League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 224 Chapter223 Changed, but not changed (seeking monthly ticket subscription)

Emerald collar, the lord's mansion.

Under the auspices of Leicester, a small meeting is going on.

"Have you killed all the prisoners in the dungeon?"

"Yes, Master, six months ago, after Miss Hina suddenly figured out something, she began to study torture tools and methods of torture, and began to use prisoners in the dungeon to practice surgery techniques. In order to ensure Miss Hina's growth path, night It has been more than half a year since the members of The Blade touched a whole living person in the dungeon.

"Brother Leicester, Xina misses you so much~ Hey, Brother Lester, can you help Xina expand the dungeon? Also, the existing law of the Emerald Land does not have graded punishment for death row prisoners. We The death penalty should be divided into multiple different pain levels. The simple guillotine and hanging are too kind. We should use more deterrent means to stop the generation of scum. For this reason, I have invented many excellent instruments of torture..."

Sixteen years old.

The former beauty has become a great beauty, her temperament is still as pretty and lively as before, her whole person is as sweet and clingy as honey, everything is developing for the better, but...

Recalling the excited expression on Hina's face when she talked about "Dungeon" and "Death Row", Lester always felt that something was wrong, and couldn't help turning his head to look at the killer leader who was kneeling on one knee. With a proud look on his face, the man's face darkened.

Let you educate Hina, only two years, you get me a [Devil Executioner] out?

If this continues, Delevingne will lose his job!

Moreover, you have the nerve to tell me that the Blade of Night hasn't touched a complete living person for half a year?

Where did my pure, kind, loving, compassionate and compassionate girl go?

Let you help Hina see some darkness, didn't you turn her into darkness?

"Lester, I think Hina's proposal is too cruel, we should appropriately reduce the sentence, reduce the cases of unjust, false and wrongful convictions and rote and inhumane situations as much as possible, and make the emerald collar more humane. "

The man turned his stiff head and looked blankly to the right. The blond girl whose chest was two sizes smaller than her sister was doing the same double-teaming action. Her soft blond hair was tied into a high ponytail, revealing the girl's clean With a full forehead, the girl's face revealed an expression of unbearable compassion.

"Brother Leicester, the gladiatorial arena has been built, we shouldn't carry out meaningless killings anymore, at least in my opinion, Hina's massacre proposal is meaningless at all, it's better to let some The original felony criminals entered the arena to make atonement, which can not only bring wealth and fame to the jadeite tie, but also allow more people to live out their own value, so I think the death penalty should be abolished!"

Lester didn't respond, and just cast his dull eyes on the face of his most loyal subordinate, the head of the Shadow Crossbowmen Legion, Epsol.

'He seems to be very proud of the students he has taught himself. '

The man came up with this answer blankly.

A person who can't bear to kill and likes to forgive the penitent has become a brutal executioner, and a person who is too strict with injustice and wishes to kill all criminals has become an advocate for the abolition of the death penalty.

Sure enough, there is something wrong with this world, right?

Are you still asleep?

"Sister, you are wrong again. If the death penalty is abolished, the Emerald Leader will lose the ability to punish those villains. If the sins can be redeemed, then the pain suffered by the victims will become worthless, and the Emerald Leader will become A real place of evil."

The younger sister refuted her elder sister without hesitation, widening her eyes.

"Like you like to play with some terrible instruments of torture all day long, wishing to kill all the criminals, the emerald leader will definitely become synonymous with tyranny, and if the laws are the same as those of the dark tyrant's kingdom of death, how can the emerald leader make steady progress? Will the posture continue to develop safely?"

"Then like you, it would be good to turn the emerald collar into a criminal's paradise?"

"I didn't say to forgive all criminals, did I? It's just that the meaning of the death penalty is to punish criminals, and the meaning of punishment is to correct mistakes. If everyone is dead, what's the point of correcting mistakes..."

It was like standing in the middle of the stereo surround sound, facing the angel sisters who started to quarrel again because of different ideas, Lester stood there dumbfounded, feeling the frustration brought about by being defeated by fate.

After working hard to make arrangements for such a long time, the result doesn't seem to have changed. It's time to quarrel or quarrel.

It turned out that this is fate.

Obviously what Morris said in the letter [Miss Hina’s study plan is going well] and what Epsol said in the letter [Missha is an excellent and rational judge], Jean is still in the Black Rose Mage Academy I have been happy for a long time,

Obviously, the two sisters should understand each other, understand each other, agree with each other's ideas, no longer have any disputes, and jointly maintain the peaceful development of the Emerald Territory.

How did things go so smoothly and somehow get to where they are today?

"Brother Lester, you judge, is it me or my sister?"

"Lester, I believe you will make the wisest judgment!"

"Morris... Epsol... you two get out."

Staring at the lord who was surrounded by black air, the two looked at each other, and finally realized something was wrong, and their hearts skipped a beat.

Although the lord's expression cannot be seen through the mask, but... it seems that the lord is not very happy?

Sensing a fatal threat from the fear of death, the two wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads and hurriedly took leave.

"Yes, master."

"Understood, Lord Lester."

After the two left, the door closed. The two looked at each other and quickly put their ears on the door.

Trembling, Lester took off the magic steel mask on his face, put it on the table, and slowly sat down on the chair. The two young girls also noticed that something was wrong, and their arrogance subsided a lot under the facial expression of the man. .


After regaining his calm, the man patted his left thigh indifferently, showing the aura of the head of the family.

Although she was a little puzzled as to why the man had such an expression, the girl didn't hesitate, and sat up skillfully on her buttocks, wrapping her arms around the man's neck.

Immediately afterwards, the man looked at the blond girl expressionlessly, and patted his right thigh.


Feeling that she has grown up, there is a difference between men and women. The blond girl who wanted to refuse gave up her thoughts after meeting the man's gaze. After a moment of hesitation, she slapped her ass on her left leg. Men's disgust, the blonde girl was surprised to find that she had long been used to intimate contact with men.

"You two, don't quarrel, understand?"

The man's expression was extremely serious, as if he was dealing with some terrible event.

Having a burning illusion of sitting on top of a large volcano, the two girls felt the heavy aura and pressure from the man, and it was difficult to say what they wanted to say, so they could only nod obediently.

"Very well, just be a good obedient child. From today on, you don't have to learn from Morris and Epsol anymore. I will teach you something myself."

"What? Brother Lester?"

Innocent Hina twisted her ass, almost breaking Lester's defense.

"Something a good girl should learn."

Do you have any good game books you can recommend to me? I want to change my computer, the one that can play Xixiu and totalwar

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