League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 226 Chapter 225 The Weird Incident of Fossbarrow (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)

[Although the village chief Bert wanted the Templar Guards to investigate this anomaly and find out the truth of the matter, the high-ranking Templars didn't care. For them, only magicians are worthy of investigation and hunting Well, they don't worry about other things at all, and the village head can only give up, leading the villagers to bid farewell to the guys with strange stone plates on their chests.

I thought, if I was in the Emerald Leader, there must be someone specially assigned to handle such a matter. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel sincerely satisfied that I can serve the Emerald Leader and obey the master.

After the enchanter left, the villagers breathed a sigh of relief. Under the warning of the village chief Burt, they all left behind the anomalies that happened before and their anger at the magician, and continued to live as if nothing had happened. Indeed, as they expected, for nearly a month, the village regained its calm,

Only I can see that there are many fearful villagers under the calm. Those strong Demacian men who are proud of their hard work have become cowards who dare not stay alone in the wheat field as soon as the sun goes down, even if the sun is high. When hanging in the sky, they also pricked up their ears, looked suspiciously at the scarecrow around them who drove away birds and beasts, and drove away every approaching bird with furious stones, as if those birds could see through their inner weakness and anxiety... …

Before they knew it, their relieved and relaxed smiles were full of holes like a sieve of wheat grains. Although life had been peaceful for a long time, fear took root in their bodies and pierced into the depths of their hearts that they thought were tough. With a smile, I live restlessly in a world of fear.

Under such circumstances, even I felt a little uneasy about those villagers who couldn't hide their fear well, which made me wonder how much value the oath and resolution I made when I passed the selection, Reflecting on the fear that came from my cowardice, I successfully defeated the weird uneasiness. I want to thoroughly understand the abnormal event that happened in Fossbarrow Village, and I want to understand what the truth is hidden behind.

The situation soon ushered in a change during the autumn harvest. Edgar disappeared in the wheat field. When his wife and daughter thoroughly confirmed his disappearance, it was late at night that night, and his wife Mia took her daughter Staying in the house, he went to the village chief Bert alone, and told the elderly village chief about his husband not returning all night.

I followed Mia and watched her gather dozens of male villagers under the leadership of the village chief Burt, and headed to the wheat field with a torch. Blooming, this convinced me that Edgar's disappearance must be related to the fear that never appeared. Only the kind of master who can easily play with people's hearts can make the emotions that have been brewing for a long time burst out. I know that I will soon be able to Find this hidden master, strip him from the inside out, and even, I can bring him back to the emerald collar, making him the most perfect psychological insight teacher, serving the master and the emerald collar.

In fact, I guessed a long time ago that the one-night team search was destined to be fruitless. There was no sign of Edgar in the wheat field at all. The man seemed to have disappeared completely, and there was no trace of him. To avoid delaying the autumn harvest, the village chief Burt had no choice but to disband the search team and appease the somewhat desperate Mia home.

My instinct told me that I should follow that gray-faced woman, and it was the same. As an ordinary Demacian peasant woman, Mia couldn't detect my whereabouts at all. The sound amplifier poked into the room through the hole in the roof, and the ear was pressed against the device, turning the private room into a public place without secrets, and then I heard Mia's horrified voice.

(The following is the original conversation between Mia and her daughter Aisha. Because Fossbarrow's Demacian language contains a little complicated northern dialect, there may be some differences in the translation into Noxus, but the general meaning is different. There will be mistakes, please trust my language skills.)

"You...you said you heard Dad knocking on the door?" (The woman's voice was like a strangled pheasant, sharp and bewildered, I'm sorry, I have to express the woman's emotions with poor words , because this is too impressive)

"Mom, it's true. Dad is right outside the door. He said he can't come back and we need to open the door to find him. Mom, let's find Dad together?"

The little girl named Aisha seems to really think that her father is just lost. She doesn't know how much shock and fear her innocent voice caused to her mother... But to be honest, even my hard-hearted me , After hearing the words in the mouth of the cute little girl, cold sweat broke out on the back.

"Aisha...what did your dad tell you? You, are you sure that's your dad and not someone else?"

The woman is still struggling in the quagmire of doubts, trying to find a little possibility to give herself courage.

"Mom, why can't I hear Dad's voice? Dad said he couldn't find his way, he couldn't find his home, and asked me to go out to find him, but Mom, you locked the door from the outside when you left, and I couldn't open it either. I can only listen to the sound of my father knocking on the door non-stop, '咚咚咚', '咚咚咚' knocking on the door, knocking on the door again and again, mom, dad is so pitiful, I can’t even go home..."

Although I can only hear the sound, I don't need to look to know that the woman's face is probably paler than the snow in the Freljord at this moment. I can even hear the sound of the woman shaking her bones and joints in fear.

"But, but, Aisha, does your dad have a key? Why can't you go home? And didn't you open the door for your dad?"

As soon as the woman's voice fell, the room fell into a dead silence. The silence lasted for about five seconds. Even I noticed something was wrong, and sweat began to break out on my forehead.

Finally, the girl's voice sounded again, and the innocent and clear tone dissipated the weird atmosphere a bit, and my heart relaxed a little.

"Yeah, I opened the door... It's just that Dad should have the key, and Dad will use the key to entertain many friends at home. If this is the case, why can't Dad open the door and enter his home? Isn't it right?" Say, Daddy, he lost his key?"

"But, maybe, Aisha, it's getting late, it's time to go to bed, listen to mom, go to..."

"Boom boom boom~"

There was a knock on the wooden door.

In just an instant, all the hairs on my body stood on end. It was obviously just three normal knocks on the door, but my legs trembled unconsciously, because I found that the knocks were the same as the words that the little girl said just now. The onomatopoeia was the same, and even the interval rhythm was the same. If this was the case, it meant that the person who knocked on the door should be Edgar who had been missing for a few days.

In my nervousness, I rubbed the sweat on my palms and waited quietly for the development of the matter.

At the same time, in the [Sound Amplifying Device], the room fell into dead silence again,

"Boom boom boom~"

As if confirming that there was someone in the house, the knock on the door rang again without any change. In the silence, he aggressively wanted to let the people in the room open the door and welcome him in.

"It's Dad~"

In the footsteps of 'dong dong', I understood that it was the girl Aisha who finally reacted, and was running towards the wooden door.

She wants to open the door.

"don't want!"

Fiddlesticks, heinous~

Guess who is Fiddlesticks?

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