League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 246 Chapter 245 The Star Destroyer Dragon King slandered by Dai Xiaonv Hina (seeking monthly

Even a jury in the name of justice may be dizzy by eloquent people, and make wrong judgments under the words of others.

The conversation with my mother at this moment seems to be that the mother is deliberately guiding her emotions and the rhythm of the conversation to make herself dissatisfied with her father.

If the person in front of her is really a gentle mother, would she use words to provoke the relationship between her daughter and her father?

After doubts appeared in her heart, in the eyes of Misha, the mother who was kind and gentle just now always had an indescribable weirdness.

It was her mother, but there was a real sense of strangeness. Misha didn't know where the problem was, but she knew that she should put aside her daughter's emotional yearning for her mother at this moment and be more rational.

The experience of studying in the jury chaired by Epsol made it easier for Misha to remain rational and difficult to be influenced by others.

The girl took a step back calmly, left the warm embrace of [Mihila], wiped the wet corners of her eyes naturally, and said tentatively.

"Mom, Dad has always missed you, Mom, every day and night. He said that the thing he regretted the most was taking my sister Hina and me away from Mom, and he also said that Mom, you were controlled by the evil gods in the heavens. Unable to get away, he turned a blind eye to his departure. He said, Mom, you will come down one day and reunite with Hina and me. Our family of four can..."

"It's Morgana, it's very important, my Kyle, forget about [Xina], a mortal name that has become a thing of the past, after mastering the power of the Starfire Runeblade, you and Morgana have become gods, out of the mortal body,

Your god name is Kyle, the angel of justice, and your sister's god name is Morgana, the angel of justice. This is the name given to you by the God of Justice, and it also includes my love for you, Kyle and Morgana. Names can bring you strength, but Misha and Hina can't. What belongs to mortals should belong to mortals.

Remember, from the very beginning, you and Morgana have inherited your mother's divine power from the gods. Mortals have flaws, but you and Morgana are extraordinary people.

As a member of the heaven, you are flawless and cannot be blasphemed. You must have the self-awareness of God, abandon everything in the mortal world, go to the heaven to fight side by side with your mother, and drive out the evil and darkness in the world. Pursuit of the future. "

Mihira first interrupted Misha's words, and then continued.

"My dear daughter, your father is talking nonsense, your mother has never been controlled by the gods of the heavens, the gods of the heavens are the gods of justice who exercise righteousness and righteousness, how can they do such despicable things to control mothers, Mom is free,

And you have to understand that mother is in the heaven for the stability and peace of this world, to get rid of evil, and she voluntarily stays in the heaven..."

"Then, Mom, are you going to come down from the heaven and reunite with Dad?"

Misha lowered her head, [Mihila], who had been trying to guide her daughter's emotions, suddenly found that he couldn't see through her daughter's thoughts at the moment, so he said what Mihira himself would say.

"Of course I will. I have always loved my daughter and husband. It's just that the cruel battle in the heavens doesn't allow me to leave. When I complete the mission God entrusted to me, our family can be reunited."

Misha raised her head, hesitantly looking at her compassionate mother.

"But mom, you just said that you are free, and now you are saying that you are not allowed to leave in the battle of the heavens. Mom, which of the words you said is true?"

Mihira's face seemed to be stiff for a moment, but she didn't seem to, she sighed, and the woman who was not understood by her daughter turned her body sadly, and gradually drifted away in the girl's world.

"It's time for mother to descend...

Kyle, you will understand in the future what a heavy mission your mother has shouldered. Go, accept your mother's power with your younger sister Morgana, and find the justice and the future in your heart. Mom is waiting for you in heaven..."

After her mother Mihira left, everything in front of her eyes turned into a stream of nothingness, and Misha lost consciousness.


On the other side, in Hina's conscious world.

Mihira had an angry look of hating iron but not steel. In front of the woman, the black-haired girl sat with her legs spread apart in an 'M' shape without cultivation, and suddenly she lay on the ground with her legs crossed and the back of her head in her arms, with a smile on her face. Staring intently at his 'mother' who was about to jump.

"Mom, I don't call you shit Morgana, I'm called Hina, Hina~ Hina~ Hina~ what a nice name, both Dad and Brother Lester like it, as for Morgana? What the hell name? The name given by the God of Justice is too bad, I don’t want any god name~”

The complexion of the holy woman controlled by the Protoss of Justice suddenly turned black. Even if Mihira's consciousness is still here, for such a rebellious daughter, her complexion may not be much better.

This is completely different from the expected situation. Compared with her elder sister, the girl in front of her is far more disobedient and less attached to her mother than Protoss imagined. Expand the emotional topic between mother and daughter.

Where did the lovely daughter who was like a good baby go?

Rarely, the Protoss of Justice regretted that it hadn't put more divine power into the Starfire Runeblade, turning the hateful man with the evil emerald collar into ashes, and returning Runeterra a justice.

After holding back for a long time, Mihira, whose face was flushed, almost became a pig's liver, and the woman managed to utter a word.



The daughter's eyes narrowed, her face was calm but displeasure was brewing.

In the dungeon of Edge of Night, she likes to use this method to observe the condemned prisoners who deserve to die, and by the way, design new torture instruments for the condemned prisoners.

"Xina, don't you love your mother?"

Hearing that her mother didn't say the stupid [Morgana], Hina smiled with crooked eyebrows.

"Love, why don't you love? Hina likes Brother Lester and Mom and Dad the most~

Mom, you come down once in a while, get some rest and let Hina give you a massage,

This is my personal experience. Although it is still not as good as brother Lester's technique, I learned it from my sister with great difficulty~

Mom, this is the easiest way to make people feel comfortable~ I wonder if Dad has massaged you before..."

Getting up from the ground, Hina came to Mihira, and under Mihira's sad eyes, she put her hand into the halo and operated skillfully.

Facing the daughter who ravaged her body, the righteous star who has lived for thousands of years and has never experienced such a strange battle is neither moving nor moving, and the will of the protoss does not know what expression she should show, so she can only keep With a sad posture, she was motionless like a sculpture, without any reaction at all, which made Hina, who had worked hard for a long time, sigh, and retracted her useless hands a little bored.

The dough will not ferment and expand, and there will be no nice breath. This side is really boring.

Even if he slapped himself in embarrassment and anger, the woman in front of him was just like a wooden figure without joy or sorrow. Brother Lester was right, it was indeed a lie.

Lying back on the ground again, the girl dozed off and patted her mouth bored.

"Brother Leicester said that if you don't feel this, then you may not be a normal person, and you need special ancestral methods to cure physical diseases.

Mom, you should come down from the heaven and reunite with your father. Don't look at your father's age. When he was with Teacher Trisili, he was still very fierce...

But in my opinion, Dad is still a lot worse than Brother Lester. Hey, by the way, you can find Brother Lester, he is very powerful! At that time, the two of us will be together, and then we will call my sister..."

Turning around numbly, the Protoss of Justice has completely given up on this hopeless and unfilial daughter who tried to betray her mother, Mihira left quickly.

"You will understand later, Morgana, mother is waiting for you in heaven..."

Watching [Mother] leave, a sneer appeared on Hina's face.

"Heaven? Brother Lester said that dogs don't go to that place!"

At the same time, in an unknown galaxy in the universe, the Star-Forging Dragon King who was pulled by Pan Sen with the [Dragon Binding Lock] suddenly opened his mouth wide and sneezed, wiping his hairs with terrifying energy no less than a gamma ray burst. The vertical war protoss passed by, passing through more than a dozen lifeless planets along the way, and the aftermath flew into the deep space of the universe.

In the blink of an eye, tens of billions of meteorites turned into cosmic dust, scaring Pan Sen, who was on a dog leash.

The star rose crown has restrained and erased all the unfavorable and rebellious thoughts of the star dragon, how could the star dragon make such a threatening move against the giant god?

"Dragon! Are you trying to kill me!?"

I don't bother to pay attention to the dog-fighting things, and I just want to return to the heavens, and turn the incarnations of the despicable giant gods and their stars into interstellar dust. Feeling a little confused, I always feel that some interesting little life is slandering me.

Seeing that the Star Casting Dragon King ignored him, Pan Sen roared at the Star Dragon again.

"I'm talking to you! Can't you hear me!?"

"What? What kind of dog is talking to me? So there are flies in the universe?"

The Dragon of the Starry Sky glanced at the akimbo-kissed Pan Sen in a daze, and soon looked at the deep space of the universe, looking defiant.

Since the destruction of the Void Planet, Pan Sen, who was punished all the way by the unhappy Dragon King, suddenly became angry. One Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. He held the dragon-binding lock with his left hand, and tightly held the star-colored magic gun with his right hand. The war star spirit He kept his mouth shut and gritted his teeth.

"Oh, I'm hallucinating, and I heard a stupid and arrogant voice without warning! Ah~ So it's you, the idiot who grits his teeth every day, by the way, aren't you tired of living like this? "

"Dragon!!! Don't forget! Who is your master now!!!"

With a ruthless withdrawal of the dragon lock, the starry sky dragon staggered, and the star rose crown was used to curse and pain the dragon king. During the struggle, Aurerion Sol deliberately avoided a few planets, so that the cute The little ball was saved from disaster.

"Little thing, if you really think that a chain can turn a stalwart into a dog, then I can only say that in the name of Pan Sen, it's time to change someone..."

"You threatened me!?"

The angry war protoss was answered with the haughty nostrils of two oversized galactic rings.

"I think you misunderstood. You are not worthy of being threatened by me."

The fourth volume will end tomorrow, do you want to write a summary at the end of the volume?

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