League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1096 Chapter 1094

Of course, what Leicester said was not empty talk. The reason why the empire postponed the trial of Brown Darkwill for more than three months was simply because it would take such a long time for the general mobilization of war to be fully prepared. .

After reorganization, the Noxus Empire has thirteen large legions and can mobilize more than 800,000 troops at any time.

At present, the total number of active troops in the empire is 400,000, including more than 200,000 elite elite regiments, nearly 100,000 special forces, and more than 100,000 reserve regiments. This kind of military strength is enough to sweep across the entire Runeterra, and it is also Lester's confidence. location.

And now, as Lester's declaration of war spreads throughout Runeterra, the Noxus Empire has entered a state of all-out war.

From now on, the empire prohibits any form of banquets, dances and other extravagant and wasteful behaviors. After nine o'clock in the evening, the lights are turned off. Young people of appropriate age must participate in production activities or combat training organized by the military committee, and be ready to enlist in the army at any time and go to the battlefield.

At the same time, cash crops were transformed into agricultural crops, salt, tobacco, alcohol, steel, cotton, sugar, medicines and coal became military controlled products, and civilian factories began to transform into military factories, increasing the punishment of social hazards and speculators. ,

Everything in the empire is making way for war, and its purpose is to wipe out all evil spirits and defeat all enemies at once.

sea ​​of ​​watchers,

On the route from Bilgewater Bay to Ionia Presidence, a large armed merchant ship flying the Noxian double-headed ax battle flag was sailing toward the northeast.

Facing the moist sea breeze, Drizzt held a tall wine glass comfortably and chatted with a young girl in a long skirt about various interesting rumors about the continent of Ionia with a relaxed expression, teasing the girl from time to time. giggling,

Glancing at Drizzt who was chatting and laughing from a distance, Graves was sitting on the bench drinking alone.

"Hey brother, are you feeling a little lonely here drinking alone?"

Suddenly, a bald middle-aged crew member moved another bench and sat next to Graves. He held a rum bottle in one hand and a wine glass in the other. He looked at Graves who was in a bad mood meaningfully.

Graves glanced sideways at the familiar guy and cursed angrily.

"Who the hell are you? It's none of your business whether I'm lonely or not?"

The crew member was not angry, but patted Graves on the shoulder consolingly, but Graves slapped him away.

"I understand, I really understand. What you need now is another man to have a drink with you, right? A real man will always encounter difficulties. This is the time when he needs alcohol and another real man the most. ,

Come, I'll buy you a drink. "

He didn't know that the fair-faced, beardless middle-aged man in front of him had any bad intentions towards him. Graves, who was depressed, glanced at the wine glass that had been drained to the end, and nodded.

"Pour it on."

"Okay, okay, come on, let's have a drink."

Clink glasses and drink it all in one gulp,

The delicate, sweet brown wine slid into the esophagus, and a fire seemed to rise in his lower abdomen. The fragrant and fragrant aroma of alcohol made Graves feel a lot more relaxed.

"Although I don't know you, your rum tastes pretty good."

The bald crew member proudly patted his exaggerated chest muscles and made a thumping sound.

"Of course, I brewed this wine myself, using a unique secret recipe, and it also has the effect of aphrodisiac. I rarely invite people to drink."

Graves smiled disdainfully.

"Aphrodisiac? Real men still need to drink aphrodisiac wine?"

"It seems you have little experience."

The bald crew member smiled and poured Graves another glass.

"Men, it is always easy to deplete the body. You must replenish it when you need it. Don't regret it when you use it. By the way, my name is Avni Kayo, brother, what is your name?"

Nodding drunkenly, Graves stated his name.

"Malcolm Graves."

Cayo glanced at Graves' strong body calmly, and his smile became even brighter.

"How did the eldest brother think of going to Ionia?"

"Getting ready to do some small business."

"Haha, judging from the big-caliber nozzle of brother, this business is not small. How can you get in if you don't have some ability?"

"That's true. It's true that no one can swallow my big squirt. A fist can be stuffed into just one bullet hole."

"That's because my brother has little knowledge. In my opinion, fists are really not a big deal..."

While chatting, Graves and Cayo began to hook up, as if they were very close friends. Perhaps it was because of the secret rum that Graves had bought for free, but Graves didn't feel anything wrong.

"Hey, handsome card magician, this friend of yours seems a little dangerous."

Drizzt looked at the wealthy businessman's daughter who suddenly changed the topic to Graves, raised his eyebrows, but felt a shiver in his heart.

"Young lady, you are joking. What dangers can there be on the ship?"

After glancing around, the wealthy businessman's daughter lowered her voice and pretended to be intimate, approaching Drizzt's ear.

"The eldest brother's name is Cayo, and Cayo is a famously passionate man on the ship. Because the captain does not allow sheep to be raised on the ship, you know, most of the time the crew has to rely on the eldest brother to relieve their boredom. I don't know how many people were defeated in Li Yizuan.

I think your friend has been forced to drink. I'm afraid that Brother Kayo will help him back to the cabin. It's uncertain whether he can come out normally at that time. "

After listening to the words of the rich merchant girl, Drizzt looked at the girl with a strange face.

"How do you know these things?"

The girl pursed her lips and smiled.

"Because it was me who summoned Brother Kayo on board~ If it weren't for Brother Kayo, I would be the one who suffered. I follow my father to run a ship. I can't always be on guard against thieves, right? But if something can happen with a handsome guy like you~"

After talking for a while, Drizzt turned his head to look in the direction of Graves, his face changed slightly,

As the girl said, Graves was drunk and was being helped by Kayo to walk into the cabin,

Without bothering to say anything to the rich merchant girl with shining eyes, Drizzt stopped in front of Kayo and took Graves back from Kayo's arms.

"It seems that he is really drunk. My friend should not bother you. "

Kayo glanced at Drizzt and chuckled.

"We are all friends, why are we being so polite? I'll lend a hand. Let's help Brother Graves back together."

Just as Drizzt was about to refuse sternly, a cry of surprise came from the lookout tower.

"It's a ghost ship! There is a ghost ship 300 meters away from the right rudder!"

"What!? How could there be a ghost ship on this route?"

After such an interruption, Kayo didn't have the heart to do anything, so he shrugged and left Graves and Drizzt.

After checking Graves's condition and confirming that Kayo didn't put drugs in the wine, Drizzt breathed a sigh of relief and took Graves back to the cabin to settle down.

When Drizzt came out again, the crew members who were in a tense atmosphere just now had drawn their pistols and swords from their waists, and the gunners were pulling the fuse into the barrel, and they looked like they were on the verge of a fight.

"What's going on? "

Drizzt found the girl. She looked a little pale. She pointed at the dark gray fog coming from the northeast. She didn't say anything, as if she was really scared.

Drizzt frowned and looked at the gray and dilapidated ship that was looming in the dark gray fog.

"Could it be that there are really ghost ships in this world? Are ghost ships people or ghosts?"

"I, I don't know either."


The cannon fired, and a solid cannonball smashed into the sea, but it was not fired by an armed merchant ship, which really scared everyone.

Drizzt looked at the crew members who were ready to fight and found that their faces were not much worse than the girl's.

"Fire! Sink them for me! Don't let them get close!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang! "

The six large-caliber smoothbore cannons on the right side of the ship sprayed hot flames one after another, and the shells flew out of the barrels. Four of them hit the empty space, and the other two shells hit the bow of the ghost ship, exploding a piece of wood debris, and the other shell deviated to a higher place, breaking a mast without a sail.

From the results, it seems that breaking the mast is useless.


The ghost ship fired again, only one shot, enough to make everyone breathless, because this time the ghost ship's shells successfully hit the right-hand part of the armed merchant ship near the stern, and the hard shipboard was instantly smashed into a big hole, and seawater began to pour into the ship.

No one knows how many shots the ghost ship will take before it sinks. If the armed merchant ship takes two more shots, everyone will have to go to the sea to feed the fish.

"Right-hand gunner reloads gunpowder! Fayez! Take a few people to repair the ship! Others! Load the muskets and prepare to design! Helmsman! Right full rudder! Left-hand gunner prepares to shoot! ”

There was always a bad feeling that if he stayed out of it, he would sink with the ship. Drizzt suddenly ran to the captain and said in a deep voice amid the captain's impatient expression.

"I am Drizzt, the mercenary who killed the Tyrant Octopus."

"Ah? It's you, that's great."

The captain was stunned for a moment and didn't bother to continue commanding the crew. He was overjoyed.

"Do you have a way to deal with that ghost ship?"

"I'm not sure what it is, but I have an idea."

"You tell me, I will cooperate with you to the fullest!"


Drizzt handed over a teleportation card to the captain directly with a serious tone.

"This is a magic playing card that can teleport items. You can use a net to pile up a few barrels of gunpowder to press the teleportation card under the gunpowder barrel to draw out a fuse. It's best if it can burn for ten seconds.

After you light the gunpowder fuse, I will directly teleport the gunpowder barrel to blow up the ghost ship. Since the ghost ship can be damaged by ship cannons, it makes no sense that it won't be sunk by gunpowder. "

Taking the teleportation card, the captain nodded vigorously.

"Leave it to me, I will definitely do it."

After that, the captain called two people to go to the bottom of the cabin to move the explosive barrels, opened the cabin door, and saw Graves walking out with a double-barreled shotgun, Fate, with a slightly shaky step.

Without saying anything more to Graves, the three ran straight into the cabin and looked around. The atmosphere of the battlefield made Graves lose his drunkenness all of a sudden, and he trotted to meet up with Drizzt.

"What's going on?"

"There are pirates? But aren't we on a pirate ship disguised as a merchant ship? Robbing pirates?"

Drizzt pointed to the ghost ship that was hidden in the fog again.

"It's not robbing pirates, it's a ghost ship...Are you sober?"

"I woke up as soon as the cannons were fired here, how could I sleep well?"

The speed of the ghost ship was faster than the rolling fog again and appeared in everyone's eyes,

This time, everyone including Graves saw the zombies on the ship wearing various rotten cloths. The zombies were holding short-handled firecrackers, long-barrel muskets and some rusty swords with tetanus virus in their hands. The body was entangled with wriggling seaweed, and the head was green and pink as if it were parasitized by barnacles and corals.

Zombie sailors look extremely weak. If you consider that the firearm in the zombie's hand is not a fire stick, the threat is not small at all.

"It's best to keep these monsters away from the ship."

"Mr. Drizzt! The captain has prepared according to your instructions! Just light the fuse!"

A man ran out of the cabin, it was the guy who had just gone to move gunpowder with the captain.

Drizzt responded and whispered to Graves.

"I'm afraid they won't trust me, so you go with him to light the fire. I'm going to activate the teleportation card and light the fuse when you hear my whistle."


Graves didn't say any nonsense and ran directly down to the cabin with the crew.


The armed merchant ship couldn't turn in time, and the right-hand muzzle took a solid shot. The ship's cannon was directly broken into pieces. Then the ghost ship shells deflected by the ship's cannon directly beat the upper bodies of the two gunners into a ball of blood mist. Only half of his body remained intact, and he fell to the board with a thud.

The flying iron shavings from the ship's cannon hit an unknown number of people, severely damaging the morale of the armed merchant ships.

"We have hit at least five shells! Why hasn't the ghost ship sunk yet?"

"Is it true that the ghost ship cannot be sunk at all? How could our artillery shells be able to deal with that kind of monster?"

"Where's the captain? Where's the captain?"

"The captain is preparing explosives in the cabin, listen! We will survive! Arrive safely on land!"

When Drizzt had to stand up to maintain morale, the wealthy merchant girl ran out of nowhere to stand with Drizzt.

"Everyone must believe in Mr. Drizzt! He is the heroic magician who defeated the Overlord Octopus in the battle to defend the Silver Serpent Pier! Another hero, Graves, is cooperating with Mr. Drizzt in the cabin! We will definitely defeat the ghost ship. of!"

When morale was about to collapse, Drizzt and the girl's singing together gave the crew some confidence to fight again.

"Mr. Drizzt! What should we do?"

"Fight the enemy with the weapons in your hands! Leave the rest to me!"

Glancing at the girl gratefully, Drizzt held the teleportation card with one hand, brought the other hand to his mouth, whistled, and started activating the teleportation card.

"If the magic fails, you'll sink the ship!"

"Get away!"

In the cabin, one person had already run away. Graves kicked away another crew member who was blocking him, and lit the fuse of the explosive with a match under the captain's self-defeating look.

"Believe in him and we will not die!"

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