League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 232 Chapter231 Symptoms (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)

Feilong never came back.

The layout of the head of the Noxus Black Iron Guard has lost its effect. After the only lord with a flying mount deliberately inspected thousands of kilometers to the north, the returned lord stopped the meaningless garrison behavior.

Lester has always been very concerned about the cause and effect of the dragon disaster, but he also knows that this is not something that can be investigated in a short while. In addition to the dragon disaster, he recruited the evil little mage and investigated Meredith to find the mage Halia. Progress is also a key matter that needs to be done urgently. The former can provide a strong hole card for the Emerald Leader, and the latter will not say whether Meredith can confirm that Rose is involved in the conspiracy. Nor would Lester allow Meredith to be trapped in Demacia.

To this end, Leicester deliberately dispatched the Blade Killer of the Night, who is best at communication and socializing, quick-witted, rich in experience, and very handsome, with the other three juniors to Demar together. West Asia.

Even Lester, who is very indifferent and tolerant of lust, could only silently refuse the perverted feelings that Northles had for him after the madness, and wanted to forcefully arrange a suitable beautiful wife for Northles , at least let the man stop thinking about himself, and pass on the blood of Nosleys.

Although Nosleys disguised himself as his fiancée [Heathlena], his appearance and temperament were indeed perfect, even better than most women, but Lester was absolutely sure that, beyond his appearance, he was The other half of the gender still has a basic bottom line, and this principle has made Xia unhappy for a long time.

It seems that knowing that his pursuit is doomed to fail, Northles just kept his love in his heart and his loyalty outside his chest from beginning to end. There was a lot less embarrassment in the process.

On this day, Lester took the angel sisters out of the underground vault containing magic items, took a carriage, and went directly to the arena.

Before the arena is fully opened, Leicester is going to carefully check the construction results of the arena. The man is also planning to hand over the arena to Jiss. The barbarian sister has studied with Margaret for many years, and already has a relatively rich experience. Military experience, just suitable for commanding the new army,

The new army will be born in the arena, which is a punishment army composed entirely of prisoners of war and death row prisoners.

Instead, he responded to the joke he said many years ago about letting Jiss enter the arena first.

The man clearly remembered the girl's face as white as tinfoil when she heard his words, recalling what happened in the past, Lester smiled softly, which caught the black-haired girl's attention.

In the carriage, Hina pulled the man's deliberately unshaven beard, with a surprised expression on her face.

"I thought you wouldn't grow old, Brother Lester, but I didn't expect you to still have such a long beard~"

In order to make the women around him less concerned, Lester deliberately used makeup techniques to make his face look a little older, and he didn't shave his beard. For the time being, men can't think of any good way to deal with his ageless appearance. Take one step at a time, maybe you are just old and slow.

She touched the girl's head with her right hand wearing a satin white glove, and her silky hair slipped from her fingers. The girl squinted her eyes comfortably, obviously liking the intimacy of men.

After caressing the delicate and lovely ears, Lester's hand still stopped on the right side of Hina's face, and squeezed it lightly. The man wanted to get back the feeling of being plump in the past.

It's a pity that with growing up, the cute baby fat is still gone, and the girl's facial lines are gradually becoming perfect, just like a beautiful picture carefully drawn by God, and any outline can easily explain what is beautiful.

The same is true of the younger sister, and the same is true of the older sister. I have to say that this pair of sisters is also worthy of the name [Angels], not to mention the wings.

"Do you like my brother's beard?"


The girl who likes to express intimacy with actions directly put her face on the man's beard and slid, feeling the exciting tingling sensation, the girl clamped her legs and stretched her toes.

"I like everything about Brother Lester, and I like it the most~"

The love words that were no different from a confession were casually spoken by the girl, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the sister sitting on the other side of the man.

"Xina, you are no longer the little girl you used to be, you should become more mature, don't keep causing trouble for Lester!"

"I didn't cause trouble for Brother Lester~ It's Misha yourself, just want to do this and feel embarrassed, right? Slightly slightly~"

"Irreverent guy, don't you even call me sister?"

"Don't you call me brother? What right do you have to say about me?"

"Hmph! I don't have the same experience as a childish ghost who likes to make faces."

Regarding the two girls whose timeline is different from the original timeline, Lester can't guarantee how the future will develop, but he also understands that no matter what, the two sisters will not hurt him.

With this basic point, I can use other more appropriate ways to guide and control the angel sisters.

So the man chose to go straight to the point.

"You are sixteen years old this year, and you are not too young. Have you considered marrying me this year?"

Hearing what the man said, the blond girl who was sitting upright was obviously stunned, her brain crashed immediately, and she lost the ability to think.

"Yeah! Brother Lester, when will you marry Hina?"

On the other side, the black-haired girl sat directly on the man's lap, put her arms around the man's waist, and whispered in her ear with a smile.

"Actually, it's fine tonight~"

Such unrefined natural charm made the man a little bit unbearable, so he could only tilt his head slightly, avoiding the girl's cherry red soft pink lips.

There was no doubt that sitting on it was a man-eating goblin.

"Xina, sometimes being too active may make people not know how to cherish it."

"I only take the initiative to Brother Lester~ If Brother Lester doesn't cherish...Xina will be very sad."

I don’t know why, but the girl is smiling, but the man always feels shuddering. He can’t help but think about whether it is too easy for him to let Morris and his family go to the Tranquil Forest to cut trees for half a year (the Tranquil Forest is useful for vacations) mountain house).

Sensing the faint blackness, Lester wisely changed the topic.

"By the way, I heard that Zilam is not in a good state recently? What happened?"

Hearing Lester talking about her father, Misha came back to her senses, lowered her head with a gloomy face, and said nothing. Hina also lost the urge to seduce the man, sighed softly, and leaned on the man's chest. Before, the tone was a bit heavy.

"Father had a nightmare, a nightmare that he will never forget for the rest of his life, a nightmare that he doesn't want to remember."

"What nightmare? Can you tell me about it, if you can?"

Nodding her head lightly, Hina whispered.

"Father, he...he dreamed of my mother, who abandoned us...and my sister and I also dreamed...the one with wings, mother..."

For a moment, the man's smile froze.

Tomorrow the mother-in-law will be on the stage, and the appearance is the pinnacle

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