League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 249 Chapter 248 The Road to the North

In Demacia, a remote village about a hundred kilometers away from the south of the Urus Mountains, a geology researcher with profound knowledge and kindness came here a few months ago.

The female scholar named [Leitis] followed the Demacian caravan passing through the Nokmochi Plain all the way westward, passed through several Demacian villages, and collected various rock samples along the Urus Mountains. Using the fine paper of Shurima in his hand to record the mountains and rivers in the land of Demacia, he mingled with the somewhat xenophobic Demacian locals with a gentle and polite attitude, and even got an attentive male suitor.

It’s just that this kind of behavior still aroused the suspicion of the Demacians. Fortunately, after the enchanter wearing the enchantment stone plate searched the upright female scholar, he did not find any illegal [spy items] or records of German The manuscript on the location of Marcia's village and military secrets did not detect any magical talent in the female scholar.

In addition to a few Shurima gold coins, the female scholar's luggage only has simple topographic maps of mountains and rivers and rock and mineral specimens, which makes the sheriff of Demacia completely relieved. Before the female scholar leaves, she will take the initiative to After submitting the items and passing the promise of review, the sheriff of Demacia granted the female scholar a basic pass in Demacia [Indigo Emblem], allowing the female scholar to continue walking on the land of Demacia.

Soon, Letis, who had obtained the right to move freely, left the caravan and approached the Urus Mountains further north.

Along the northward branch of the inland river (Harmony) on the west coast of the Sea of ​​Conqueror, Letis and his follower Evan came to a new village.

The pale gravel path along the way made the female scholar understand that even the solemn and solemn Demacia Arcane City cannot build beautiful and deadly enchanted stone bricks in every corner.

No matter where you are, there is always a place where the sun doesn't shine.

A dozen horse-drawn carriages loaded with heavy goods drove up. The convoy headed south all the way under the guard of armed sergeants. They saw Demacian soldiers getting closer, wearing simple leather armor and wearing crude long swords. Ranger Evan wanted to grab the female scholar's hand and lean against the side of the road with him, but the female scholar nimbly dodged it and caught him in vain.

Although a scholar, a woman's senses and reflexes are exceptionally sharp.

Embarrassment flashed by, and Evan withdrew his right hand as if nothing had happened, and said in a low voice.

"This is the escort escorting the ore, Ms. Lettis, we'd better get out of the way, otherwise it may cause trouble."

"I understand, but, Mr. Evan, you really don't need to follow me anymore. Demacia is safe enough. As a ranger, you should do more important things, such as fighting violence, fighting bandits, etc. ?"

Leaning to the side of the road to make way for the convoy, the female scholar had a polite smile on her face.

The female scholar with a high ponytail is wearing a scholar's unique white robe and brown leather underwear on her high cloth boots.

The woman has a smooth and full forehead, a beautiful face, willow-leaf eyebrows, and sexy thick lips. She not only has the quiet temperament of a scholar, but also has a bit of solemnity and momentum that women rarely have.

He didn't care about the woman who rejected him, and Evan, who followed a few steps, smiled and showed his courage and perseverance to stalk.

In his opinion, there has never been a chaste and strong woman in this world. As long as you keep your face down and maintain enough patience and skills, a sensual woman will always have such an inconspicuous moment of vulnerability, allowing herself to take advantage of it.

For most sensual women, the husband's tender waiting for more than ten years is sometimes really not worth a night of heartfelt satisfaction from an idiot.

Whether it's a married woman or a pure girl, the beauty he covets is nothing more than the sense of accomplishment at the moment of success, which is the top-level pleasure that transcends physical desires.

His biggest dream is to be a living erotic ranger, not a mummy hung on a wooden pole and everyone shouted and beaten, and let his romantic affairs spread throughout Demacia.

"Even in Demacia, there are many refugees with malicious intentions doing evil. They idled, left their homeland, and came to the beautiful fertile land of Demacia. They wanted to find stability and fun for nothing. I don’t know, even in Demacia, there is no room for idlers, so they took up their swords, hid in the dark, and looked for their prey with evil eyes.”

The man's serious appearance made the woman raise her eyebrows. Seeing the woman's reaction, Evan held the sword hilt at his waist, and looked at the sides behind the woman with a serious face, as if a crisis was around him.

"You followed the caravan all the way. Under the protection of the caravan, you must not feel the undercurrent hidden under the stability. However, just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Lord Jarvan's refugee arrest order ten years ago was made for this reason. Many disgusting sources of evil were arrested by Mr. Jarvan as laborers, which made the law and order of Demacia much better...

And I have been traveling all over the world for several years, and I have seen many sad tragedies. A charming lady like you has always been the first target of those villains, and I have long been impressed by your knowledge and courage. I am willing I will protect your safety with my own life, and my only request is that you must not drive me away, and let all my sincerity go to waste. "

Frowning, Meredith, who used [Leitis] as her pseudonym, was a little annoyed by the man in front of her who had been pestering her since a month ago and had some background.

Speak well and don't listen. If you do it, you may not be able to beat the man holding a crude iron sword when you actively use the [magic lock ring] to restrain the flow of magic power. You can't find the sheriff of Demacia. There are enough reasons to drive him away. The man in front of him can be said to be a real dog skin plaster, the kind that can't be pulled off if it sticks.

The most important thing is that I really have nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, Meredith couldn't help but regret that she didn't let Lester arrange a few secret guards to protect her.

'What would you do if it were you? '

Meredith sighed, glanced at the receding cargo convoy, and said softly.

"Mr. Evan, I just want you to know that I already have someone I like, and it doesn't make any sense to be entangled like this."

"Of course, an outstanding scholar like you will naturally have no shortage of suitors. I know that I am just the humblest and most inconspicuous one, but I still have the courage to be by your side, Ms. Lettice, with luck." , to do things for you that are in your power that your partner cannot do in time."

Since Meredith can't get rid of it for the time being, Meredith can only take the man to the north together. Fortunately, the female mage can also see that although Evan has thoughts about himself, he is not the kind of rotten person who uses dirty tricks. The most important thing for a romantic ranger is to impress his target with 'sincerity', not coercion.

Moreover, a local Demacian with a certain background can also successfully find his predecessor in the mage world.

Hai Liya's mission location is in the Demacian village called [Mithrin Village], so you can always find news when you go to Mithril Village. Fortunately, the road is not too far away.

Taking a deep breath, Meredith, whose alias was Lettis, continued on.

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