League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 260 Chapter 259 Forbidden Disc

Eternal-East of the Green Tooth Peak line, above the Milky Way.

The Demacian soldiers holding crossbows and spears in the sentry tower intercepted them on the shore, and the boatman had to dock the boat on the shore.

Leading the horse down from the small boat, Isaiah took a deep breath, instinctively held the saber around his waist in hostility, and was patted on the shoulder by the Nightblade disguised as an ordinary person behind him, and then slowly relaxed. open.

"Ahead is the border of Demacia! Noxians, explain why you are here! Otherwise we will attack!"

The whistle chief of Demacia winked at his subordinates vigilantly, and the crossbowman rewound his crossbow and pointed it at the four people including the boatman.

"Winged Swords! I am the negotiating envoy on behalf of the Emerald Lord, and I am here with the iron will of the Emerald Lord and Noxus. As long as I have any damage, the next day, this place will become a battlefield ! Demacia will shed blood like rivers! You are the sinners of Demacia!"

The sonorous and forceful voice stunned the whistle chief. Seeing that the Noxus soldier holding a dark red metal pass token did not seem to be lying, the whistle chief put down his hand and signaled his colleagues to put away their weapons first.

I haven't said clearly yet, if I accidentally go off, it will be very troublesome.

He simply cannot bear the responsibility of going to war between the two countries.

After thinking about it, the whistle chief still said tentatively.

"I don't know what you are here to talk about? It will take time for me to report to the captain. Before that, you can only stay here and you are not allowed to enter the country."

Hearing what the Demacians said, Isaiah didn't accept this at all, but said with a serious face.

"Whether you report it or not, I can only say that you don't have much time, of course you can delay as much as possible, because the result depends only on you,

But I can tell you that because of Demacia's rude behavior, the Emerald Territory has entered a state of full-scale war. If you don't hear from me, the Emerald Territory's army will cross the Nok Mochi Plain in four days. , all the way to break through the Green Tooth Peak and Eternal Peak, level the Demacia Plain, and go all the way to Erenmont, when the time comes, it will be a scene of endless death,

Okay, I'm done. Since you don't want to talk about it, you have to report it, then wait for the war... The talk has been brought, since you don't want to talk about it... let's go. "

Seeing that the extremely arrogant Noxus Diao Mao was about to take the other two on his horse and leave without saying a word, the head of the post with question marks was completely panicked. He was just a small post and was only responsible for guarding one post. The person in front of me is only out of duty,

He usually beats bandits at most, and he doesn't know what happened, let alone what kind of [disrespectful actions] his country has made to attract Deno to go to war.

If he just let the other party leave like this, the emerald leader would actually send troops to the Green Tooth Peak and start a formal war with Demacia due to lack of timely communication.

"Hey! Don't leave, you can talk! You can talk! Talk well, you can enter the country! But at the very least, you have to let me know why the Emerald Leader sent troops to fight?"

Only then did Isaiah stop, and looked at the Demacia chief coldly, his face frosty.

"Demacia captured and imprisoned Lord Meredith who visited Demacia as a scholar, and Lord Meredith is the leader of the Emerald Leader Black Rose Mage Group,

The impolite act of imprisoning Lord Meredith has seriously offended the lord of the Emerald Lord. Lord Leicester's supreme majesty, taking action against Lord Meredith is no less than attacking the Black Rose Mage Group, which is equivalent to attacking the Emerald Lord. Lead the most serious military provocation! "

Hearing what Isaiah said, the whistle chief turned pale with fright.

Damn, Demacia actually arrested and imprisoned the military leader of the Emerald Territory? Is this okay?

"How could such a thing happen!?"

The whistle chief was really a little panicked.

Nodding, Isaiah continued.

"The people of Demacia and the Emerald Territory have always been good-neighborly and friendly, and the Emerald Territory does not want to start a war lightly, so the lord sent me as an envoy to understand the situation. However, if Demacia is obsessed with it, he will not release Lord Meredith , or have done despicable deeds to hurt Lord Meredith, then the future between the two countries is only war! There is no peace!"

A gust of cold wind blew by, and the whistle chief realized that he was covered in cold sweat. He made eye contact with the rest of the restless Demacian soldiers, and quickly responded.

"Okay, I understand, the messenger from the Emerald Territory, I don't understand the situation, and I can't make the decision, but my soldiers will protect you and quickly enter Demacia to find General Oren or Lord Jarvan Let’s settle this dispute, can you see the result?”

Seeing Noxus' stern face nodding his head, the whistle chief heaved a sigh of relief.

Sending the plague god of Noxus to the top to make the people above have a headache, his little heart can't stand this.

"Pell! You lead the soldiers of the first team to protect this... this... your name..."

"My name is Isaiah."

"Use the fastest speed to protect the Lord Isaiah envoy and his entourage to find General Oren. There must be no mistakes, understand?"

"Understood! Sir Master!"

The squad leader named Pell brought eight other soldiers to the side of Isaiah and the two Nightblade killers, and gave a Demacia military salute.

"Then I will lead the way for you, my lord envoy."

Watching the three of them transfer to two Demacia wooden boats and slowly leave the Milky Way, the chief sentry ran to the pigeon room at the top of the sentry tower, and wrote down what he saw and heard on paper as fast as he could. Three parts, divided into three batches, painted with three red marks, and put them into the mailbox of the pigeon leg.

The three carrier pigeons spread their wings one by one, and the whistle chief relaxed a little, but seeing the setting sun outside the window was like blood, which made the whistle chief feel heavy again.

In a trance, countless Demacians died on the beautiful green plain in front of them, dyed the Milky Way red, turned Cangshan into a pile of bones, and the smoke of blood and fire was getting higher and higher.

"But don't fight..."


Evan was falling asleep when he heard the door being kicked open, followed by a woman's ear-piercing scream.

A Jiling woke up, but because of overwork, the Merry Ranger, whose legs were weak, hadn't reacted and pulled out his iron sword, before he was pinned to the ground by the enchanter in white robes and put on wooden shackles.

"Woman, are you also a criminal who shielded the mage?"

Watched by the indifferent eyes of the enchanter, the woman closed her mouth in fear and shook her head instinctively.

Just kidding, she doesn't want to die.

"You screamed just now, are you reminding the rest of your companions? Are you dissatisfied with our execution of the arrest? Want to buy time for your companions to escape?"

The woman was shocked, she completely forgot that she was not naked, and frantically found excuses and reasons for herself.

"No, my lord, I just... only realized after you came in that this man who claimed to be a mage killer was so despicable that he even deceived a weak and pitiful widow like me!

I never thought that this man who is called a hero by everyone is actually an evil criminal who is in league with the mage! I was screaming in horror at being tricked by this criminal! Just thinking about having sex with a man like that makes me sick! I can't wait to kill him now! "

"Very well, it seems that you are not his accomplice."

Hearing such a conclusion, the woman relaxed and collapsed on the ground.

"Take the liar's head away, it's time for him to pay for deceiving Demacia."

Before he could say anything to defend himself, Evan was kicked in the stomach, and then his mouth was stuffed with his own stinky crotch beside the bed. The man looked desperately at the white robe that brought him glory and wealth A person is like a butcher who kills a pig, he puts a sack on his head casually, and only leaves a cold sentence.

"Connect with the mage, assist the mage to escape, conceal the whereabouts of the mage, death penalty!"

The body was pressed on the bed, and his head stuck out from the edge of the bed. At a certain moment, Evan felt a chill on the back of his neck.

In the next second, his vision quickly turned black, and the last image in Merry Ranger's memory was a disc badge pinned to his chest.

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