League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 213 Chapter 212 The Sinful Human Trafficker

"You don't need to ask the noble Miss Xina, I'll say it myself~ This is a rare beautiful listener, Lord Leicester's wife, I must seize the opportunity and take a second look before I die."

Before Hina, who didn't know how to speak, asked, the man preemptively made the frightened girl shut up.

Unfortunately, he got up from the ground. Ted was a little disappointed with the fact that the girl covered her skirt. It was impossible to see anything while wearing safety pants, let alone covered it.

That damned lord is still as tight as ever...

"Where do I start~

Let’s talk about the youngest product first. The eight-year-old girl is named Staci. She looks cute and has only one father. The mother died in the war. The reason why I stare at her is because her father often goes out to work. , the little guy is alone at home, and he is a rare and good prey. "

"I gave some snacks and fruits to Staci who went out to play. After three or two times, I became acquainted with her. I used food to make friends with her quietly. She really didn't tell her stupid father about the contact with me. ,

Finally one day, she was no longer wary of me, so I told her to take her out to play, although she didn't tell her father, but she was willing to believe me, so she left with me, and I controlled her after leaving the emerald collar , she couldn't resist at all, I tied her up, gagged her mouth, folded her up and put them in a large wine barrel, and passed the Shimmering Mountains trade road in a carriage smoothly, and went to Groft Harbor...

That port is really bustling, with countless ships coming and going, even the Black Iron Guards who maintain law and order can't check it out, because those slaves are packed in dark compartments on the deck, and they can't be found at all...

There are so many ships, including the Shurima slave ship disguised as a merchant ship. I have already made an appointment with the slave owner, and he waited there for half a month.

In addition to me, he has several other partners. He can pull more than a dozen slaves in a trip, and maybe dozens if he is lucky. Mainly beautiful girls, but also cute boys. There are some slaves in the desert Money rough guys like tender children in Valoran the most. When they get tired of playing, they will raise them and sell them. Anyway, they don’t need much food. As long as they don’t die, they can continue to make money in brothels, and they can sell them when they get old. It's a good deal for a single old man in the desert to make another fortune!

To be honest, if I didn’t have that channel and capital, I would also like to buy a boat to sell slaves, and I could earn a few thousand gold in one trip, which is much faster than abducting children..."

From fear at the beginning to shock, the girl pursed her mouth and her face gradually became sad, but Ted talked more enthusiastically and was in high spirits, as if it was something worthy of honor to change the girl's mood.

"A pretty little girl can sell for a hundred gold coins, and if she is a little older, it can be even more expensive when she is twelve or thirteen years old. If she is a virgin, it will be even more valuable.

Judging by your appearance, Lord Lester probably hasn't touched you yet, are you still a virgin? Miss Hina, for a little girl like you, as long as you take the time to find a rich buyer, you may be able to sell it directly for tens of thousands of gold coins, and you will be pregnant that night...

To be honest, I've seen quite a few pretty girls, but I've never seen you and your sister like... the best...

What a pity, I was eyeing you and your sister at the time, but there are always a bunch of annoying guards around you and your sister. It's really good, besides me, there are a few veterans who are stronger than me, and they are helpless in front of you, so we can only give up..."

Although Ted was talking to Hina, his eyes were observing Morris. Seeing that Morris was indifferent, he was relieved a lot.

He was already doomed not to survive, so why not scare a rare and perfect girl before death?

It is best to scare the girl to death, scare the madness, scare the fool, let the pure girl feel the cruel world of adults.

Ted's smile gradually overflowed, and the man's hands tightly grasped the cold steel fence, trying to put his face close to the girl with watery eyes, and widened his bloodshot ferocious eyes.

"That's it, I sold Stacie for 150 gold coins! A total of 150 gold coins! After some hesitation, I gave up the chance to rape Stacie, because her virginity is worth 50 gold coins!

Before the slave ship could leave and I still had time, I tricked the two sisters who had observed me a long time ago in the name of treating them to dinner, put them in sacks as crops, and shipped them out of the Emerald Collar. After checking,

Just because I deliberately found someone to cause them some trouble, and I showed up to help them, those two naive and stupid girls believed me, and they were completely controlled by me in the end.

From the first time I saw them and the first sentence I said, I knew that I didn't need to spend too much effort to deal with those two idiots. In fact, it only took me half a month to get them completely. Having gained the trust of the two, and had a substantial relationship with the older girl,

She was also proud of her younger sister, saying that she would marry me when she grows up, and not let the younger sister who likes me snatch me away, hehehe, she doesn't want to see what the hell she looks like? If you want to marry me, she is worthy of her IQ?

My sister is Liz, and my younger sister is Lindsay. Compared with Stacie, her beauty is only average. Although I can't sell much, because I have no other goals, I can only make up with the two of them.

The elder sister is not a virgin, so she only sold it for 200 gold, and the younger sister sold it for 230 gold. From the results, it is not bad. The main reason is that the law and order of the emerald collar is too strict. Otherwise, I would not only earn such a small amount of money. Oonia's slaves are easy to catch, and some slave trade groups even organize armies to blatantly rob people, or buy people from the village,

If I had known that the Emerald Collar was developing so fast and the public security was getting better and better, I would have gone directly to Ionia, otherwise I wouldn’t be locked up here now..."

Wiping the corners of her eyes, Hina lowered her head, no longer as lively as before, and her tone was low.

"They trust you so much, you don't feel guilty at all, don't you?"

"Huh? Guilt? What guilt?"

Ted was a little puzzled, and then his eyes widened with disbelief.

"No, what you said, they are willing to be deceived, why should I feel guilty? I can believe such clumsy liars, it can only show that they are not qualified to survive in this world, I just helped them find It's just the final ending of a fool, why should I feel guilty? Am I stupid?

I get the money, they pay for their stupidity, buy the lessons, isn't that the best of both worlds? "

"Don't you consider how much pain Stacey's father will suffer after losing his daughter?"

Hina stared at the somewhat dazed man, trying to find a trace of pity on the man's face.

However, no, not a single bit.

After being dazed, the man just opened his mouth, covered his belly and laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke.

"Hahaha! My Miss Hina, I think the lord protects you very well. If there are no guards, I can trick you away in a week, and make you pregnant in one night. No bed, believe it or not?

You little girl is really innocent. Staci’s idiot father lost his daughter because he was incapable of taking care of his daughter. Pain is just the price he should pay. Why should I consider this idiot’s emotions? If I had to consider every idiot's emotions, would I still be alive? "

At this moment, Xina suddenly discovered that her idea of ​​pity for others seemed to the people in front of her eyes to be just a loophole to do bad things smoothly.

From the very beginning, I and the man in front of me did not live in the same world, and there was no possibility of identifying with each other.

Lowering her head in frustration, Hina asked in a low voice.

"Sisters Stacey and Liz, what happened in the end..."

Human traffickers should be sentenced to death, and those who agree will be deducted 1

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