League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 194 Chapter 193 The Fishing Tips of the Flower Branch Mouse

Leicester has always understood his position. In certain professional fields, he will give appropriate opinions, but he will never give orders indiscriminately.

Soon, everyone came to the most heavily guarded relic workshop, and saw a white-haired red-haired mouse sitting slumped on a stone pier outside the workshop, taking a lazy nap with its calves crossed, with three swaying red hairs and The face resembling Tintin is extremely ironic.

Regarding the fact that the overseer Didist was not here and let the mouse be lazy, Lester said that an honest man's wife from heaven is gone.

Hina looked at the mouse's black and white face in amazement, and suddenly spoke in admiration.

"The face of this mouse looks like Brother Lester's big dragon bird!"

Lester's face darkened in an instant, and he looked at the crumb mouse with murderous intent.

'Xina, this child, can talk nonsense, how can a dragon and a bird be so small? Damn rats! How dare you be lazy in an open and aboveboard manner! '

The lord's face became more and more serious.

"Fuck! Shushu will suffer!"

Already terrified by the girl's crisp voice, and suddenly sensed the murderous aura, the chipmunk instinctively widened its small black bean-like eyes, raised its hands and slid off the stone pier, fell to the ground with its buttocks, and immediately fell on all fours. How funny.

"Puppy Mouse, where's Didist?"

The voice of the lord with a face like a black pot lingered in the ears of Huazhishu like a reminder, letting Shushu understand that he had reached the critical point of life and death, and it was too late to get up. Huazhishu's brain turned and he quickly explained.

"Boss Diedist has been exhausted for two days, and I just took a break to discuss life with Ms. Vader, and I was just able to catch my breath, oops, these two days have been really exhausting, but fortunately, the rune converter has been able to stably The magic runes are engraved... Your lord, how about I take you to have a look?"

Lester was also a little speechless about the crumb mouse rolling on the ground like a treasure. Why is this mouse like a monkey? And Ms. Vader? Did this boring gourd find a wife by himself?

"Big mouse, what's your name? Is it a male or a female?"

Letting go of the man's hand, Hina curiously approached the squirrel with its white belly exposed on the ground, bending over to observe the rare and rare beast.

The eyeballs rolled around, knowing that he was angered by the girl just now, and also understood the supremacy of the girl, so Shushu deliberately spread his belly, revealing his vitals.

"Beautiful big sister, my name is Squirrel Mouse. I have no gender, and I don't have any organs of yours. If you don't believe me, touch it? I was born with nothing but three red hairs on my head, just a small hole. Hole……"

Regarding the matter of the chemical castration of the squirrel mouse by the [holy water] transformed by the rune stone, Lester decided to give the shaving mouse a little bit of dignity as a mouse.

After Lester nodded in agreement, Hina carefully stroked Shushu's soft abdomen. Under Misha's puzzled expression, the girl nodded in amazement.

"Really, there's nothing but an excrement opening?"

Huazhishu stroked his three red hairs, his face full of grief.

"Yes, in our tribe, among the male rats, only those with horns on their heads can have organs. Ordinary rats are all tool people and have no reproductive rights... Fortunately, the lord rescued countless suffering animals in time. , the oppressed Ratmen...My lord, do you want to see the Rune Energy Transformer?"

"Then you are too pitiful."

The girl sympathetically rubbed the little head of the chipmunk, which greatly increased the affection of the chipmunk to the girl.

Picking up the skin on the back of the rat's neck, which was as thick as a city wall, and putting the rat down on the ground, Lester patted the rat's head.

"Okay, bring me Didist first."

"Yes! Your lord!"

With his right hand clenched in front of his chest, he gave a Noxus military salute in a dignified manner, and the Chipotle Mouse quickly left and ran to the rear.

Soon, Gourd Dedist followed the chipmunk to Lester, and knelt down on one knee.


Seeing Diedist's thick dark circles and pale skin, and knowing that he never saw the sun all year round in the underground, Leicester's expression softened a lot.

"This time it's over, you can go back to the ground and rest for a few months."


Leicester still cherishes the five veterans of the Nightblade Killer.

"Get up and take me to the workshop of the ruins."

Walking halfway, Lester suddenly remembered that there was an important matter that he hadn't asked.

"Deidist, who is Ms. Vader?"

Margaret wanted to introduce the soldiers under her command, but when the man shook his head, she gave up her original idea.

Asked deliberately by Leicester, Diedist blushed. He was so bored that he couldn't hold back a word for a long time. At this moment, he closed his mouth tightly and said nothing. The middle-aged man insisted on following As shy and speechless as a young boy, Lester looked at the crumb mouse meaningfully.

Understanding Lord Lord's question comprehensibly, Huazhishu hurriedly explained.

"Lord Lord, Ms. Vader is a female Black Iron Guard warrior stationed in the ruins. I think Chief Daedist has a good impression of Ms. Vader, and Ms. Vader also admires Chief Daedist. Just... ... I said a few more words, but I really didn't do anything else."

I also have some admiration for the lazy way of this mouse. In order to pay off Deidist, who has followed orders all day long and watched him shit and pee, the chipmunk also unintentionally arranged a good thing, Les Especially a little dumbfounded.

It's better to save yourself as a matchmaker.

"Margaret, give that female warrior named Vader a one-year vacation."

"Understood, Lord Lester."

In fact, even if the man didn't say so, Margaret, who cared about her subordinates, had already planned in this regard.

Patting the shy man on the shoulder, Lester said with a serious face.

"I'll give you one year. After one year, if you don't see the child, you can honestly spend the rest of your life with this mouse."

Hearing what Lester said, I thought back to the horrible scene where I excreted, slept, ate... no matter what I did, I would have a horrific scene with a braised egg head. When I thought that I might continue to live like this for the rest of my life, Shushu couldn't help feeling a little desperate.

Is the lord a demon?

No, you have to give Daidist some fertility potion to be safe.

"I know, master, I will do my best to give birth to a child, and I will definitely live up to the great trust of the master."

Nodding extremely firmly, Didiste accepted the order with a serious face, like a warrior about to go to the battlefield.

Knowing that this person in front of him is an honest person who never does things sloppily and perfunctorily, he was a little worried that the woman named Vida would be tormented by men, so Lester still added.

"You have to ensure your wife's health, you know? Don't be single-minded, let you give birth regardless of the child, whether it is you or your wife, you must maintain a healthy state, and give me a safe place for the child." to be born safely."


Knowing that the honest man has understood what he said, Lester was relieved.

Dealing with honest people is both simple and troublesome, but a few more words are always useful.

Thanks to the book friend [Zuoanyu] for another 5,000-point reward and support, and thanks to [shanjzhu] for the 10,000-point reward and support, and also thank you for other books that reward Hongye and vote for Hongye. Friends, there are 23 monthly tickets on February 3, which is amazing~

In order to repay everyone's enthusiasm, today there will be another update in addition to the fifth update, and the sixth update will be presented! Hope you like it~

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