League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1110 Chapter 1108

Seresi had no doubt that Mordekaiser could really do such a thing, and although his method was not as stupid as Mordekaiser said, it was also mixed with considerable personal selfishness.

Facing the pressure exerted by Mordekaiser at this moment, Seresi had to show his most focused performance skills so far. At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the past when he was in charge of the forbidden secret library of Helia. Facing the interrogation of the sage of Helia, he would expose his crime of killing his colleagues at any time. If he said the wrong word or showed any inappropriate emotions, he would fall into an irreparable situation.

Mordkaiser really had the ability to crush him to death across a world, otherwise he would not leave a person like him in such an important place as the Styx.

But where would the reward come from without risk? If he stopped because of fear of these risks, he would not be Seresi. Those sages and wise men of Helia and his people have all turned into the dust of history, and Seresi still lives in this world as he pleases, which is enough to explain a lot of things.

After a slight pause, Seresi said the words he had rehearsed countless times in a gentle and sincere tone.

"My Lord, I think that the situation in the Styx should be attributed to the inaction of the Masked Mother."

After a terrifying silence, Modkaiser's emotionless voice came.

"Go on."

Wiping the non-existent cold sweat with fear, Seresi buried his head on the ground again.

"If the Masked Mother is willing to completely submit to the Lord, the Styx will never lose control of the soul. I have guarded the Styx for so long, and now... now I have some confidence that the Masked Mother will completely submit to the Lord. I just need to use a little trick..."

"You, really want to get involved in the Styx."

These words were not interrogative sentences. When Seresi heard them, his soul was surging, as if he had been stripped of his skin and flesh by Modkaiser, facing the undisguised murderous intent of the Lord of the Underworld.

"No, no, no, no... Your subordinate dare not."

"You still dare to quibble? You took the initiative to transfer to the Styx to avoid Lester, but you really wanted to plot against the Styx. You are playing tricks on me, Seresi, you are really, so brave!"

As Modkaiser's tyrannical voice fell, Seresi was horrified to find that his skeleton body was twisted and kneaded into a ball as if it was grasped by an invisible big hand. The crystal-like bones became dark and cracked. The unprecedented pain made Seresi scream miserably.

He was not a strong man, how could he endure the pain of refining bones and extracting souls?

Without even the strength to beg for mercy, Seresi collapsed into a pile of scattered broken bones on the spot.

Just when Seresi's soul was about to dissipate, Modkaiser stopped torturing Seresi. The resurrection spell of Ochen's spell lingered on Seresi's broken and rotten bones, and the broken bones were recast, giving Seresi new vitality.

After returning from a trip to the gates of hell with the will-o'-the-wisp, Seresi did not speak, but knocked his head hard again and again, and soon the brand new skull cracked again.

When his head was about to have a "brain hole", Modkaiser's gloomy voice came again.

"I can tolerate your arrogant ambition, because you slaves who are as lowly as maggots are born slaves, and your life and death are in my hands. Even if you jump out, you can't escape my control. The only thing I can't tolerate, and I will never tolerate being fooled by you slaves,

Seresi, this is the last time you test your master. If you do it again, I will extract your soul and merge it into the soul brick, so that you will be trampled on forever."

Seresi's body shook like a basket for sifting chaff.

"Yes, the slave knows his mistake."

"Now, tell me what you really think."

"Master, I beg you to hand over the Mother of Masks to me. I will do my best to make the Mother of Masks surrender and regain the soul of the Styx for you. If I fail, you will take off my head and refine my soul into a soul brick."



Noxian calendar, November 12, 999 AD.

After the fall of the Immortal Fortress and the Nether Army raging in Runeland for less than half a month, the iron hooves of the Undead Army trampled on the Glory Bridge of the Abyss of Extreme Ice with the winter wind from the north.

The sky in the east had been gloomy three days ago. The so-called gloom was not the dark clouds when the clouds turned upside down, but the dark green night. The black thunder exploded endlessly in the storm that swept through, distorting the spatial laws of the material realm. The rumbling thunder seemed to announce the arrival of the end of the world to the whole world.

In this eternal night of annihilation, the eternal arcane light above the Nokmurchi Plains protects the world like a beacon, leaving a spark of fire that could be extinguished at any time.

Agnes stood alone in the tower of the Dragon Pass and looked east. Everywhere she looked, she saw the undead in armor and weapons. The netherworld army was as vast as the sea of ​​smoke, like a wave of destruction surging on the earth.

She personally witnessed the rise and fall of the ancient Shurima Empire. She was very sure that even the Setaka Dynasty, the most powerful of the Ascended Corps, could never be the opponent of these resurrected creatures.

The Setaka Dynasty could defeat the void army of the Icathia Peninsula and seal the void rift at a painful price, but it was impossible for them to survive the world-destroying frenzy brought by Mordekaiser.

Without the shadowy fog, the army that Modkaiser has been raising for thousands of years is marching openly in the material realm, conquering everything in the mortal world with the war methods of mortals.

This is the regret that Sarn Uzul has not completed, and it is also the arrogance of the underworld ruler Modkaiser. He wants to destroy all resistance in the simplest and crudest way - everything is just as Lester said, Modkaiser is longing for the most primitive killing journey, not to conquer the world, but simply to kill and enjoy killing.

Winter is coming, a wisp of cold wind blows through the scarlet hair of the woman, and Agnes, who has taken over the defense of the Dragon Pass, lowers his eyes and turns to walk down the city gate tower.

"Those demons are coming."

Someone nearby whispered quietly.

Immediately after the voice, a desolate horn sounded from behind. On the 50-meter city gate on the east side of the Great Wall, the current swordsman of the Gale Sword Dojo, who was an external aid for the extraordinary, opened his eyes. His weathered face was as firm as a rock. He was Yasuo who followed the Vastaya Feathered Legion from the Ekassia Peninsula to support the Dragon Pass.

Recalling the experiences of the past few years, it always felt like a dream. Yasuo stroked his chin. The beard he had just shaved grew back like a steel needle, and it felt hard and prickly.

After the Imperial Expeditionary Force drove the Void Queen Pervis out of the continent, the warriors from Ionia left and scattered. More than half of the fifty people died on the battlefield, and the remaining dozen people also embarked on their own paths.

Jax, under Camille's arrangement, began to use the Eternal Flame to purify the land of the Icathia Peninsula that was eroded by the void energy. It is said that he may have to go to the northern border of Freljord later.

After hearing about the threat of Mordekaiser, the Dragon Lord Li Qing returned to the Temple of Shoji in the Larin Province and prepared to move the monks of the Silana Monastery to the safer Presidium.

Meimu, Master Kushuo, Goufu, Shen and his brother Yongen took Taliyah, who was five months pregnant, back to Presidium through the teleportation array.

Meimu needs to return to the Dragon Hidden Stream to complete the important task of inheriting the sect, and then he will have to Fighting wholeheartedly for the survival of Ionia as the Shadow Fist of the Kinkou,

Kushuo needs to organize the Kinkou to call on all the people of the First Land to prepare for war, so that the Ionians can prepare in advance to deal with the threat from the underworld,

His brother Yongen protects his wife Talia and returns to his hometown, protects his increasingly aging mother and Talia in the following disaster, and guides the Wind Sword Dojo to survive this world-destroying disaster,

Among the Ionian warriors who went on an expedition to the Icathia Peninsula, only he came to the Dragon Pass, facing another enemy that threatens the world as the Wind Sword Master.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Before they could really see what the enemy coming from the Bridge of Glory looked like, the turrets of the Dragon Pass Fortress ejected groups of holy flames. The white flames, shaped like cannonballs, flew to the distance at a very fast speed and exploded when they touched the ground, just like drops of detergent dripping into oil. Thousands of Nether Warriors walking side by side were burned to ashes in the burning of holy flames, revealing a dazzling blank.

If it were a mortal army, it would have been defeated with such terrible casualties in a short period of time, but the Nether Warriors in sight seemed to not care about the casualties at all and rushed to the Bridge of Glory under the bombardment, forming a shield formation in a square formation and approaching the Dragon Pass Fortress.

"Bowmen, get ready!"

"Spells, get ready!"

"Riflemen, get ready!"


When the enemy reached the range, the Dragon Pass defenders and Vastaya Legion opened fire at full force. Magic, arrows and holy light enchanted projectiles formed an airtight net to cover the Nether Warriors approaching the city gate.

Like the autumn wind blowing through the bent wheat fields, in the dense barrage of rainstorms, the Nether Warriors' shields were shattered in an instant, and the undead behind the shields were also beaten to pieces, which looked very relaxing.

At this distance, Yasuo could see clearly what kind of existence the 'Nether Undead' that made up the black tide of destruction was.

The body wrapped in heavy black metal armor was grayish white, and the Nether Undead looked like frozen, incorrupt ice corpses. However, these half-dead monsters in armor and sharp weapons were very agile and were not inferior to living people at all.

Judging from the enchanted attacks of the Dragon Pass defenders, ordinary attacks are unlikely to work on these monsters. Only attacks blessed by the Holy Flame can work.

When Yasuo was secretly shocked, dozens of black-green fireballs suddenly flew over the sky, seemingly slow but actually extremely fast.

These black-green fireballs passed through August's Holy Flame barrier without being affected, and then broke through several magic shields along the way. They were blocked by the mage in mid-air and exploded in the air.

After the explosion, the black-green sparks that sporadically splashed out fell on a dozen defenders who were trying to avoid them. First, they burned through the armor and made small holes. The moment they touched the flesh and blood, it was as fierce as a spark igniting an oil tank. The black-green flames like maggots immediately crawled all over the victims, burning the defenders into dark green skeletons with skin and flesh.

Before the frightened crowd could breathe a sigh of relief, the fallen skeleton stood up again with a strange black-green flame on its body and rushed towards the other defenders.

Knowing how terrifying the black-green flame was, the defenders were naturally not stupid enough to show off their strength. They all made way, and the wizard kept a distance and cast a purification spell to smash the burning skeleton with magic, and then threw it outside the city wall.

A voice amplified by magic reached everyone's ears.

"Don't get involved with this fire of the dead! If someone is burned by the fire of the dead, be sure to kill them with holy flames or purification methods as soon as possible! Otherwise, the fire of the dead will spread indefinitely!"

Everyone nodded with lingering fear, obviously scared by the so-called "fire of the dead".

Unfortunately, the cruelest part of war is that the enemy will always choose to kill you in the way you fear the most.

There are far more than the previous test firings, as if thousands of black and green fireballs of destruction are flying all over the sky, including Yasuo. Everyone's heart suddenly accelerated and their bodies tensed. It was obvious that this time, the mage alone could not block such an attack.

With his tiger's mouth close to the hilt of the knife, Yasuo looked up at the three balls of fire of the dead that might hit him without blinking, and he was ready to take action.

With a whoosh, a high-speed white beam of light passed through the air, accurately sweeping across the undead fire in the sky.

The shapeless undead fire immediately exploded into an open dense rain of fire. This time, the messy and dangerous undead fire rain was purified by the Holy Flame Barrier of the Dragon Pass, and not a single drop fell on the defenders, causing many terrified mages to waste their magic power in vain.

For a time, the Dragon Pass defenders were in high spirits, and Yasuo, who was worried, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

No wonder a powerful empire like Noxus had to give up the land east of the Dragon Pass. At first, he couldn't understand why Noxus would make such a cowardly move that was not in line with the "Roxy Iron Blood Spirit", and actually handed over half of its territory to the enemy to slaughter. Now he can understand what kind of heavy responsibility Noxus has to bear by making such a cruel decision.

Facing such a terrible enemy, if you don't rely on August's magic network defense, even if you don't fear life and death and put in more than a billion lives, I'm afraid it will just be sacrificed in vain.

The Noxian Empire was in such a mess. If his hometown Ionia was invaded by the Nether Army in front of him, how would Ionia resist?

He was already the peak of Ionian martial arts, a rare achievement for ordinary people, but even he was no different from ordinary people on such a battlefield.

Although he had experienced countless life-and-death disasters and even faced the might of the Void Queen in person, Yasuo still felt a little hesitant and helpless at this moment.

Can humans really win this war? (End of this chapter)

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