashore for these indescribable beings, and the level of the subspace evil god is indeed not enough.

"So even if the evil god of subspace really interferes with the development of Runeterra, I still have a way to prevent it from affecting this world. Wait, if according to what you said, the ability of the creature depends on the creator...

Today's Runeterra is probably only slightly affected, and is far less intense and intuitive than the Warhammer world. Therefore, the 'evil god' in this world is not actually an evil god, but a condensation of spiritual energy that was just born under the influence of desires and emotions. "

A smile of appreciation appeared on the snake mother's face, but Lester's vision was blurring faster.

"It seems that you already have the answer. If you want to use your own power to cut off these newborn creatures, you can try to find their location and rewrite them in your own way. With your ability, it won't take long. You can understand how to influence a world..."

In the gradually becoming ethereal voice, Lester felt that his body continued to sink, but this time the sinking feeling did not last long, and there was a sense of confusion that was reversing the direction. Before he had time to savor it, With this subtle change in space and spirit, Lester felt as if he had jumped out of the water.

When the world reappeared before his eyes, he had already returned to the golden temple.

Under Illaoi's awed gaze, Lester spat out a mouthful of black sea water, wiped his mouth and turned to look at the sky.

The sun still hung in that position, seemingly unchanged.

"How long has it been? One day?"

Illaoi shook his head and looked calmly at the black sea water that dried up in an instant. A special mark appeared on the temple floor tiles.

"If I'm not mistaken, as soon as you closed your eyes, the snake mother's statue lost its vision, and then you woke up."

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