League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 244 Chapter 243 Draw the sword (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)

Holding the hilt of the Excalibur excitedly, the masked man froze.

The divine language of the star spirit that questioned the soul came from the depths of his heart, and the man couldn't understand it, let alone answer it.

In the next second, the raging divine fire quickly swallowed the sword-drawer, burning the masked man to ashes from the inside out, and made other people who were greedy in the center of the turmoil give up their luck.

The scene quickly calmed down, and in mid-air, Lester bowed slightly to the people present and said with a smile.

"I hope everyone will like this fun show, and hope that more performers will participate in this grand performance."

The ceremony continues.

At this moment, even Oren, who hates magic, fixed his eyes on the Lord of the Demon Face, because he felt a huge threat from the man.

Getting closer to the Excalibur, and being held by Lester's left hand, Misha only felt that the throbbing in her heart became more and more profound, fear, longing, nostalgia, longing...

All kinds of emotions turned into complex emotions that impacted his reason. The closer he was to the Excalibur, the more he longed to be close to the Excalibur.

When her sanity was about to collapse, the blond girl suddenly remembered the little things she had with the man in the past month, as well as the encouragement lingering in her ears.

"Misha, no matter what happens in the future, you have to understand that you are a good girl with your own thoughts, your parents gave you life and humanity, and gave you the name 'Misha', this is you The most precious things in life, you can never abandon them. Anything that tempts you to give up your humanity and feelings is your sworn enemy. You must reject them without hesitation, and kill them when necessary... "

The words engraved into the bones and integrated into the soul made the girl wake up, and then she gave up the idea of ​​breaking free, but pulled her closer.

Sensing the change in the girl's movements, Lester smiled silently under the mask, using magic to deepen the hypnotic memory was indeed more useful than normal subconscious implantation.

'Lester said that the Excalibur is likely to come from the heavens, and the heavens will make the user's emotions gradually fade away and become inhuman,

If that's the case, I can't agree, obviously feelings are the most precious thing...'

Thinking about it this way, Misha only felt that the temptation of the Excalibur to her suddenly became much less, which formed a strong contrast with the feeling of being enchanted just now, but instead made the girl a little wary of the Excalibur that affects people's hearts.

Unlike Misha, Hina, who focuses all her attention on men, has a dispensable Buddhist mentality towards Excalibur. For the black-haired girl, every minute and every second with Lester It is the most precious thing. At this moment, the romantic ceremony like a wedding hall makes the girl completely forget that she is also the master of the half-excalibur.

After the episode, there was no further disturbance, and the three of them smoothly followed the crystal ice steps to the deep pit. The man stopped outside the pit, let go of his two little hands, and gave the two girls an encouraging hug.

"Go, as the true master of the Excalibur, you will not suffer any harm, and I am here to watch you."

Glancing at each other, Misha and Hina plucked up their courage, held hands, glanced at the unusually nervous father in the stands, and walked down together.

The two beautiful girls were getting closer and closer to the Excalibur, causing many people present to hold their breath.

If it is also a failure, it would be a pity to lose two such beautiful girls.

On the contrary, many smart people who knew the Lord of the Devil's Face were thinking about why the Lord of the Devil's Face believed that the two girls were qualified to draw their swords. Then, considering the girl's life experience, they quickly learned about the existence of Zilam.

Knowing the girl's life experience from the accompanying staff, Oren frowned.

"So, Zilam, who was a refugee, originally wanted to settle in Demacia, but later left Demacia because of Jiawen's policy, and brought his daughter to the Emerald Territory?"

"I'm afraid this is the case. Because the Lord of the Devil's Face seized the power of the Nokmochi Plain by means of a refugee invasion, and defeated the Mombians, which aroused Uncle Jiawen's vigilance, and Uncle Jiawen began to strictly examine the identity of the refugees. , so that the terrified Zilam had to give up the idea of ​​settling in Demacia... I have to say, if this is the plan of the Lord of the Demon Face, it would be too scary..."

"No, it's not a plan. It should be a coincidence. Otherwise, with Lester's means, he would definitely send someone to take Zilam away instead of letting Zilam take his daughter to defect. Before that, Lester also Don't know what Chiram's daughter really means..."

Shaking his head and rejecting Kraken's guess, Oren glanced at the two girls, then quickly looked at the man's tall and straight back, serious and deep.

"Although it is a coincidence, this man is too scary to have such a keen determination. If Demacia and Noxus go to war, the emerald collar will not only become the bridgehead of Noxus, but also the most difficult The enemy we are dealing with, if it is confirmed that Noxus will launch an invasion of Demacia, we must give priority to killing this man at all costs, even by means of assassination!"

Having come to his own conclusion, Oren closed his eyes and avoided the man's meaningful gaze before Lester turned to look over.


The call of the Excalibur became louder and louder. Misha and Hina slowly approached the glazed sword, the God-given Excalibur with a glittering golden hilt, trying to suppress the impulse of the body.

Finally, the two girls were less than two meters away from the Excalibur. It seemed that they had sensed the girl's existence. The Excalibur began to emit a faint golden halo and began to show its own vision, which also made many emerald collars who were worried about the girl's safety Min breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the vision does not prove that the girl is the chosen one of the Excalibur, at least it means that the girl has a different identity from other sword drawers.

Some people have always been aloof.

"Did you hear that, sister?"

Hina stopped one meter away and stopped.

"Yes, sister, I heard a familiar call."

Nodding her head, Misha also stopped, hesitated, and spoke.

"It's like... mother's voice..."

"Sister, do you believe this is a gift from our mother?"

Seeing the weird smile on her younger sister's face, Misha shook her head.

"I don't know... It's just that if this is a gift from our mother, I don't think it should look like this."

Although the memory of her mother is already blurred, Misha is willing to believe that her mother is a very gentle person.

How can a gentle person forcefully use his gentleness to destroy other people's feelings?

Nodding noncommittally, Hina whispered.

"Brother Lester told me that no matter what Excalibur told me, I couldn't believe it, because the owner of this sword, the so-called god, broke up our family, forcibly separated our parents, and even said, enslaved our mother..."

"Wait, Lester didn't talk to us the same way?"

"It's different. Brother Lester told me that sister, you are the true master of the Excalibur and the ultimate goal that the gods want to control. In order to convince you of this, Brother Lester specifically told me to let me I will tell you before touching the Excalibur, otherwise you will never believe what evil and despicable thing we are about to obtain."

Holding her sister's hand, Hina's face became serious.

"Are you ready, my sister? Get his power, and then, reject everything from him!"

After hesitating, Misha nodded.

Taking a deep breath, the two of them moved towards the hilt of the sword at the same time.

The work gradually became busy, and the big bid for the communication business came in March. In order to earn a salary of more than 2,000 a month, I needed to do a lot of bids. What's more, I can only save my hair,

It will be difficult to add updates in the days to come. As a newly graduated 966 social animal, please understand the author’s difficulties. It takes one and a half hours to finish writing a chapter without getting stuck, and it takes more than three hours to maintain two chapters a day. After a day’s work, it’s six or seven o’clock in the evening, and I don’t have much creative time left. Although I’m very talented, I can’t always have creative inspiration.

In order to add more frequently, I usually write until after twelve o'clock, but my health is getting worse and worse. I sit in front of the computer for a whole day. At a young age, tenosynovitis and cervical spondylosis have also begun to show signs.

When I can earn a stable monthly income of 6,000 from this book, I will have a reason to explain the situation to my family in a fair manner, quit my job directly, and concentrate on health care and writing a book.

At that time, there will be four shifts a day, and five shifts on Saturdays and Sundays. Bobby will do what he says! I must write down these thousand years completely!

Damn, under the background of the world like Runeterra, the two cities with a big fart and no shit in the place are nothing! I can't believe my book is worse than the book on The Battle of Two Cities!

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