League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 186 Chapter 185 Magic Research and the Tyrant's Underground Castle

After confirming the basic policy, Lester put his hand on the crystal stone wall, guided the five pure magic elements that had been purified and stripped in the stone wall through magic power, carefully blended and recast them, and constructed the first basic rune.

A basic rune shaped like a small tadpole with two circles inside and outside, with the ice element as the core, can stably output water, ice, and wind magic elements, stripping more than 90% of the earth and fire elements.

"It's not enough, it's not enough. It must reach a purity of more than 95% to increase the lower limit of the stability threshold."

Guided by the formation of the rune through the conduction hose in the Demon Eater crystal completely dissipated, Lester once again mobilized the magic elements and started the process of constructing the rune.

Evelyn on the side kept changing her slender figure in the shadows, making the bigger one bigger, the smaller one smaller, and the taller one. The shadow demon kept trying to attract the man's attention, but the man kept paying attention Putting it on the damn hoops, it made Evelyn a little discouraged and almost turned into a tentacle worm.

Although it still doesn't understand why a man greedily gets in touch with him sometimes, generously feeds his powerful vitality and food of desire, sometimes ignores him, and refuses to pay any attention to him no matter how much he asks, but after absorbing three yuan After the soul pyroxene, in addition to learning how to change the form that men like more, it also understands its status a little bit, and also agrees with the name the man gave itself.

Between Evelyn and men, Evelyn is considered a parasite. Except for some complex desires and mood swings, Evelyn can't bring anything to men. On the contrary, Evelyn is very dependent on men, demanding Men's inexhaustible 'survival energy' is rapidly evolving and growing.

Evelyn, who realized this, could only make herself more obedient to the man, and did not dare to disobey the order of the man, even though the nature of the life form told herself that after leaving the man, she could hunt for new "survival energy" more freely, Evelyn couldn't imagine how bad and sad she would be without a man.

Just looking for food is too busy, how can I have time to eat so full every day?


Evelyn can't speak, and can only use the soft shape of the shadow to make a sound similar to the breeze blowing, but obviously the man at the moment didn't pay attention to her meaning, so Evelyn could only curl up on the ground boredly, holding herself tall The two groups of shadows watching the man silently.

Fortunately, Evelyn is not hungry now. After all, Evelyn was full before coming to this place.

Unknowingly, in an unconscious state, two huge shadows had drooped to the ground and turned into ugly tumors, but Evelyn still didn't notice it.

A man certainly cannot see that some primordial demon is blowing up balloons for his own personal pleasure, because at the moment he is in a state of insanity.

"If the two-dimensional coordinate system can become the vector space for runes to construct the array plate, can the three-dimensional coordinate system form a stable three-dimensional magic array? There has never been a similar attempt in the history of the development of rune magic. Did no one think of it, or is it a kind of taboo? Will it cause a terrible disaster?"

Wanting to try to build a three-dimensional magic circle immediately, the unique rationality of a man as a killer stopped such an unwise impulse to act. After all, on the road of researching a new rune formation, any mistake may lead to a huge disaster. For a magic explorer, the important thing is never how to create a new rune circle, but how to survive the big bang, which is the same as researching new explosives.

It has to be said that Teacher Terena has set many positive and negative role models for men, making men realize what a high-risk job researching new magic is.

It can blow up a woman with a normal sense of shame to the point where she doesn't even want to wear clothes, one can imagine how difficult magic research is.

The difficulty is almost as difficult as giving birth to a child...

Having come to an inexplicable conclusion, Lester sighed, and gave up the idea of ​​using his superficial knowledge to study the three-dimensional magic circle.

"Maybe in the future I will have enough ability and knowledge to do all this, but definitely not now."

Completely suppressing the crazy thoughts, Lester linked the several qualified runes that had already been sketched through the element channel with a length and angle that had never been seen before.

The moment after the fifth rune link was successful, elemental conflict broke out, and the various elements contained in the rune began to go berserk, spontaneously cracking under the pressure of the crystal stone wall.

The role of the crystal stone wall was reflected, and the rune did not explode.

However, arrays that exceeded the stability threshold failed again.

With a wry smile, Lester had to re-input the magic power to purify the magic power and strip the elements from the beginning, facing the shortage of elements in the energy-storing crystal stone wall of the formation.

At this moment, the bored Evelyn has become a mud full of narrow holes, crawling over and over.


No one knows that under the Black Rose Mage Academy, there is a secret space that no one knows about.

Before the construction of the Mage Academy, when the Immortal Fortress was first established, Mordekaiser built an underground magic castle belonging to the tyrant in the deepest part of the fortress city, the place closest to the abyss, in order to store the secret of protecting himself from death.

In the magic castle, there is a magic prison that never sees the light of day, a magic forbidden library with strong restrictions, and a strange deep well that connects to the abyss.

The tyrant who loves dark magic and forbidden arcane arts has always been vicious towards the black mages who come to his door. The tyrant will clean up the inventory of the black mages who are willing to obey, and take them under his command to deal with his enemies and other mages , Put the unwilling black mage into prison, dig it clean and torture him to death, and enslave the soul of the dead with the hammer Yeyun.

With the help of other black mages, Mordekaiser did everything smoothly, and also collected countless forbidden secrets and dark arcane arts. After a hundred years, only one yordle who loved magic survived from the prison of the tyrant. Walking out, although the yordles have gone crazy and become new dark believers, they are always not doing well.

After the crazy yordles also left, the lone traitor occupied the magic space that belonged exclusively to the tyrant and became the sole master of the underground castle, but out of fear of the power of the tyrant, the new underground master had to put himself His eyes are often placed in the depths of the dry well, staring at the dead seal, the brutal plate armor that symbolizes the dark tyrant.

A traitor to the tyrant, known as the Pale Witch, whose real name is LeBlanc, enjoys illusions, doppelgängers, and intrigue.

Five hundred and seventy-four years old, she is an old house girl.

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