League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 192 Chapter 191 The Promise of the Man Forgotten by Time (asking for a monthly ticket, askin

After a lot of lingering, it was already the middle of the night. The strange thing was that Margaret, who had been tossed for several hours, didn't feel the slightest sense of fatigue. Instead, she felt that her body was more energetic than before.

This is a feeling that I didn't have in the in-depth communication in the past. The woman thought about it for a while, and didn't mean to ask a question, but simply attributed it to a special miracle that belongs to the mage.

Before going to the Master Academy to study, this state was not the case after the exercise.

Hugging together and unwilling to separate, the two quietly looked at the bright crescent moon outside the window, greedily enjoying the warmth brought by each other.

The cold and silent night on the continent of Valoran became warmer than ever because of the companionship.

"Lord Leicester..."

"Call me Lester, I've told you a long time ago, it's just disobedient, you should hit me."

After pumping hard on the tight meat ball twice, Lester looked at the woman with satisfaction and nodded shyly.

"Lester, I want to tell you a few words from my heart, can I?"

"Of course, I have long wanted to hear what you have to say, but you always keep me at a respectful distance. Ahem, I have to take the initiative and lose the demeanor that a lord should have."

She didn't care about the man's teasing, but the woman's expression was very serious and a little panicked.

"Lester, I haven't had such a clear feeling before, this time I suddenly saw your face, and I realized that I was really scared,

Originally, I wanted to fight for you all my life, and finally die on the battlefield of glory, spending my life.

If you are lucky enough to survive, then I will be buried with you when you die, because you are older than me and will definitely leave this world before me, so I am willing to guard the emerald collar for you until the moment you die,

Until this evening, I was suddenly sure that the traces left by time seemed to have completely disappeared on you. You are no different from nine years ago, and you are even younger. You have always maintained your appearance in your twenties. I don’t know why this is, or what mysterious power you are hiding. I’m afraid that when I get old and frail, you will still look like this. I think I’m not the only one who thinks this way, Tali and Ji Si and the others would also have such thoughts. "

After a pause, the woman's tone became much lower.

"In that case, in that case... I will be much lonely..."

The man opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't say anything other than being silent.

Although I always deceive myself and say that I can't keep this young face all the time, the fact is that my face has not shown any signs of aging during the ten years since I came to Runeterra, even if the growth rate is getting faster and faster. It is getting slower and slower, and the physical fitness is still growing without any decline.

Combined with the fact that there is a world rune with Irina's consciousness as the main body in the body, considering the powerful ability of the world rune, if you make a guess based on the current situation, even if you are not immortal, you will not run away with a beautiful face.

It is indeed a very unacceptable thing to watch that the people around you are still young, but you are slowly aging in the long river of time.

If he wanted to solve this problem, he could either help Margaret and the barbarian sisters find a way to live forever and look forever, or he had to take the initiative to grow old, so as to prevent the people around him from living in a sad environment.

But longevity, long-term vision, and youthful appearance are easy to say, but how many people have been able to do it throughout the ages?

LeBlanc uses forbidden magic to achieve longevity and long-sightedness. Yordles who rely on magic for a living in the magic field can survive for thousands of years. With the help of the Void Watcher, Lissandra the Frost Witch can live for thousands of years, integrating the power of the spiritual realm , Vastayashari, who fought with the giants, can live forever, even like Mordekaiser, who used dark beliefs to create terrifying killings, immortality in the underworld, and infinite resurrection in the material world, which can also be regarded as an alternative kind of immortality .

Although there are many examples of immortality, there are really few that can be reproduced. Not to mention Valoran, including the entire Runeterra, except for the gods and the very special yordles, there are truly immortal lives. There will be no more than ten fingers.

How can I be arrogant enough to think that I have the ability to find a way to make people around me immortal?

At present, the most reliable one is Ionia, and the method of reincarnation similar to Karma's rebirth may be useful.

Instead of giving others hope in advance, and then ending in disappointment, it is better not to make any promises, secretly think of a way, and directly send the results to others.

At least when I get nothing, I can also walk into the grave with the people around me.


Seeing that the man hadn't spoken for a long time, Margaret whispered something.

The man came back to his senses, and said helplessly.

"This is your illusion. I just look young because of my magical talent. I don't age easily. It doesn't mean that I am immortal. When you are a gray-haired grandmother, I will be a grandfather. The one with the tall beard kind."


"Really, I get really bad-tempered when I'm old, because I was a liar when I was young, a bad guy who did everything he could."

"Then, then you lie to me quickly and say something nice, even if it's a lie."

It was rare to say a few words in a woman's coquettish tone, and the hoarse and ugly voice seemed particularly shameful, but Lester liked to hear it very much.

A simple sentence is much more difficult than her chopping down a thousand evil mice with a beheading sword.

Holding the pitiful woman in his arms, the man made his promise.

"If there is no way... at the moment when our lives are at the end, I will be buried with you, and I will never make you feel lonely..."


The next morning, after the elderly Harold reported on the development of the Emerald Territory, Lester took the Angel Sisters and the Barbarian Sisters with him to inspect the development of the commercial street and the northern agricultural area, and went north to Uros The mines in the mountain range have clearly defined the current mineral output of the Emerald Collar mine. It is still relatively difficult for an elite army of a thousand people to be fully armed, but fortunately, there is a continuous supply of mineral materials and rich veins, so it will not be a problem to dig for hundreds of years.

At noon, Lester found Garfield who was in charge of domesticating dragon birds on the Urus Mountains. Facing the third generation, four baby dragon birds that had grown to the height of a person, Hina even fed a few sheep with her own hands. Dried meat, let the dragon and bird babies who are no longer afraid of people enjoy eating in the sound of babbling,

The first-generation female dragon bird bound by chains and the two second-generation semi-adult dragon birds seem to have resigned to their fate, hanging their heads and allowing humans to caress and feed their offspring at will.

Lester is still very satisfied with the results of the dragon bird breeding, and also gave Garfield some awards and vacations. Under the guard of the Nightblade Killer, he will go back to his hometown of Kursala to see if his son has been raised. The elders brought it up with one hand.

It might be possible to let the little guy recognize a godfather, let the godfather and godmother secretly make out and make out, and give birth to a lovely second son for the great elder.

Can anyone tell me what other longevity secrets are there in Runeterra?

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