League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 215 Chapter 214 Shadow Scars in the Sun

Just as she was about to continue to accuse, the clever girl heard something hidden in the man's tone. The girl's expression froze and she closed her mouth.

Although she was jealous, she was not overbearing to the point of not allowing others to speak.

Moreover, things don't seem to be as simple as she imagined.

Gratefully glanced at the girl in front of her who gave her the right to speak, Elsie looked at the woman holding the boy. The woman noticed her gaze and quickly avoided it in guilt. Only the little boy was still staring at him full of hatred.

as always.

"Before we came to Emerald, we were from the east village. My wife is beautiful and generous. Her name is Sandra. She is friends with many people in the village. Sandra also thinks so, so she always Treat people with sincerity and never defend, which also leaves opportunities for people with ulterior motives.

It happened that one night, when Rich saw that I was not at home, he became very lustful and wanted to insult my wife, so he tricked Sandra into opening the door in the name of a night visit and let Rich into the house...

Sandra, she really considers Richie as a friend, and her 'friend' pins her to the ground, strips her clothes clean, commits crimes, in the struggle, Richie Stabbed Sandra's stomach with a knife... I should be thankful that Rich was merciful and didn't kill my crying daughter. "

Misha stared blankly at the man lifting the shackles, wiped away his tears, and then hugged his right hand with his left hand, his face full of despair.

"When I got home the next day, all I saw was a poorly clothed wife and a daughter who was on the verge of collapse. I asked other villagers what happened, but the villagers kept silent and just walked around from a distance. open me.

It took me a long time to coax my daughter back from the brink of madness before I realized that it was Uncle Rich who murdered Sandra. "

Misha turned her head, wanting to see the accusation on the victim's wife's face, but found that she could only see the guilty gaze, which she didn't seem to notice just now.

As for the crying boy, for some reason, Misha always felt that it was a portrayal of herself, a little silly, a little naive, but annoying.

"I couldn't bear everything in front of me, so I entrusted my daughter to a trustworthy friend, took the kitchen knife at home, and went to Rich's house, even if I changed my life, I want to ask Sandra for a justice.

I didn't know until later that Rich had taken his family to the Emerald Collar. , we discussed to move there.

Sure enough, when I sold all my family property, used my last savings to run all the way, and carried my daughter to the emerald leader, Rich had already joined the emerald leader through deception and became a protected citizen. I was desperate Fortunately, the adults in Emerald collar were very kind to my daughter and me. They arranged a place for us and assigned me a job, so that my daughter and I would not starve to death. "

"I once told the adults of the Emerald Collar about Rich's evil deeds, but they could only shake their heads in embarrassment, saying that since they have joined the Emerald Collar, they will not ask about the past crimes, and everything starts from scratch. There is no way to rely on the jade collar to avenge my wife, I know I can't rely on anyone, I can only rely on myself.

Every night, I would think of the moment when I came home, the despair and pain on my wife's face, the stained and bruised body, the red-stained knife, and howling, calling my mother, almost Crazy daughter...Miss Misha, Miss Misha, you are so smart, tell me, if you were me, what should I do? Where is my way out? "

Watched by Elsie's desperate eyes, as if being charged by an invisible and terrifying monster, Misha couldn't help taking a step back, her mind went blank.

She found that she couldn't even imagine what it would be like to go through it all.

It seems that at a certain moment, the law that maintains order and justice and protects the weak has become an umbrella to protect the wicked. The law is not all fair and just as I imagined.

Under the umbrella of the law, there are also chilling shadows.

"Hold... sorry, I... I don't know..."

"Originally, originally... originally..."

Naturally, she didn't want to get the answer from the little girl's mouth. The man began to sob, the iron chain rattled, and the tears flowed down. Misha couldn't describe how sad it was. She only knew that she had to listen. go down.

"Originally, with a new life, I was ready to let go of the hatred in the past and forget about Rich's evil deeds to Sandra. Just like you said, I have a wife who died, but I still have a wife to support My daughter, if I die, she will lose her father, and no one will bring her up. I was ready to let go...

In the evening three days ago, after drinking, Rich found me who was working alone in the field, and looked over with a smug face..."

Afterwards, Misha spoke intermittently because of too much grief. Misha had already forgotten what Elsie said. She just found pictures in front of her eyes. Unexpectedly, just to earn more money and buy some delicious cakes for my daughter in the commercial street, I ran into my wife-killing enemy in the evening.

The alcoholic patted the trembling man's shoulder triumphantly, first showing off that he got a better job and treatment, then telling how wonderful the man's wife is, and describing what happened on that unforgettable night,

The drunkard also said that the smartest thing about him was that he came to the emerald collar in time, otherwise he would never let go of this hatred based on the man's impulse, and in the end both sides would suffer. The drunkard even proposed to let the man's daughter marry his son, The two become relatives, forget the unpleasantness that happened in the past, and start a new life proposal...

Why, why can he understate it so lightly, tear open the scars on other people's hearts with a face of indifference, and want to reconcile as if nothing happened?

The string of reason was completely broken, and night fell, the man no longer trembled, his back turned to the starry sky, his eyes were filled with hatred, the life-raising utensil in his hand turned into a killing tool, the man raised the hoe in his hand, and slapped the drunkard hard Swinging down fiercely, he did countless things that he longed to do day and night.

With a blunt hoe, he chopped off his enemy's head abruptly. Every time he swung it, he could hear his wife's gentle chuckle.

It wasn't until the man recovered his reason from the rage that he realized what a serious crime he had committed. In the Emerald Territory, unless the lord came forward, the murderer had no other ending other than death.

Sitting paralyzed in the field, the man thought about a lot of things, and finally buried the body in the soil, buying himself a day. The desperate man entrusted his daughter to a family who didn't know the basics, but had a good relationship. The man Came to the Emerald Collar patrol alone, reported himself, put chains on himself, and waited for trial and death...

When she came back to her senses, Misha found that tears had blocked her vision, turning herself into a living blind man.

Zhuo, looking at the monthly pass, I accidentally sent out the revised chapter, how can I undo the deletion? This chapter should be counted as tomorrow's, it's over, Barbie Q is over, the manuscript is over

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