League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 277 Chapter 276 The Mad King

"The journey back was very smooth, and with the favorable wind, we returned to Kamavia in only sixty-five days. The result was not beyond our expectations. Queen Isolde was still dead, and the body was taken by his lunatic husband. Locked on the high tower of the kingdom, the entire mourning kingdom was dissatisfied with the rule of the mad king, but was killed by the tyrannical general Hecarim of the Iron Legion. The mad king, all in madness,

In the end, the most loyal General Calista was imprisoned for treason by his loyal uncle, the king. "

"Then what?"

Ke Ke asked, but Ke Yilan deliberately glanced at Lester, and saw that Lester didn't show any surprised expression, so he spoke with a little disappointment.

"I don't know much about what happened later, because the Kamavia Kingdom at that time had become a country of riots, the order collapsed, robbers and thieves were rampant, and even soldiers from the Iron Regiment killed people in the name of suppressing the rebellion. village,

We waited for another two days after sending General Calista off the ship, and received the ridiculous news that General Calista was being held for treason. Seeing that the soldiers on land began to look crazy at the ship, after replenishing supplies , we dare not stay any longer, dare not continue to wait for the reward from Kamavia Kingdom,

Under the command of the captain, we quickly headed north, leaving the crazy country that was completely plunged into bloody rage,

More than six months later, we successfully returned to Bilgewater Bay. At that time, we heard the news of the change in Blessed Island. No one knew how that sacred giant island became filled with black mist, haunted by ghosts and ghosts. land, but I think it should have something to do with General Calista and the crazy Kamavians,

It can be said that Fuguang Island will become that ghost now, and it has something to do with the people on our boat. Therefore, you should not spread this secret, so as not to cause trouble. "

The few people present, including the sailors passing by, were silent. Everyone was shocked by the captain's news, and they were immersed in the historical secrets involving the drastic changes in Fuguang Island. Only Lester still had a flat expression on his face, which made Vanity The captain with a swollen heart was a little upset, so he couldn't help but say something.

"Les...Master Nicholas, do you already know everything I have explained?"

Including the chief mate and the helmsman, everyone looked at the calm and indifferent Lord Lester. They all had enough for this man who secretly went to Ionia and went to Ionia under the alias of 'Nicholas Lister'. Curiosity and jealousy are just forced by the majesty of the lord, and no one dares to show it.

"Seeing that Ysolde was dead, Calista knew that things had reached the worst point, because the mage on Blessed Island had long said that even the water of life could not save a dead person. Lista doesn't want to tell the news about the water of life."

The man's calm voice was like a monstrous wave that hit Captain Kelan's heart. He couldn't believe that he, who had personally experienced major historical events, didn't know as much as a young lord.

With Kamavia in a state of chaos, almost no foreigners can leave the island smoothly, which means that the secret will be buried in the depths of the sea and swallowed by the black mist.

How did the young Demon Face Lord know about it?

The rest of the sailors cast their admiring eyes on the man, and the man waved to the happy little dragon bird flying in the air, and continued talking amidst Shia's cheerful soft chirping.

"For Viego who has lost his mind, the niece Calista who is hiding something from him is no different from treason, even if Calista is for his ridiculous order to save his wife from the beginning to the end, even if Calista He has been busy with absurd orders for almost a year, and worked hard day and night. Fiego also decided to use torture to force his most reliable general to tell the concealed information. For Isolde, the king of Kamavia Has been completely crazy.

In the end, it was the guardian of the king personally recommended and appointed by Calista. Hecarim, the new general of the Iron Legion, persuaded Foyege to give Calista some time. "

The cruel and heavy historical truth continued in the mouth of another legend. Everyone did not dare to take a breath. Even the captain Kelan, who had always been skeptical, could not find any unbelievable loopholes in his words, as if the words in the mouth of the Lord of the Demon Face The story is a continuation of one's own real experience.

Could it be that Leicester was in Kamavia Kingdom at that time?

Shaking his head, the captain was almost frightened by his outrageous guess, but Lester didn't care about the captain's performance, but sighed.

"With the help of Calista's trust in him, Hecarim persuaded Calista to believe that as long as he takes Foyego to the Blessed Island, Hecarim's master will personally serve Foyego. By explaining that the dead cannot be resurrected, Viego can let go of his obsession with the queen,

Hecarim also promised that if Fyego remained unrepentant, he and the Iron Group would stand by Calista's side and take King Fyego away forcibly, and would not take any people from Blessed Island. trouble,

Unsurprisingly, Calista, who never believed that she would be betrayed by the person she trusted the most, believed Hecarim's words, and she said it to her uncle, King Fyego, who had fallen into hatred and hatred. He told everything about Blessed Island, even the secret of the amulet that traveled through the white mist,

She didn't know that she had become the first betrayer without knowing it. She betrayed Fuguang Island, broke her promise to Master Hailiya, and brought disaster to herself and Fuguang Island. disaster. "

A nervous sailor farted suddenly, but the people present had no time to laugh at the idiot who couldn't pinch his air valve. They just breathed silently, not caring that the odor was artificially purified in the most efficient way. Start the second cycle.

Only Lester waved his hand, took a step back, and dispersed the stench.

"Under the guidance of Calista, several fast boats carrying the Iron Regiment, with all their strength, the Kamavian Kingdom Army with the Mad King and the Icy Queen headed towards the Blessed Island in the east.

Even though the white mist surrounding Blessed Island and the guards of Hylia refused the entry of the evil-minded army from the very beginning, the amulet in Calista's hand became the key to open the door, making the spirit of nature and the guards of Blessed Island lost. for defense,

Hailiya, who have never experienced cruel wars and live in peace and abundance all day long, only seek to explore the unknown and create a brilliant civilization, watched the warriors wearing steel armor and holding epees and halberds step off the big ship calmly, List the battle queues under the watchful eyes of all,

Hailiya guarded at the back of the sky, what he thought of was not to summon the mages to prepare to resist the invasion, but to ask the master of philosophy to persuade the mad king to give up his illusions and leave Blessed Island with sin in his heart.

The master told the king that his queen's soul had been taken away by the mother of masks, that no one could resist death, and that no one could really violate death, and that no one could resist the laws of nature. Of course, the king's response to the master was a The handle was an ancient magic sword inherited from the family. The sharp sword easily pierced the master's body, and the cold sword made the master shut his mouth smoothly.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the screams and fear of the Hylians, Viego gave Calista an absurd order to march to the Fountain of Life and kill all those who stood in his way. "

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