League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 251 Chapter 250 Absolute Fear (seeking monthly subscription)

Under extreme fear, the corners of Vega's mouth curled up evilly again, and his positive emotions towards beautiful things were on the verge of being broken.

Only by obeying Mordekaiser's will can he get rid of fear.

This is the only way to be at peace.

Before the dark thoughts of destruction and destruction took control of his will again, Veigar was surprised to find that his eyesight quickly raised his head. When he came back to his senses, he had been hugged in an extremely shameful gesture, and the terrifying evil thoughts seemed like a The big goose, which was only choked by someone, completely died down.

"You must be very scared and lonely."

The warm heart dispelled the fear, Veigar, who forgot to be vigilant, put his face on the human chest in a daze, his mind went blank.

Slowly sitting on the ground, Lester adjusted the posture of the short yordle in his arms, so that the yordle could just look sideways at the sky with him.

"Vega, let me watch the stars with you. I know that there is the celestial magic you want on it. One day in the future, we will go to the celestial realm together to help you find powerful celestial magic."

"Heaven... magic..."

His body trembled, and Veigar's eyes widened when he came back to his senses. The warlord's iron claws grabbed Lester's arm tightly, and purple bruises were pinched out through his clothes. The yordle's feet began to struggle, Want to break free from the 'shackles' of human beings.

The only thing the yordles have forgotten is their powerful dark arcane.

"Who are you! Let me go!"

"What you fear most is loneliness, but you have been locked in a dungeon for hundreds of years. You are a kind yordle, but you were bewitched by the tyrant to gain a sense of security..."

"Human! Let me go! I'm going to destroy you!"

Allowing the unknown face under the mysterious magic to penetrate his fangs into his right forearm, Lester hugged him tightly with his left hand again without changing his face, and put his chin on the magic hat again, gently Against the yordle's little head.

The yordle in front of him was different from the stinky Kled. Although he was wearing weird and scary equipment, he had an unusually pleasant smell. Although he couldn't tell what it was, he didn't hate it.

Obviously, Veigar is different from the sloppy king Kled, he is a good boy who loves cleanliness.

"Vegar, you want to get rid of his influence, so you try to imitate and learn his behavior style, but your kind nature prevents you from doing the same atrocities and actions as him, and all your evil deeds are not separated from him. In the realm of mischief, you don't want to actually hurt anyone, so you've been on a painful and lonely journey, struggling to find your own redemption."

The blood on the forearm had already soaked the sleeve, but Lester felt that Vega's fangs seemed to loosen a little.

The man's tone became softer and softer. Elena's strength gave him the confidence to appease the yordles. He also believed that Veigar, who was kind by nature, would not really hurt him.

"If possible, I want to give you a little courage to defeat him. I don't know if I can be your salvation and help you get rid of your nightmares. I only know that if you are in pain, you can come to me and I will give you A hug, if you have any grievances, you can also come to me, I will listen to you quietly, give you encouragement and comfort,

Make me your friend, Veigar. "

After an unknown amount of time, Veigar finally loosened his bloody fangs, and he could no longer find any reason to hurt the human beings in front of him.

The yordle lowered his head and quietly looked at the red-stained sleeves of the human being. The man in front of him was the only human who was willing to be friends with his crazy self, but he hurt him.

The sharp voice suddenly felt a little bit more wronged.

"Yes, I'm sorry... I sometimes... can't control myself..."

"No, your will is already very strong. Even the most powerful person can't endure a hundred years of loneliness, but you did it. You should be proud of you."

Seeing that Veigar finally calmed down, Lester let go of the yordle a little bit, allowing the yordle to gain more room for movement, and also allowing Lester to observe the mysterious face under the iron hat face to face. .

Sure enough, under the magic hat, there are two circles of 'evil' yellow light, but the yellow light is different from the usual fierce inverted triangle. At this moment, the yellow light is in the shape of two 'Q' shapes (refer to QAQ, but there is no A), as if crying, looks very pitiful.

"What's your name, why do you know about me?"

After remembering the appearance of the human being in front of him, Veigar leaned on the man's chest, tilted his head and looked at the night sky.

The stars of Runeterra are big and bright,

In the magician's world, many stars will spontaneously connect into a certain pattern and flash continuously, giving some gifted magicians some spiritual enlightenment,

Legend has it that it is the magical constellation located in the heavens, the origin of various top-level magics, and the location of the heavenly magic that Vega has been looking for.

For countless days and nights, I was alone looking at the stars, but this time there was an extra person, someone who was not afraid of being hurt by me and wanted to be my friend.

Looking at the starry sky, Veigar tried to recall the appearance of a human being, trying to see his friend's face clearly, but suddenly saw his worst nightmare.

The undead tyrant named Mordekaiser walked towards him dragging the wailing mace of his soul, and let out a low grin, intending to smash the humans behind him to death with one blow.

"The pain is eternal, and death is not your final destination..."

Nightfall lifts up,

Hit it hard!

For a moment, Veigar, who was afraid of losing his friend, grabbed his staff and activated the teleportation magic.

"My name is……"

Dots of purple stars appeared in front of his eyes, and there was nothing in front of the man.

Standing up, Lester looked up at the night sky expressionlessly. With the help of Elena, the wound on his right arm had spontaneously stopped bleeding and began to heal slowly. Vega had already left, so there was no need for him to continue pretending to be injured. .

Until now, he didn't understand how deep Mordekaiser's influence was on the dominated.

The protoss who enslaves the dragon king sees nothing in the world, the master of the underworld is dominating the souls of the dead and preparing to sweep the world, the lost darkborn are ready to move in the seal, and the void that destroys everything is waiting for an opportunity in the dark side of Runeterra.

The catastrophe of annihilation is hidden, and there are still endless battles between countries. The world in front of us is beautiful and fragile, but all living beings can obtain the capital of a peaceful life in a strange balance.


How can such a world last for thousands of years without being destroyed?

Is it possible to continue because of a messy script written by a certain game company?

Can a company that can't even grasp the balance of the game well, dare not even open a global dialogue, and guide players how to play traditional games with capricious and stupid rules, can really determine the fate of a vast world?

The truth is, it can.

If you don't intervene, this ridiculous world will continue for thousands of years.

Lester suddenly felt very funny, and he also started laughing out loud, very unscrupulously, until he burst into tears.

Di Master, who was guarding nearby, quietly approached some abnormal men.

Perhaps in his opinion, it is normal for the master to behave like this.

"Master, do you need me to continue searching for Vega's trace?"

Wiping his tears, Lester shook his head, turned and left.

"The seeds of trust have been planted. What we need is a little more patience. He can't escape."

Country M: Russia S is a broken house with nothing in it, you can hammer it hard and it will be over, I will support you

Uk L: Boss! Boss! I hammered! But a group of bald men came out and wanted to fuck me! Boss help!

Bei Y: We severely condemn Russia's military actions that disrupt peace! Come on Ukraine L! Don't be afraid, De G, we support you with 7000 helmets!

Uke L: ? ? ?

De G: ? ? ?

Uke L: I*%\u0026amp;North¥... United G! You must maintain world peace! I request to apply for arbitration to disrupt the peace and cause disputes in Russia S!

Russia S, the rotating presidency of the United States: Don't worry, brother, we will send peacekeeping troops into Ukraine to prevent the invasion of Russia S!

Uke L with his trousers ripped off: Does the boss still call him the boss? What do you think of a cockroach? Isn't this forcing them to learn to sing the national anthem? What about the white light? Where is my white lamp father?

A reporter from country M who was kicked out of Bai Gong just now: Bai Deng is having diarrhea!

People who eat melons: Congratulations to Mr. Pu J for breaking the record of Mr. A Dao F with a speed pass of 1 hour and 22 minutes. Long live the Elden Ring!

Bobby Bobby: Fuck, then Fuck

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