League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 181 Chapter 180 The Flower of Evil Blooming in Tragedy

[Dear Lord Leicester, the love of my life, please allow me to report to you some important events that happened recently.

During my pursuit of the looters, I discovered the true purpose of the Baru pirates. The reason why they landed from the Blue Flame Islands (the Baru people living in the archipelago call them Python Islands) was from the southeast coast to invade Noxa. Si, just to dig for magical treasures,

I have obtained sufficient evidence that the Baru people have a special secret method for finding magic treasures, otherwise they would never have crossed half the world and ran from the Blue Flame Islands to the Valoran Plains to carry out excavation work at fixed points.

It's a pity that when I chose to hand over the pursuit work to Lord Valks, he only showed his own incompetence from the beginning to the end. In the action of chasing the looters, he got nothing but killed dozens of cattle and sheep. I deeply regret this sad outcome and seek your understanding.

Fortunately, we didn’t find nothing. In addition to the corpses of hundreds of sand pirates and a few Baru pirates, I also unearthed a tomb from the Icathian Destruction Mage in the village of Bamtel on the Valoran Plain. I got a strange magic ring from it. If you define it according to the [Magic Equipment Illustrated Book] you personally described, that ring should be a magic equipment called [Dark Seal].

After careful testing by several mages in Urza, it has been confirmed that this ring has the function of controlling the resurrection of undead skeletons and storing violent dark magic. The wearer can revive the nearby dead by stimulating the undead magic that comes with the ring. By killing and absorbing the soul energy of the dead, the magic level of the wearer can be increased,

In addition to the dark seal, I also found a few undamaged scrolls in the tomb of the Icathian destruction mage. The scrolls recorded several complete Icathian destruction spells in ancient times.

I thought these things might be useful to you, so I made a few manuscripts on my own initiative, and passed them to you through the Nightblade Killer together with the secret letter and the dark seal, hoping to help you.

What is puzzling is that we did not find the remains of the owner of the tomb in the tomb, nor could we confirm the identity of the owner of the tomb from the funeral objects and the layout of the tomb. It is still a mystery as to who the owner of the tomb is. The only reason for continuing to send troops to block Bamter village, I hope to get your instructions to take the next step.

(Attachment: The recent development of the Emerald Collar and the mental safety assessment of Hector the Nightblade Killer)


Margaret, captain of the Black Iron Guard of Noxus. 】

This is the second time to read the letter, this time the man read it very carefully.

The man didn't put down the secret letters and letters in his hand until he confirmed that the key information was not missing, and picked up the evil ring on the table to play with.

When the female human mage was doing experiments, the black shadow hidden in Lester's shadow slowly emerged, gently wrapped around the man's neck in a snake-like posture, and licked the man's neck with the most flexible mouth with cheeks.

For the shadow who likes to lick his skin like a kitten, he understands that this is an attitude and behavior to express intimacy, so Lester is not ready to refuse. At this moment, the man thinks about Hector instead.

This time it was Hector who delivered the secret letter and the ring. After delivering the secret letter, he received Lester's reply, and the man quickly left from the gate of the Black Rose Mage Academy with a sly smile on his face.

With the special pass of the Emerald Collar, Hector is able to enter and exit the inner city fortress of the Immortal Bastion at will.

Lester has always been paying close attention to this excellent nightblade killer who is in a half-mad state. As for Hector's sister who was defiled by robbers and became pregnant, Lester can't do much except sigh. .

This incident was a tragedy and a mistake from beginning to end. However, even if Doyle, the leader of the bandit, was tortured to death, and Brian, the bandit who defiled Hector's sister, was skinned and boned by Hector, this mistake did not make any difference. Terminated because on a snowy night four years ago, Hector's mad sister gave birth to the baby.

One child was born, but three lunatics were born.

Since the birth of the child, Hector, who had quit Yuezibai, became hopelessly addicted to drugs again. For his sister who has never been able to recover her personality, the helpless Hector can only take a laissez-faire approach. manner,

It's just that Hector watched his younger sister enter the lactation period, insisting on nurturing the evil seed of the robber with a dog-like attitude, and even not allowing his brother to kill the evil seed. In desperation, Hector seemed to see the humiliating creature again. The 'teacher' came back to himself and laughed at himself,

Like the night she shed her parental skin.

During that period of time, like a bomb whose fuse was about to burn out, Hector's spirit entered the point of extreme madness, and even Morris had to prepare himself to kill his companions in the first period of time.

Fortunately, after being enlightened by a companion, Hector took the initiative to vent his madness to the prostitutes in the nightclub many times, which made the man on the verge of collapse come back from the edge of the cliff of complete madness, at least not continuing to be as crazy as before.

Regarding the ending where the dog sister who has no consciousness and personality chooses to protect the bandit with her life, after Hector despaired, because he could not kill his sister, the man also had to accept this desperate fact that cannot be described as despair, and finally used iron The chain tied the dog sister and her dog son together, so that the mother and son depended on each other.

Four years passed in the blink of an eye, and the bandit's son grew up under the care of the dog mother who was tortured by his father. However, because of the training and conversation of the night blade killers, plus Hector's "language education\

,"The bandit's son of a bitch is not like his mother who can't even speak human words. The only problem is that the boy's voice is too shrill and scary, making it uncomfortable to hear.

This is a child who will be killed at any time. This is a child who has never seen sunlight for more than four years since he was born. His face is as pale as a dead person. Without a concept, his views on human life are like grass that grows in the abyss, and he doesn't care.

Except for the dog mother who is willing to protect him with his life, no one will be his friend. He has lived in the headquarters of the Nightblade Killer since he was a child. crazy.

From the very beginning, the moment it was born from Hector's sister, the child was a mistake.

An error that should not exist.

Lester has always thought so, until he went to the headquarters of the Nightblade three years ago, when he overheard how Hector called and educated his nephew.

"Shaco, you have to kill with a smile like your bastard father, you have to be as loyal to the emerald collar as your dog mother is to your bastard father, keep your mouth open, never cry, put Your wrists are up, never let go,

Hold on to the flying knife and learn assassination techniques from me. Remember, your life is given by Lord Leicester, and you must use your life to serve him! Whoever he tells you to kill, you have to kill! He let you die and you have to die! understand? Little bastard! Do you understand? answer me! Bitch! Do you want to die! ! ? "

The tyrannical uncle who forgot to smile went from ordinary to crazy. The man had already pressed the dagger on the boy's neck, and the thin bloodstains were gradually pulled away, and his life was hanging by a thread.

This is the only love he can give to his nephew, and the only reason why he can guarantee that he will not go crazy and kill his sister.

Lester clearly remembered the distorted face of the boy in his eyes standing outside the door.

Looking down at his cut neck, letting the blood flow slowly, the boy showed a sincere and sunny smile.

"Hehehe, Uncle, I understand, as long as you don't kill my mother, the bastard Shaco is Lord Leicester's dog!"

Thanks to the editor, the small problem has been solved~ I will add three updates today~ Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets, comments, rewards, anything~

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