While the woman was smoking, Knowsless passed the woman vigilantly, went to the cell at the back, and saw the corpses of two demons lying on the ground and a man whose face had been slashed by a sword. female corpse.

Judging from the death condition of the corpse alone, there is no doubt that the perpetrator was a ruthless guy.

Kneeling down for a closer look, Northles confirmed that the female corpse was indeed not Meredith herself. Combined with the toiletries on the ground and the wet hooded man he saw just now, Northles finally believed what the woman said and agreed. The Hooded Man was Meredith's version.

Standing up, Knowles looked at the tall woman and frowned.

"Where are your men taking Lady Meredith?"

"Hey, your question is a bit stupid. You have been tossing around for a long time. Where can you take it except leaving Demacia? But you, with such a strong smell of blood, should have killed many of us, right?"

Nervia leaned against the door of the cell, slowly exhaled smoke rings, and narrowed her eyes.

"I've been busy for little Meredith. In the end, you will cause another sabotage and kill so many of my subordinates... Just let you go, no, I'm not happy, this is not how it is done."

Blocked in the cell by a woman, Knowles took a step back and said coldly.

"What do you want?"

"Wash your face before you talk, don't dangle in that idiot's face like Beard's, I'm sick."

Knowing that women would not compromise, Knowles was not one to hesitate, so he washed his face with the clean water in the bucket, and unfurled his long hair, revealing a feminine and delicate appearance.


The cigar fell to the ground. Nervia stared blankly at the handsome man who looked like a hibiscus, her breathing became a bit heavy, and she felt a strong emotional impulse for the first time.

"Grass, grow so big, I have never seen a more beautiful man than you, are you really a man with handles?"

The husky female voice was extremely aggressive, giving Knowles a bad feeling.

He always had the illusion that in front of this woman, he seemed to be the woman.

"Stop talking nonsense, what do you want?"

"Needless to say? I fucking want to fuck you."

Nosless, who was ready to deal with all difficulties and even died, was completely stunned.

Is this woman really okay?

Nervia, who was full of swear words, pointed upwards with a serious face.

"Don't blame me for speaking bluntly. Think about it. Although there are a lot of scum and garbage in the Arcatraz team, I am a Demacian after all. You fucking killed so many of us and planted a bomb , With such a big battle, how much trouble and ass do I have to deal with? If I let you go for nothing, I will still be a dungeon guard? Why don’t you go home and have a baby.”

For an instant, Knowles felt humiliated.

The top killer who is the blade of the night, one of the five original killers, was actually threatened by a woman?

Isn't this what he should do?

It's not impossible to kill a woman, it's just that the probability is too low in the case of outnumbered enemies.

If there is no way to preserve a useful body,

I will never see the man I love again...

Knowing this idea, Knowles has already succumbed halfway.

He couldn't imagine not seeing his master, and this was also Heathlena's idea.

"Listen, beautiful man, I don't want to fight against the emerald collar, and I don't want to fight you to the death, but I can't just let you go, then I can only do what I can, and make some simple requests, at least Make up for your own losses, right? I have to get my money back, brother."

The woman pointed to the sword in her hand with an empty finger, and then pointed to herself.

"You don't have much time. Before others come, tell me, Jian or me, which one do you choose?"

"You are such a pervert, you seem to be very proud to say such an unsightly thing openly."

Putting down the long sword in his hand tauntingly, Nosless spoke with the woman's wanton smile.

"I can choose you, but I also have a condition."

Picking up the still burning cigar, wiped it and stuffed it into her mouth, Nervia took a sip with an indifferent look on her face.

For her, as long as it can achieve the goal.

"You say, I'm listening, as long as it's not too much, let me do whatever you want."

"I have to contact you as a woman, because my body only belongs to a man, but that person is not you, I can't let you come between me and him as a third party, for that man, I only If I can accept the result of being meddled by a third party, this humiliation will be borne by me, so my fiancée will become your prey."

After brushing the long hair around his ears, Knowles became his fiancée Heathlena, his eyes became soft and charming, and his voice became thinner.

"If you like Sislana, hurry up~"


The Baroque cigar fell to the ground for the second time. In front of the man who suddenly became feminine, the energetic woman was dumbfounded for a moment, and she was silent for a few seconds. Nervia rolled up her sleeves silently, completely putting men on the same footing superior.

"Damn it, I met a master."


It has been more than a week since Demacia Erenmont suffered a magical attack.

In the countryside of Demacia, a carriage with a light blue military flag was bumping on the road leading to Gendale.

Isaiah was sitting in the carriage, his stinky expression made the accompanying Demacian soldiers always feel that he owed him a hundred Shurima gold coins, but the drowsiness caused by the exhaustion of the ride was reduced a lot.

Twelve days have passed since entering the territory of Demacia. Even if you travel day and night with fast boats and horses, it is difficult to shorten the distance between Emerald Collar and Demacia. The group saved a lot of effort and greatly shortened the time spent on the road.

It seems that everything is going well, but he still doesn't know that Meredith, who he wants to rescue, has left the dungeon by accident and is on his way to the Emerald Collar. Demacia's secret stronghold sent news to the Emerald Collar, and has been running on the road since then. Today, it has lost contact with the Emerald Collar, and does not know the latest information from Northlace.

At the same time, after receiving the latest news from Isaiah through the Nightblade Killer, combined with the latest information about Meredith's whereabouts from Nosleys, Lester thought for a while and sighed secretly Choose to give up sending troops on a large scale, so as not to waste food in vain.

After being tossed about by White, the leader of the demons, Demacia happened to have a written waiver agreement signed by Meredith, which completely disrupted Lester's plan.

If you continue to use Meredith as an excuse to intimidate Demacia and start a war, the Emerald Territory will become an unethical party, although in Lester's view, with the help of the aggressive Noxus, annexation The wind reviews outside the Nokmochi Plain and the Jadeite collar in the south of the Shimmering Silver Mountains have no substantive positive effect. Marcia's diplomatic condemnation seems a bit stupid.

Either don't do it, if you want to fight, you have to beat it down thoroughly.

Because from the very beginning, this sudden war action was just to use Meredith to deter Demacia, show off its force to neighboring countries, and attract talents and outstanding foreign population to move in. It was only when Demacia was stupid to start the war. There will be another ending.

In addition, this operation can also test the organization of the emerald leader's various legion commanders for large-scale military operations, accumulate military dispatching and command experience at the level of thousands of people, and accumulate war experience for military talents and senior generals.

From the very beginning, Lester knew that Demacia would probably not make a fuss about Meredith because of the fact that Emerald had two angels that he couldn't handle, which meant that Demacia would give in. There is a high probability that the forces will not be able to fight.

In Leicester's plan, during the negotiation period when Isaiah was away, the emerald leader who occupied morality led a large-scale army for his mage group. Under the premise of leaving Meredith, the corresponding apology and compensation are given to allow the Emerald Leader to withdraw. This is the most likely and ideal situation. As long as Demacia is subdued, Demacia will be allowed to expand in the subsequent expansion. Potential allies in West Asia have lost confidence in resistance.

In addition, there is a very small possibility that Meredith has been killed by the Demon Forbidden, or has been seriously insulted. In this case, the Emerald Territory will formally launch a war against Demacia, and use the occupation of Erenmont as a strategy The goal is to launch an all-out war, turning the war plan passed at the military council into a cruel and great history,

If it really comes to that point, if there are no other force majeure unexpected natural disasters, Demacia will become the dust of history.

Although I don't want to change too much the development trajectory of Runeterra, and I don't want to be too public to avoid natural disasters and man-made disasters, but when the time comes, or if others are bullying me and are afraid to act, it is definitely not Leicester. style of doing things.

The destruction of Demacia, or even independence from Noxus, and the capture of the Immortal Fortress have always been in Leicester's consideration, and he has been reluctant to do it, just because it is unnecessary, or in other words, such a big move is not enough to impress Including the interests of people's hearts, if you don't make a move, it's just because it's not worth it. Compared with the risk, you can get too little.

The reason for not taking action is definitely not because he is afraid that the original history will be changed, so that he no longer knows future events and the ending of certain stories. For Leicester, current progress is always more important than future predictions. With the strength to dominate Runeterra and beat the Protoss Dragon King, who cares if Syndra can be found and subdued in a hundred years?

If breaking Erenmont can make Ryze an obedient boy who voluntarily handed in world runes, in Leicester's style, the Emerald Leader's army will appear on the land of Erenmont the next day, riding on the Gavindark's face output made Demacia a history.

With the help of runes and Ryze, even if the protoss descended from the world and the dark descendant was born, Lester has the confidence to touch it, and compare whose fist is harder.

Leicester is not afraid that the emerald leader will not be able to defeat Demacia. At this time, Demacia can only rely on the city wall of the forbidden magic stone and the army of steel swordsmen. Black Guard] and [Dark Blood Crossbow Guard] are restrained. Demacia has the Emerald Collar, and the air combat unit [Angel Sisters] that Demacia does not have also has the Emerald Collar. Regardless of external factors, if these can be defeated, Then the emerald collar has no meaning of existence.

In this era, without the guardianship of the twin angels Kyle and Morgana, without the construction of the giant statue of the forbidden magic stone, Galio, and without the Demacia Dragon Bird Knight and the Illuminati Mage Corps, Dema was ruled by Oren alone. The West Asian Legion and the Steel Swordsmen Legion will definitely not be the opponents of the Emerald Collar. After running the Emerald Collar for so long, Lester, who is another modern visitor from another world, still has this confidence.

It's just that accidents will eventually appear in the most unexpected places, which makes people feel helpless. The two expected endings were accidentally destroyed by the petty theft White, allowing Demacia to save face while sending Aisel Ya's emerald collar is a bit difficult to get off. It has to be said that the plan will never keep up with the changes.

"This is reality. Literary stories need logic, but reality does not."

Sitting on the soft leather mahogany chair, Lester patted Evelyn's head with a wry smile, indicating that he was sitting on his body and squatting down on the glutton, but he spread Valoran on the big table. The map of the southern part of the mainland, looking at the mountains and rivers on the map, lost in thought.

"This war will definitely not be fought, but the assembled troops and supplies can't be wasted. It's better to change it into a small-scale military exercise. It's not a waste of time."


Erenmont, the complex of buildings made of pure white forbidden magic stone is solemn and solemn. In the center, the tallest square-top conference hall is particularly conspicuous.

On the main seat of the conference hall, one of the founders of Demacia, Gavindark, was frowning at this moment, carefully watching the confidential information sent back by Demacia's spies, with Demacia sitting on both sides. The representative of the powerful family, as well as the two staff and deputy standing behind the representative.

Seeing that Gavindark's face was not right, the rest of the people looked at each other, their faces were tense and they did not speak, the atmosphere was very heavy.

As the representative of the Hilda family, Kraken sits in the second position on the right of Gavindark. Although his status as the "Head of the Steel Swordsmen Legion" is still on "vacation", as the best member of the Hilda family He is still eligible to represent the Hilda family to participate in the highest meeting that decides the future destiny of Demacia.

Handing the secret letter to Bunilis behind him, and asking Bunilis to put it away, Gavindark looked at the first person on his right, White Chrisman representing the Chrisman family.

"White, where is Lady Meredith of the Emerald Collar?"

4K words, two-in-one chapters, everyone, don’t raise them anymore, if you raise the author again, you will be confused

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