League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 230 Chapter 229 The Development of the Underground Fortress

Patiently listening to the rat chattering in front of him for a long time, Sacco was not impatient at all. Years of experience in shackles and underground life had already engraved patience into his bones.

Until he heard the voice of his teacher, Nightblade Killer Tiers.

"Sacco, come here, the master is looking for you."

"Okay, Mr. Tiers, I'll be there right away."

His eyes lit up, and the boy, who was neither spoiled nor displeased, showed a rare look of anticipation on his face. He said goodbye to the chipmunk with an apologetic face, and hurriedly put his gadgets back on the workbench in the cubicle, and ran towards the man with a cold face. .

Glancing at his outstanding student, Tiers nodded.

"Let's go, Sacco, in front of the master, don't forget your own identity."

Watching the two leave, Huazhishu wanted to be lazy, hesitated for a while, but still followed.

After all, the sky and the earth are big, and the lord is the biggest.


In the relic workshop, Lester, who was inspecting the workshop machinery, saw the boy who had grown a lot taller, and also saw the chipmunk following them.

The chipmunk wearing a pretty little pink coat is fine, but Sacco's bowed legs don't seem to be corrected yet, but his back is not as bent as before.


Saco dropped to his knees and buried his head in the ground.

Glancing at the boy with low self-esteem as usual, Lester looked at Tiers.

"Tiers, is Sacco's skin disease cured?"

Kneeling on one knee, Tiers bent down, put his right fist on his heart, and said respectfully.

"Master, by drinking the alchemy potion, Sacco's skin disease has been completely cured. He is no longer afraid of the sun, but his bowed legs still cannot be corrected."

"How much did he learn from you?"

"Sacco is very talented in arranging traps and making killing tools. He can do two things at once. He has mastered many common trap making methods. He is currently creating his own trap tools and has made some progress. .”

"Two things at once?"

"Yeah, he can do different things with both hands, that's an amazing talent."

Lester had a strange expression on his face.

"Shaco's trap tool...isn't it a box?"

'Master has been watching me! '

Sacco, who was lying on the ground, widened his eyes delicately, and grinned uncontrollably at the corners of his mouth.

"Ah? Master, how do you know? Sacco just took out the designed box today... Sorry, Master, I'm sorry."

Tiers first raised his head in surprise, and looked at Gujing Wubo's lord suspiciously, then realized his gaffe, and lowered his head again.

"Get up, Tiers, you've worked hard for me these years, Sacco, get up too."

After both of them got up, Lester looked at the chipmunk, who was trying to weaken his presence as much as possible.

"Xiaohua, how is your side? Is the runic energy converter ready?"

"Lord Leicester, mainly Lord Blacksmith Christol, always come to me to discuss the design of new weapons, so I wasted a lot of time...Of course, this is definitely not to shirk responsibility, I just feel that I can't take care of both ends And feel ashamed...

However, 80% of the tests for the new energy container have been completed, and the rest is testing and continuous improvement. The design can be completed in about two years, and the rune energy converter can be put into operation. "

Knowing that Huazhishu wasn't lying, Lester naturally wouldn't dampen Shushu's interest in work, so he praised it.

"Xiaohua, you did a good job."

"My lord, this is what I should do."

Looking at Sacco with his head down again, Lester took two steps forward and patted the boy's thin shoulder.

Saco looked up longingly.

"Shaco, learn from Tiers well... By the way, Uzar said that your magical talent is very special. He has never seen it, and he can't teach it. This is quite strange."

As he spoke, Lester grabbed the boy's right hand and began to detect it with perception magic.

Being held by the man, the boy blushed and lowered his head.

Even though he hadn't seen him for two years, the man's face was deeply imprinted in his mind, as if he just left yesterday. However, after two years passed, the boy found that his master seemed to have aged a lot from his appearance alone, which was very frustrating. What is puzzling is that the breath is still full of power.

Under Leicester's magical perception, there seems to be a slowly wandering dark air mass in Sacco's body, which is obviously the magical element absorbed by the boy through meditation.

However, the essence of the air mass is not a common natural elemental talent (water, earth, wind and fire), nor is it a mutated elemental talent (ice, thunder, light and darkness), but rather a unique and rare talent. What are the specific attributes and characteristics, Lester I don't know, but considering the skills of the clown in the game, maybe it's the talent of space teleportation or the talent of copying the body.

I'm afraid Rose will be able to see it.

Seeing that his master was also frowning, Saco felt a little flustered, but fortunately, the man's voice comforted the poor boy who was not confident in time.

"It should be some kind of relatively powerful and rare ability. What is it? I have to find a more professional mage to help you find out. Uzar is right. If you rashly learn magic when your talent is unknown, you can only To destroy your talent, just keep meditating and practicing magic perception now, and the upper limit of your own magic power reserve is also a very important part of a mage."

Thoroughly understanding Uzar's painstaking efforts, the grudge in Sako's heart also disappeared, and he bowed his head humbly.

"Understood, Master Lester."


It was already afternoon when we left the Shimmering Silver Mountain Range, and Lester used a magic beacon to summon Shia and headed north.

In the area close to the Urus Mountains, Leicester saw more than a dozen towering stone sentry towers, and the closer to the north, the more there were, especially in the inner and outer areas of the agricultural area, and the two small towers that could station troops were particularly special. Eye-catching, after a quick inspection, Lester found the Noxus Black Iron Guards stationed at the outermost edge, and motioned for Shea to land.

The unique fine steel armor, the tall and handsome silver-winged dragon bird will naturally not be attacked by the soldiers of the emerald collar, Margaret waved to several deputy, dispersed the team, took the initiative to meet the dragon bird that fell from the sky, and looked at A man in a mask.

"Master Leicester, you are here."

Lester jumped off Shia's body, touched the cute big guy, and gave the Dragon Bird the command to move freely, before Lester approached Margaret.

"How's the situation?"

The female general's face was covered with the traces of years of wind and frost, like an immortal high wall that has experienced countless wars.

"The two-legged fire dragon hasn't come for half a month. Our ambush didn't work. It was a coincidence that we captured a lot of barbarians from the north. There were more than a hundred of them. I don't know how they got over it. The Urus Mountains came to the south, and I also tried to let the scouts climb over the mountains, but the fact is that there is not enough cold-resistant clothing and survivability, and there is no way to climb over the snow-capped mountains... Lord Lester, those barbarians What to do with the captives?"

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